
Alastor: his eyes darkened. "Clear as mud." With that the shadowy hands pullled him back and he seemingly disappeared. Alex had also disappeared with Alastor. There were tiny footsteps down the hall however, like a child's.

George: "God damn it Alastor," George swore glaring at the spot he disappeared at. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, George let out a long sigh. "Alright!! Whatever demon child or Shinning reference is at the end of the hallway can go away! I don't need this right now!!"

Alice: she appeared right next to him confused. Holding her bloody teddy bear. "What? Don't you want to see me??" Tears bubbles up in her eyes.

George: "Alice...?" George asked hesitantly before crouching down to her height, a large smile across his face. "No no no...! I want to see you! Please don't cry kiddo...!"

Alice: immediately the tears stopped. "Really?? But I was told nobody wanted to" she stopped talking after a second as her body seemed to tic or twitch for a few seconds. "See me!!" She continued talking like nothing happened.

George: "No it's just...," George sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's been a long day so far. I don't know how I am supposed to get through the rest of it. But umm... what's with the glitchy thing....? Is that something new that you're doing or?"

Alice: she tilted her head confused "what are you talking about? What glitchy thing?? Am I doing something wrong?" She frowned hugging his leg. "I'm sorry!!"

George: "Don't apologize silly goose...!" George chuckled, hugging her back tightly as a knot formed in his throat. "You did absolutely nothing wrong..."

Alice: she smiled again looking up at him. "But why were you being mean to Alastor?? I thought you were friends." she paused. "I don't like it when people are mean to Alastor."

George: "Well, in all fairness," George shrugged as he let go of Alice and stood, "he was being mean too. You know, I was gonna bring Alastor downstairs to grab a drink with him and help him calm down, but since he turned down my offer, would you like anything to drink?"