

I can be adopted by whomever best meets my needs for help with aquiring, training and using battle wolves. More specifically, I need to learn about defects, boosts, how to train efficiently etc.

I have about the same requirements as No Quarter above: No Quarter said: I can be adopted by whomever best meets my needs for help with aquiring, training and using battle wolves. More specifically, I need to learn about defects, boosts, how to train efficiently etc.

Your Winter Coat said: No Quarter said: I am new and would love some help from a mentor, more specifically on finding, aquiring and training succesful battle wolves. ^^'
I can probably help you. And give you links to other forums from other professional BE (Battle Experience) Trainor's. :) I can also give you a list of names of who you can PM help about BE Training wolves.


I'd love to give a little help to newbies trying to get into the explore and battle aspect of WP. :p

I'm new! I need help with learning how to do things in efficient ways and I'd love to learn how people are posting in different fonts. It looks cool!

Lost Photographs said: I'm new! I need help with learning how to do things in efficient ways and I'd love to learn how people are posting in different fonts. It looks cool!
For the fonts, go to the top bar when making a post and click Format. There are several things you can do there. :D

that's so cool! Thank you!

Well then Sign me up! I'd love to help out the newbies out there! -Lune