
Hello, all! I joined last night but didn't have time to post. Some was explained but I was love to hear from you all on what I should do.
Best way to earn mushroom? How to get more wolves (just have my Alphas) Can I sell overstock foods? Best way to earn apples (if you can) Where to spend points first?
Any tips at all are welcomed really I know only a few things XD help a noob out :3
Edit: also confused on how the roleplay is done here you need to register? huh? Edited at November 5, 2018 11:27 AM by Majestic Mist

First of all, welcome to the game! :)
The best thing to do when you are new is exploring. Exploring can give you a nice amount of mushrooms, which you can spend on better explore wolves to earn more mushrooms. You can buy wolves under Realm > Trading Post and then just fill in the things you want the wolf to have. In Trading Post there are also wolves up for breeding, so if you breed a non alpha female to a male outside your pack, you will get the pups. You can sell food and items in your Market Den, which is located next to the little information thing on your den page (when you joined, how many paws you have a such). You can buy apples in Barter > Apples for real money, or you can buy some under Barter > Search > Scroll down and it should say 'Apples'. Most of them cost 1000-1400 mushrooms. I focus on maxing out battle first, followed by Agility, Stealth and then Resolve (for females Maternal too).
You can also participate in contests here on the forums, its easy to earn some mushrooms there for some people. Some contests also pay you for atleast trying, so that should work c:
I have no idea how roleplay works on here, I have never done it before.. So yeah.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me :)
Edited at November 5, 2018 12:06 PM by Carnivore

Thanks for your help :) I'll be sure to PM you if I ever have more questions though I'm sure I will have plenty :D

In the scenes, you register a wolf that you will play as for each scene.
You can then roleplay in the scenes with other people, that part is pretty easy to understand.
You can also roleplay in the forum. There's an entire section dedicated to roleplay, you can see it on the main forum page. Be sure to read the roleplay rule sticky threads first!

Ok, thanks might end up roleplaying over time when I can XD

Cute avi! Just be nice and follow the rules! Paws! :D

You'll also find some guides here https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=29
And you can go to Realm>Game Guide or Realm>FAQ's

Nutella Pancake - my avi? thank you
Mavi - Thanks, I did look there but some of it was a bit confusing. I find it easier to get feedback from users rather than a simple statement XD but then again I get confused easily at first