
I obviously know what it does, but I have never used it. Anyone who has, does it use your unburied food first, then go to your buried food? Like, if I have 4 explorers, 3 things of unburied food and 1 buried food, will it use those 3 unburied feedings before going on to my buried food, or will it only try to feed my wolves the buried food? Sorry if I am not explaining this well, but thank you for your help!

Your wolves will always eat unburied food before buried food. This is the same way.

If you decide to feed all explorers, food in unburied is prioritised over buried. So should you have four explorers, they would eat your 3 unburied foods before any of the unburied. :)

It will feed your wolves using the unburied food first and if that runs out, it will use your buried food to feed them.
