
You guys post so fast, I've been working on one for Ka for so long- xD Also, totally not using Skyrim for reference to what guard barracks look like, nope

I personally am trying to pace myself at one a day. Helps that I have two characters so they can respond to different stuff and I don't have to wait on responses. Also is helping my creativity to have different scenarios to jump between. But yeah the people cranking out 1k posts every day for the same character have me in awe *cough cough* Kampa *cough cough* Spellbound

Lol, Ebanon, I look up pictures of stuff from movies all the time to figure out how I want buildings to look like and stuff. Either that or I look up what stuff looks like. Half the time I forget the name and just call it a medieval wall thingy (or something) and hope that google gets it.

Didelphis- Ha xD My family is practically obsessed with medieval things, and I'm on WP a lot, so if you need to know things you could probably ask me if you want to- Google is always good though. Yep.

my entire right hand is aching rn but guess who is who

*internally panics* Kämpa said: my entire right hand is aching rn but guess who is who

its so messy that I doubt any of you will get it right LMAO

Eh... I'm guessing Mir and Zak are in the sketch, but that's all I've got- maybe Kris and Salen? No clue xD - My new longest post ever. Literally just a thousand words of commander rambles. Enjoy- Edited at June 17, 2022 12:22 AM by Ebanon

Sori: Please for the love of god don't ruin this alliance before it's started Mirian: lOoK aT mY sIsTeR pLaYiNg PeAcEkEePeR Also I saw height being talked about and would like to share that I'm like 6'1" Edited at June 17, 2022 02:42 AM by Polly

This. This is the line. I adore this line. He could hear Mircea now: "No one disrespect the spice, do they? Beats the spice to death? Good. So tell me who did."