
T O C Outcasts of Estainia - O.O.E Introduction / Subplots / Breakdown Roleplay rules / Kingdom Rules Estainian Kingdom / Tradition / Additional Kingdoms / Map? Enhancement types / Available roles / Role Description Character Master List / Sing-up form Extras ________ Introduction The Kingdom of Estainia was hit hard by an epidemic just over a decade ago. Whipping out at least a third of the adult population, but hitting the kingdom’s children the worst. One in two children who caught the sickness perished, but those who survived began experiencing unworldly changes. Now this epidemic did not start from natural causes, no. Legend has it that it was caused by a strange man who had entered the kingdom only to be banished by the King and Queen, but not for just any reason. It was rumored the man was magic. A few common folks claim to have seen a flash of light before he left the kingdom, the first person falling sick only a few hours after his departure. Weeks into the epidemic the Royal’s children fell sick, only leaving their two eldest boys, twins, alive. Despite the trials the Royal family had endured, they were not over yet, the Queen succumbed to sickness and soon passed as well. As if life couldn't get any stranger, some of the surviving children in the kingdom had begun to experience side effects, that would alter their appearance. Their eye colors began to change unnatural shades of color, but the change didn’t stop there. The few that gained these side effects also began developing something much worse in Royal’s eyes. An enhancement. These children caused many incidents in Estainia, leaving a wake of destruction in their path. This enhancement was considered magic, which was strictly forbidden. This magic. A satanic idea the King did not want in his country, caused him to turn to more drastic measures. Any child found to have an enhancement would be cast out from the city, a cruel deed to keep the remaining children safe, and ‘pure’. Anyone caught harboring one of these mutant children would be put to death for violating the Kingdom’s new law. The King even went as far as to cast out one of his sons. These children were never heard of again. Until now. The King’s time had come a few years after the fact, and now the ruling of the kingdom was left to his remaining son at the young age of 21. But those who were once banished are returning, led by the new King’s brother who is coming to reclaim the throne for himself. Will, he succeed? Or will the Kingdom become caught in the brother's dangerous fight for sovereignty? Subplots ♔ The twins, and the Kingdom as a whole have no clue who is the eldest, and therefore the correct heir to the thrown. The King and Queen decided against telling their twins who the eldest was, so as to not provoke rivalry or jealousy between the two. Despite this, the brothers harbor hatred for each other. ♔ The Queen hid the church records on which the twin's birth was recorded, she never told a soul where it was, not even the King. Someone is holding onto it for her but everyone assumed it was hidden by someone in the castle. It may turn up at some point in the RP. ♔ Some of the surrounding kingdoms as harboring the child refugees, now grown and between the ages of 16-23. These Kingdoms do not wish to go to war against Estainia, it is still a powerful Kingdom. So instead of offering manpower, some offer under-the-table monetary support. ♔ Not everyone wants to return to Estainia, some of the enhanced may need to be convinced. ♔ Despite these other Kingdoms not offering support with an army, various folk will join the enhanced in their quest to reclaim Estainia. These supporters have ranged from the common folk to even a young dutchess. ♔ Spies, the Enhanced may have a spy working in the castle. Though the Current King would not have a spy among the Enhanced due to him not aware of their existance. Edited at August 26, 2022 12:43 AM by Ciao

Rules Follow Eve's & WolfPlay's RP rules in addition to the ones below. 1. Activity, don't join to never post, or ghost the RP. If you are going to be inactive for a certain amount of time let me know in advance. If you want to leave the RP let me know and we can work out what to do with your character. 2. No OP characters, OOC drama, God-modding, Mary/Gary Sue's, or having your character be "that guy". This RP does have character-driven aspects so be creative with your characters. 3. Character limit: Max of 4 unless you PM me. 4. LGBTQIA+ is welcome 5. This RP is Semi-Literate, I would like at least 300 words per post. Your literacy should also reflect in your sign-up form. Decent grammar is also required. I understand writer's block happens but everyone interacting with your character needs something to go off of. 6. Reservations can be made through PMs or by posting on the thread once it is open. Put a fun fact about your character in other. Reservations last for 48 hours. 7. Any questions should be sent to me so we don't clog the thread. 8. I have the right to accept and reject any forms. Break the rules twice and the third time you are booted from the RP. The Kingdom of Estainia's rules 1. Any enhanced individuals left in the city are to be detained and then destroyed. No enhanced individual is allowed into the Kingdom. 2. Any person harboring an enhanced individual shall be arrested, and then killed. 3. Any use of magic is an offense of the law, and is punishable by death. 4. Heirs are to be produced by the current King and Queen. If all royals are to die and have no remaining immediate family capable of assuming control, a distant family member will inherit the throne. 5. Any resistance of the King's soldiers is considered to be breaking the law. After all, they are directed by the King. Edited at August 26, 2022 12:22 AM by Ciao

The Kingdom of Estainia [es-stayn-ee-ya] Estainian Traditions floral comps[queen's favorite&she was the former judge] A huge tradition put on by the Estainian's, specifically the locals of the city LaFord is the annual Spring Hunting Tournament. This was the King's baby, and he was very involved in making sure it had enough funds and was run smoothly. The running of this tournament was passed on to the new king. During the tournament whoever caught the largest game, ranging from various deer or elk, to the occasional bear, would win a cash prize and bring home the trophy. This trophy will then be brought back the following year for the next victor. This has been a tradition for over a century. Another tradition taking place in spring, and normally run by the current Queen, is the floral competition. Many categories are judged, but the most popular is "Best bloom". This time of year was the Queen's favorite, and she was the leading chairwoman on the competitions board by popular demand. This competition is normally held in Erast. Estainia is a Kingdom that favors dance and music, with an emphasis on musical talent. The royals enjoy various local performances and the Kingdom even has a dance most young children will learn in school. More to come. Land Estainia consists of rolling hills and meadows. These spaces surround the dense Capital and separate it from Estainia's other cities. The rest of Estainia begins to become lightly forested, and plays as a decent hunting ground, especially for royal events. The Vrokuca river runs around the outskirts of the capital of Erast, specifically in the northern region, and then flowing southeast. This river starts somewhere in Vrokucan mountains and weaves through to both Estainia and Slailum. Estainia is along the coast, and has access to many ports. There are many imports and exports done through the city of Onaron, due to having direct access to the ocean. Cities in Estainia The Capital: Erast [er-rah-st] Erast is known as a marketplace and is filled with homes. Streets are lined with cobblestone roads and buildings are all joined together, with only the streets separating them. The main marketplace is at the heart of the city, with many mobile carts set up in a circular pattern. Erast is known as "the city of color", with bright banners hanging throughout the streets and bright bursts of floral arrangments throughout the city. Erast is known for two things, the first is horticulture, though mostly surrounding flowers, due to the fertility of the land the city is able to grow abundant amounts of them. Floral arrangements add color and charm to the city, and many shops and homes have them out front. The second thing Erast is known for is military power. Being the capital the Royals palace resides here, as do training facilities for the kingdom's military. Onaron [on-ah-ronn] This city is located to the west of Erast, it is on the ocean and the homes and businesses are spaced out. They are connected through dirt roads and the area is slightly forested, but not terribly. This city is known for fishing exports, as well as for receiving major imports. This city is breathtaking, with large bluffs lining the oceanside. The water itself is the clearest out of the 4 nearby kingdoms. With crystal clear waters and fine white sand, this place is also a great vacation destination. Farther north up the coast the royal family has a summer house. LaFord [la-ford] The city of LaFord is the most forested of Estainia's cities and is used for hunting. Both for recreational hunting and for food, Laford holds a seasonal tournament to see who can catch the largest game. People from all around come to participate, traveling from nearby kingdoms, or countries further away. Laford is just south of Erast and east of Keta. Not many people live in this city, though there are many shops which are frequently visited by people from Onaron. LaFord is also home to a variety of churches, temples, and mosques. It is the more esteemed of the cities, any shops run there hold high-priced, and more valuable items. Many jewels, which are mined and polished from the city of Keta are sold here. Keta [Ket-ah] Keta is south of Onaron and west of Laford, this city is on the coast as well, and takes advantage of the large bluffs overlooking the ocean. Here is where various small mines are opened, the ground beneath this city is rich with precious metals. Keta does a lot of exports through the city of Onaron, and also supplies Laford with some valuable items to sell. The common folk here also work the land and run small farms or flower shops on the side. The Kingdom of Slailum [Sla-eyh-lum] The Kingdom of Slailum is to the east of Estainia. This Kingdom specializes in livestock, particularly cattle. Slailum is also known for large fields for farming, one of their main exports. This Kingdom is landlocked, so most travel is by foot, on horseback, or in carriages. Slailum is mostly grassland and holds a great deal of wildlife, including a few small herds of wild horses. Slailum is just south ofThe Kingdom of Vrokuca, and their lands are up against the foothills of the Vrokucan Mountains. A large lake separates the two territories. The Vrokucan river is what separates Estainia and Slailum. Slailum is the Kingdom that was closest to Estainia that offered the refugee children a place to stay, in hopes of one day forming an alliance with the New Estainia. It is where the majority of the enhanced are currently staying. The Kingdom of Vrokuca [vro-cue-ka] The Kingdom of Vrokuca is to the north of Estainia. This kingdom is nestled in the Vrokcuan Mountains, and specializes in growing more hardy foods, and some spices. This area is also home to different wildlife types such as various raptors, mountain lions, and mountain goats. The landscape is graced with flowing rivers, dense woodland areas, and many waterfalls. Despite this, Vrokuca is the more dangerous kingdom due to the increase of animal predators, as well as the people inside it. Vrokuca is recovering from a near civil war, putting many of the common folks on edge. This Kingdom also specializes in anything and everything to do with blacksmithing. Very few enhanced children escaped to this place, to fearful to enter into it. Only those so desperately not wanting to be found again by the late Estainian king escaped here. The Kingdom of Aqeverin [aqu-EH-ver-ih-n] The Kingdom of Aqeverin is to the south of Estainia. This Kingdom is also southwest of The Kingdom of Slailum. Aqeverin specializes in fishing and traveling, specifically maritime travel. Their ships are more advanced and this Kingdom can proudly say they have explored the farthest out of the other Kingdoms in the area. Their people are very good at map reading and are quite intelligent. Aqeverin was the Kingdom that put the enhanced children to work, nurturing their abilities to be used for the good of the city, and in order to advance the Kingdom forward. However, not many children escaped to this Kingdom. Edited at August 27, 2022 11:12 PM by Ciao

Enhancement types [8] Unique Enhancements ♦ Lysende - Illusions [1/1] Reserved Spell This enhancement allows the user to make visual illusions, the more experience, the more realistic the image becomes. This cannot have a physical effect on the person it is used against ♦ Mørk - Smog/darkness [1/1] Res Moose This enhancement allows the user to produce a smoke-like substance, though it is not harmful. This enhancement also allows the user to control shadows, giving them the ability to make a veil of darkness over a particular area or have them vanish completely. They cannot make their own shadows. Rare Enhancements ♦ Toksin - Poison [1/1] Res Ravensrun This enhancement allows the user to turn liquids into poison, or turn a poisonous liquid into a harmless one. In addition to this, they have the ability to infuse weapons with venom. For instance, one may pick up a dagger in battle, and once it makes contact with the correct target it acts as a needle and directly poisons the person. ♦ Lyn - Weather [0/1] This enhancement allows the users to control the weather. It takes a great deal of time, but rain can be produced, as well as thunderstorms, though the lightning that comes with cannot be directly controlled. Once a storm has started it is difficult to end it. Uncommon Enhancements ♦ Kuling - Wind [0/1] This enhancement allows the user the ability to lift objects off the ground, humans included. The user may also use this enhancement to fly or fly others off of the ground. ♦ Helvede - Fire [1/1] Reserved Me This enhancement allows the user to control fire, they are fireproof. Common Enhancements ♦ Plaske - Water [0/2] This enhancement allows the user to control water, they can drown but are able to comfortably hold their breath for up to 6 hours underwater. ♦ Himmelsk - Light [0/2] This enhancement allows the user to control light. This light can be channeled through their body, making the user glow, or it can be directed from a pre-existing light source. They cannot create their own light. More to come, depending on RP popularity. Enhancement requests may be sent to me if your desired one is not listed above. Though do know that I have the right to decline these requests. Available roles The Enhanced Roles: All ages 16-23 Heir 2 to the Kingdom of Estairia - The Enhanced's leader [1/1] The Enhanced's leader is in charge of keeping the ground both safe, and together. He is also in charge of recruitment of new enhanced individuals. The Leader is twin brother to the current King of Estairia, and is a heir to the thorn as well. Is 21 years of age Second in Command [0/1] The Second in Command is the Leader's most trusted companion. This person is relied on as an advisor, and if need be they will assume temporary control over the group if the Leader is unavailable. Is at least 18+ years The Enhanced [0/6] These are the children, now grown, that are apart of the group, or will join the group at some point that is going to reclaim Estairia for themselves. More roles will be added according to RP popularity. Non-Enhanced roles King [0/1] Twin brother to the Leader of the Enhanced and current King of Esteria. He will oversee the Spring Hunting tournament this year, deals with the countries political issues, helps direct and order the military, and on top of that he is tasked with finding a wife in the near future to accompany him as Queen. Is 21 years old. Advisor / Acting Lead of the Royal Guards [0/1] This is the King's version of the Enhanced Second in command. This person will act as an advisor to the King and is considered to be one of his closest companions. In addition to this, this person is acting as head of the Royal guards at the request of the King. Royal Guards [0/4] The King's protectors, these are the Royal guards he interacts with the most, they are technically a part of his army. They may be stationed at the castle or around the city depending on the King & Advisor's wants and needs. Common folk [unlimited] Those who live inside of Estainia. Other Roles - Allies of the Enhanced [None are enhanced] Dutchess from the Kingdom of ___ [0/1] This Dutchess has allied herself with the enhanced, the player who chooses her shall pick the kingdom she is from, though she cannot be from Estainia. Commonfolk [0/6] Any common folk that have allied themselves with the enhanced. Some may travel with the enhanced or be good friends with them. It depends on how involved the person decides to be. Some even act as "spies". Other roles may be requested. Edited at August 27, 2022 11:48 PM by Ciao

The Master List Enhanced The Enhanced's leader - [1/1] Reserved for me name/age/gender/player/page# Second in Command [1/1] Reserved for Spellbound name/age/gender/player/page# The Enhanced [2/8] Reserved for Ravensrun Reserved for Moose name/age/gender/player/page# ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ Non-Enhanced The King [0/1] name/age/gender/player/page# The Advisor [0/1] name/age/gender/player/page# Royal Guards [0/4] name/age/gender/player/page# Common folk [unlimited] name/age/gender/player/page# name/age/gender/player/page# name/age/gender/player/page# ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ Allies Dutchess [1/1] Reserved for Mother name/age/gender/player/page# Commonfolk [0/6] name/age/gender/player/page# name/age/gender/player/page# name/age/gender/player/page# More roles may be added. PM me to request an extra duke or dutchess role. Either for, or against the enhanced. ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ Sign-up form Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Role: Desired Rank: Enhancement: Kingdom: Thoughts on the situation: *For enhanced only Appearance: Personality: Backstory: Strengths: Weaknesses: Likes: Dislikes: Kin: Crush: Significant other: Children: Other: *As a side note affiliations can be filled out and then pinned in the discussion if need be* Edited at August 27, 2022 11:41 PM by Ciao

Extra info The time period is around the Medieval ages. The Epidemic was 11 years ago. For enhancements as long as the basic description above is followed you can interpret your power how you want. Though run anything major by me first. About the Late Queen Description: "Golden" skin, hazel eyes, and long wavey brown hair. 5'9" and relatively thin. Personality About the Late King Description: "Chocolate" skin, black curly hair, dark brown eyes. 6'3" and a strong build. Personality Further Breakdown of the brothers Edited at August 28, 2022 02:54 PM by Ciao

Cohen Vlahos Age: 21 years Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual [ male lean ] Role: Heir / Enhanced leader Desired Rank: King of Estainia Enhancement: Helvede; fire Kingdom: Estainia; currently hiding in Slailum Thoughts on the situation: *For enhanced only Appearance: Cohen takes pride in his hair, that's for sure. Constantly running a hand through it to fix it or commenting on it. His hair is less curly and more wavey at the roots, though towards the end it, it does start to curl slightly. His hair is also quite thick, though its length only reaches the back of his neck, and in the front, it ends right above his eyebrows in front of his face. It also covers the tops of his ears. The top is slightly longer than the bottom, allowing him to pull the tops of his hair into a small, spikey, ponytail, it is too short for much else. Now his hair color is a deep black, making it appear shinny, and almost silky looking. An attractive feature of this young man. His hairline is not visible unless pulled back, and then you can see he has a slight widow's peak. Cohen stands at a taller height of 6' 2". His shoulders are broad and his build could be described as muscular. When he was younger Cohen started training to be a guard, not knowing if he would be the brother to secure the roll of King, and wanted a backup career. Though as of late he has strengthened immensely through the rather rough training he has put himself through in order to get him to where he is today. Though rather than having a bulky figure he is a little lither and has an almost graceful, yet deadly appearance. Cohen is agile and graceful. Deadly and poised. His skin tone can be referred to as "golden" and has warmer undertones. He tans rather nicely and as a result, his skin darkens the more he is exposed to the sun, ending in a dark tan by the end of summer. This male doesn't have many noticeable birthmarks besides one rather large one he keeps hidden. It's not as noticeable as most, but it is as large as his hand and is right over his ribs, on the right side of his body. It is a lighter coloration of skin compared to the rest of him, that does not really tan, it stays more of a lighter white color though it is flat. If you were blindfolded and ran a hand over it you would be unable to detect it. It is less noticeable due to its coloration being neutral and similar to his skin, but he is rather self-conscious about it. Other marks he has included a few tiny moles scattered across his arms and face. He does have some scars too, and quite a lot. He has a particularly large one running diagonally across his back, from an incident when he was younger, after he was removed from Estairia with the other enhanced. He has a couple more minor ones scattered across him from over the years. A feature most people's attention goes to when first meeting this male is his eyes. The color is a stunning gold, and his iris has a slight orange-ish yellow hue surrounding his pupil, with small orange and yellow flecks weaved throughout. Cohen has slight feminine facial features, such as soft slightly angled brows sitting above his orbital rim, more comparable to that of women, without being completely feminine. His nose is narrow and shorter than that of your average man, though it is rather straight-looking. Now his cheekbones are also more prominent, though not in a way that gives his face a tight look, or one that makes him seem as if the sides of his face are overly hollow. Just more defined than your average person. This male's jawline is defined, enough to make someone double take without it having an unnatural feel, while his lips are full with a sharper cupid's bow. They appear to be a faint pinkish-red color. This male's scent can vary depending on the occasion, he can sometimes take on a more earthy scent. He can take on more exotic scents as well, due to some of the traveling around the city he does. Coming in contact with new spices, foods, and more, their scents lingering on him. Ultimately, he does not have a distinctive scent. Even if you cannot recognize his smell, you will be able to recognize his voice. His voice is deep and rich sounding. Personality: Backstory: Strengths: Weaknesses: Likes: Dislikes: Kin: Brother Crush: Hmm Significant other: No Children: No Other: Edited at August 28, 2022 08:19 PM by Ciao

any extra info is getting filled in later, this is now open.

Name: Briar Solanine Tinuviel Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual And Demiromantic Role: The Second-In-Command Of The Rebellion Desired Rank: He's Satisfied Enhanced Or Non-Enhanced: Enhanced; Lysende Kingdom: Estainia Thoughts On The Situation: *For enhanced only Appearance:  Credits to Nase_Nikyuu on Picrew When looking at this young man, the first thing you notice is his average height. He stands at a normal height of 5'9 and he probably would stand at 5'10 when he chooses to correct his posture. He is an overall an athletic male, with a a more light and lithe build with a bit of muscle to him. He's definitely one to be showing off in some sort aerobic competition or swimming competition. He's definitely built for speed, agility, and stealth rather than a straight on fist-fight. However, one don't be fooled by his looks, he can and will give someone a good punch if needed. This male has an androgynous appearance when looking at him. From the back you wouldn't be able to tell he was male from his slender and trimmed waist with his his assets in the back that would make a girl envious. And to the front you'd notice his sharp yet soft facial features, His well structured cheek bones that are round and plump and easily flush red and pink when embarrassed or flustered. He has an assortment of beauty marks on his face, one by the right side of his reddish-pink tinted lips. Another assortment kind of like little freckles on his left cheek, but being three in the shape of a sort of diamond with varying sizes. He also has two that are in the corners of both of his eyes. He also has a light freckling over his nose bridge, some are noticeable and others aren't unless he steps into the light and you can see them better and they even dust his cheeks slightly and down to his neck. When describing his eyes they are described as true amber, and they are quite pretty to look at. They can resemble bright gold when he's truly excited by something, and they can also shimmer when he's brimming with wonder. However they can harden to look like bronze when upset or annoyed by someone, his glares can cut into ones soul. However, they can hold a certain gentleness or fondness. It's just depending on what lighting you see his eyes are. So, overall his eyes are very nice looking. Especially since they are framed by long lashes that have a natural curl. One side of his lashes are pure white with a corresponding thick white eyebrows. While the other side is a dark raven color. And no, they're not dyed - it's a natural birthmark for his those in his family. It's a result of poliosis which runs in his family, it even affects his hair as well. His hair is a natural wavy , borderline curly complexion that rests just around his elbows, and the distinctive mark of his hair is the whiter-than-platinum streak right in the center part of his hair that ends all the way down. He usually hides it with other methods but he's grown more comfortable with it as of lately. This male has an assortment of piercings. However, most are hidden - because of course he wants to keep a reputation up. The most noticeable piercings are the three lobe piercings on his ears with the accompanying two helix piercings on each ear. He also has a septum and high nostril piercing on his nose as well. He has all the accompanying jewelry and studs for for his piercings , and he chooses the days when he does wear them. The only ink on his skin he has is a small dagger tattoo, that's mostly hidden by his sleeves. He does desire more ink just in more unnoticeable places. He also loves wearing rings on his fingers and shiny and pretty hairpins in his hair. His hands can be described as soft and smooth, yet they have a certain rugged charm to them. His nails are always well manicured and are either black in color or some shades of neutral tone. Rarely does he use colorful nail polish, but it's not something he doesn't do. Personality: When getting to know this young man, one would have to have a bit of patience and understanding with him. He's not one to be terribly comfortable with strangers, there is a certain caution and curiosity he has with them. If one were to walk up and act as if they were friends and he didn't view them as such he would visibly be uncomfortable and probably would display his annoyance. If there's one thing about him, he has quite a mouth on him. Whether it be for giving a smart-ass retort to someone's stupidity, using snark or sass if someone annoys him, or using his words for intellectual thoughts. He knows how to use his words effectively as a weapon or as a tool for his advantage, and he has a matching scowl or unimpressed look on his visage to emphasis what he's saying. He knows how and when to defend himself, and he also knows how to lie and wait in patience before striking back. Most straightforward insults are muttered under his breath while he likes to frame his spoken insults in a way that the person he says it to doesn't get it until a while later. So if he says he'll get you back it's not a mere threat - it's a promise. This male has an aloof and unapproachable aura that can surround him at times. Maybe it's the way he always seems to be glaring or looking in "judgement" at others - and not to mention he always looks tired due to the dark circles around his eyes at times. It is true he can be a bit unapproachable, it's just because he has trust issues with people - especially strangers. I guess that leads to a sort of social anxiety, while he may outwardly seem cool and collected - his inner thoughts are plagued with fears of being humiliated or outed by those he views as his friends or being judged by others. Yes, he can stand the stares or looks he gets but the whispering and short glances he can get do get to him at times. And he does have trust issues because he's been burned by others - so he's learned how to keep a mask on when not around those he's comfortable with, if he's too kind then people think him a pushover but if he puts someone in their place then he's a bully or overreacting- so he just settles for being in the background and having a solemn or neutral expression on his face. This young male is intelligent and very studious. He's the type you see with his nose buried in a book with a pile of books around him in a library. He's also the one who seems to be like a walking encyclopedia with the knowledge he has memorized or random things he just knows. If he were more outgoing , he'd definitely probably would be a teacher's pet . He's one to stay up late hours pouring over random science books or any other interesting topics just because he finds them interesting. His favorites include mythology and discussing scientific or ancient texts and stories of old. He's one to enjoy having debates and intellectual conversations with those who find reason to converse with him. He has a brilliant mind and one could see it through his detailed and organized notes and his own personal library of books he has - not to mention his creative mind and the hobbies he chooses to engage in. While he does like reading books that benefit his knowledge he does enjoy reading good mystery novels , a good romance, and any other type of genre that would catch his interest. If one had to ask one of his favorite past times out of all of his hobbies he would probably say something like curling up with a good mystery novel under a thick blanket with a bowl of popcorn and a cup of peach tea. When it comes to this male's temperament he can mostly be described as rather calm and collected. Like mentioned before he may have a cold expression on his face but he's rather calm. He's not that bothered by people insulting him - he can just give a rather civilized yet insulting comment back to make them be quiet. When angered he doesn't just spout nonsense , he channels his anger in a way that when he speaks he wants to make sure it hurts. No, he won't go throwing things or yelling at the top of his lungs like a heathen - instead he will use his words as a venom to slowly seep into one until it takes over them. Yes, he makes sure his words sting and stick to the person. And if you manage to be someone to face his anger, you'd be surprised with the insults he can come up with. And if his words don't bite he's not hesitant to get into a fist fight if needed (though he much rather not do that) . He's also a bit cunning and a tad bit manipulative when needed, after all his can he manage to stay in the background and keep others off of his back if he wasn't such things. He keeps his more undesirable side under wraps because not everyone needs to experience it. When it comes to relationships - he treasures them immensely. Those he considers his friends are close to his heart and he cares for them dearly. These are the people he would gladly risk his life for - they are the ones who he would defend if needed. He feels safe, comfortable around them - they in his opinion are his family and he treats them as such. He shares his things with them, cooks for them and would go out of his way to help them when needed. His friends again are dear to him and he would go on a warpath to destroy anyone that dared to hurt or slander them. As for a lover, this male is one to easily get flustered by romantic comments or even compliments. He's also one to be a bit of a jealous lover if someone was trying to make a move on his partner, he wouldn't be shy about letting the other person know what was his. Other than that his lover and friends are the only ones who would experience him be semi-affectionate and vulnerable with them. Overall his friends are important to him and he would be very lonely and a much colder person if he didn't have good friends. Backstory: Likes: ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Magic ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Sweets ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Taking Naps ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Reading In Peace ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Nature, Certified Plant Parent ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Plants And Herbs ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Cooking And Baking ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Causing His Enemies Pain Dislikes: ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ His Sleep Being Interrupted ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Things Not Going To Plan, Disorder ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Arrogant And Haughty People ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Raisins, He Hates Them ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Physical Touch Without Permission ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Being Used Or Exploited ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Intrusive Questions ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Being Compared Among His Family Or Others Strengths: : ̗̀➛ Magic Usage - He's been training/taught for a while so he's pretty proficient in these areas. Along with being very knowledgeable about the subjects. : ̗̀➛ Agile And Graceful : ̗̀➛ Stealth : ̗̀➛ Book And Street Smart : ̗̀➛ Observant Weaknesses: ◮ Trust Issues ◮ Social Anxiety ◮ Warming Up To Strangers ◮ Powers Can Be Very Draining At Times. Particularly His Illusion Power. ◮ Lack Of Brute Strength Kin: Maybe A Cousin Or Sibling Crush: Possibly . . . Significant Other: No Children: h e l l. n o. Other: Edited at August 27, 2022 10:57 PM by Spellbound
