
for the most part I have been just browsing on this game. boring I know lol. so can anyone tell me tips and tricks on how to pick out and train a good battle wolf? also I don't really know how to check for any of the stats that I've heard of...

So HW is good, it means a Wolf is 130+ pounds Hero is also good, that means their vitals are all at least +1 Having at least half filled of the stats Battle, Agility, and Resolve using CP
PM if you have further questions :)

B R I G H T said: So HW is good, it means a Wolf is 130+ poundsHero is also good, that means their vitals are all at least +1 Having at least half filled of the stats Battle, Agility, and Resolve using CP
PM if you have further questions :)
thanks! now to go about finding a wolf like that...XD

Also, just to add on. Divine Healths are good for battle. They have 150 health instead of 100. There are other boosts that are helpful as well, but I feel divine healths are best

Moonshadow said: Also, just to add on. Divine Healths are good for battle. They have 150 health instead of 100. There are other boosts that are helpful as well, but I feel divine healths are best
noted. thank you!

Go to Realm > Trading Post and check the box 'Sale' to find wolves.
I'd suggest finding a wolf at least 2 years old but less than 8. All you need for a wolf to get maximum damage is to fill their battle character points to 200, either by adding daily cp or buying bronze figurines in barter.
Heavyweight wolves hit for the highest amount of damage (check the member guides on how to check weight in wolves under 4) but also tend to take the most damage from enemies. Lightweight wolves will take longer to train but are useful for player vs player battles. In my opinion any wolf over 120lbs is a good explore option.
Weather vitals only matter during a "weather event" so I wouldn't worry about those much.
Basically any wolf can be a good battle prospect if you put the time and character points into building them up. Battle boosts (Divine Health, *Crushing Strength, Elite Speed) are helpful but by no means required. PM me if you need any further help! Edited at February 20, 2019 11:31 PM by Mountain Ice

No, not Inner Strength. Composure is useless during fights. The other battle boost is Nimble Foot, which helps with Agility. Also, Crushing Strength is the same as Elite Speed. The real list (In PvP then explore order):
Divine Health/DH ES and CS (If they actually help in PvP, I forgot, and Crushing Strength and Elite Speed) Nimble foot
ES and CS DH Nimble Foot/NF All other explore-related boosts

Mountain Ice said:Basically any wolf can be a good battle prospect if you put the time and character points into building them up. Battle boosts (Divine Health, Inner Strength, Elite Speed) are helpful but by no means required. PM me if you need any further help!
Meant to quote this too there. Edited at February 20, 2019 12:01 PM by PinkStorm

PinkStorm said: No, not Inner Strength. Composure is useless during fights. The other battle boost is Nimble Foot, which helps with Agility. Also, Crushing Strength is the same as Elite Speed. The real list (In PvP then explore order):
Divine Health/DH ES and CS (If they actually help in PvP, I forgot, and Crushing Strength and Elite Speed) Nimble foot
ES and CS DH Nimble Foot/NF All other explore-related boosts
Oops, I meant Crushing Strength, not Inner. Other than DH I don't find them that useful. Thank you for the correction though.