
I am sorry that I didn't do any screen-shots,but I had scavaner hunt task in which I was supposed to find: -gold earrings -bronze shards 1 -armaic seal
I have collected gold and bronze month ago and now when I met cheetah or gepard cubs and took their item which was Armaic seal it didn't count in my quest,like it didn't happen.
Armaic seal is now buried in my inventory.So I have the item,but quest didn't count my finding.
Edited at June 10, 2019 05:12 AM by Hurry

Thank you Mods,for giving me Armaic seal :)

Game Moderator Neutral
I'm pretty sure you have to dig up the items for this quest. I remember that's how I finished the quest at least
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Thank you,I didn't know that,I apologize for trouble in that case.
Hurry said: Thank you Mods,for giving me Armaic seal :)
I wrote this because exactly next thing I dug up was Armaic Seal and I am not sure if it's a coincidence X)
You may lock this now,thank you :D