
Hello, I'm pretty new, started a few days ago.
Now I was wondering, aside from Explore, what's a good way to get a steady influx of mush? I've been considering auctioning off wolves, but my pups are all relatively unimpressive and unlikely to turn any heads. Any ideas?
Also, I'd like to trade mush for bone items, but I don't know how much to sell for. I don't see anyone else selling them at the moment, and the one forum post I saw for potion selling would put me at a loss in terms of how much mush it took to get even 30 bones. Some help on that would be appreciated. Edited at March 6, 2019 09:40 PM by Growth

Game Moderator Neutral
Explore, Auction, sell and in want ads there are some things that other players will ask help for and will pay in mush. You can put your wolves up for breeding and if you can do art then do art requests.
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more obvious answers by feiella :V but me, as a lazy ass person who just sits like a can on the sidewalk, joining (active!) alliances is a small side income you can get (25~75 mush a day (per alliance? not sure)) from the wins. you can help your alliances win by increasing your dominance (add cp to dominance trait on wolves, be careful or else you'll make a wolf you dont like an alpha, awkwaarrrd)
i also draw, but i suppose unless you're really good at art (which im not), its a hard world. the adopt forum can be a starting point in wp art industry lol.
even smaller thing: sell daily 5 (for others) character points (cp) for like 10~14 mush. theres usually always someone in sales asking to buy cp on a particular trait on a particular wolf for currency.
ye theres my lazy method go you if you manage to find the life in you to explore i sure dont
- mr. trashman

Breedings and sales.
Breed your females and sell the pups. Even duds can get you 5 mush now since ones were added
As for selling bones, you're probably not going to get shit. I have over 200 bones and I've been trying to sell them for months. People dont really want eye dyes as much as they want backgrounds which is something I cant sell them.