
So, from what I read on a wiki, On the very first day of spring pups become fully grown, but the number that says age, for ex: Age: 1 How does that increase? Does it increase every spring? What is the chance of having a extremely rare defect like for example an albino? Is there another way to get apples and mushrooms besides events and exploring? I'm sorry for rambling..

Both Pups and Wolves age up by 1 year each first day of Spring. Defects and Boosts are Random. You can Buy Apples with Real Life Money under Realm>Barter>Apples. Or from Other Players in Realm>Barter>Search. As well as during certain game wide events. You can not find them while exploring. Exploring is the quickest and easiest way to earn mushrooms . But you can also earn them from sales of wolves, pups, or items via your market den. Just to name a few. Edited at May 10, 2017 05:25 PM by Mystics Majestics

Thanks! ^^ And forgot to add one question; to lazy to edit the post but. whats CP? Why does my alpha female have more CP than the alpha male?

The Ones who Lie said: Thanks! ^^ And forgot to add one question; to lazy to edit the post but. whats CP? Why does my alpha female have more CP than the alpha male?
CP is an acronym for Character points, or more commonly spoken of as "Character Attributes". These help build your wolves and influence how they interact with the world around them. As said in the Game Guide, different character attributes affect different features in the game. And, as you increase your wolves' character points, they will be better at battling and finding events while exploring. The better your wolf build, the more valuable they will be. Here is a list of all the Character Attributes and what they do;
Dominance - Pack Happiness, Chasing Packs Stealth - Tracking prey Perception - Discovering things while exploring Luck - Discovering things while exploring Maternal - Number of pups born Social - Befriending familiars Empathy - Healing animals Morals - Fixing the Beaver Dam Resolve - Offensive battle ability Composure - Raiding the Farmhouse Wisdom - Discovering things while exploring, Identifying prey Battle - Offensive battle ability Charisma - Number of pups born Agility - Defensive battle ability Spirituality - Discovering things while exploring
The reason why your female has more CP than your alpha male, is because your female is talented in that specific character attribute. A talented wolf will have 20 additional CP in a skill, 20 CP per talent.

Thanks! I just have one more question before I have this closed and for new members to see; How long does each season last?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Each season lasts 3 WP months. 1 WP month = 1 real day. 4 seasons will equal to one game year.

How do you join an alliance? I have seen alliances I want to join however I do not know how.

Game Moderator Neutral
Renegades |-/ said: How do you join an alliance? I have seen alliances I want to join however I do not know how.
You have to send an application in. It's pretty easy to see on the alliance page. If it's not there that means they either are not accepting any applications or have no open spaces for new people to join.
Next time please make a new thread for questions of your own. Edited at May 13, 2017 04:38 PM by Destinations End
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Hello so, does the Attributes go on to your pups???