K'issuk Rán
K'issuk : "darkness" (in the sky which shows open water)
Rán : "A personification of the sea to which people have drowned to. She embodies a sinister side to the sea."

A creature birthed from the very depths of the sea, K'issuk Rán has dwelled within the bottom of the ocean for decades of her life. Appearing gruesome and rather eerie, with scarring obtained from fishing gear and ships, K'issuk Rán looks unwelcoming and unkind. She stands at a height of 15 feet with an impressive length of nearly 30 feet. K'issuk Rán possesses a serpent-like body that is more lithe than anything.
Her face is narrow and defined, with jagged teeth sticking out at odd ends in various degrees. Past her face rests three spikes of different sizes. The one closest to her underside is both the smallest and thinnest, while the one above it is slightly longer and thicker. The third upon the top of her head is her most impressive, bent in a way that allows her to glide in water easier. No further spikes appear upon her body besides the ones upon her back and tail. The most unique feature about K'issuk Rán is the light upon her head, like an anglerfish.
Upon her back lies several spikes, similar to that of a dorsal fin. Webbed and spiked, this fin continues down to her tail and is able to spike up or down to her will. Further armour may be seen upon her underside, where a thicker material protects her stomach and neck. This armour, too, continues to her tail. In terms of her skin, there are no scales seen upon it. However, the skin she possesses is fairly thick, and would take a sheer amount of force to break. It is best described as a rubber-like material.
Upon her sides are indeed wings, which may be easily overlooked. They fold against her and allow her to both swim within water. Like exocoetidae, she is able to fly in the air as well, though she much prefers to glide. These wings of her contain the same membrane as the fins upon her back, as well as the same colouration. However, they are fairly rounded in contrast.
Her tail best resembles that of a whale, though is several times larger and more webbed. It allows her to propel within water at uncanny speeds, as well as create waves if a quick escape is needed.
In terms of colours, K'issuk Rán's entire body is a dark blue with different sheens upon it. Her skin is created so that it reflects water and allows her to camouflage better. Her underside is slightly lighter so that those looking up would not see her as easily. Her skin colour resembles that of the northern lights in a way, as they continue to change colour based on the reflection of the water. In addition, her eyes are a light blue with an extra translucent layer that she uses when swimming to protect her eyes from debris.
Furthermore, barnacles may be seen growing around her body due to spending so much time underwater, as well as several scarring. These scars have been obtained from fishing gear or ships, both accidental and purposeful.
A deep-dwelling creature, K'issuk Rán appears like a cruel thing, with jagged teeth and soulless eyes. However, it is best to separate appearance from personality in this case. K'issuk Rán, although fearsome in looks, takes on the personality of a whale. Peaceful and calm, it is rare to see her enraged or cruel. She is welcoming to any who approach, often swimming along or encouraging others to join her. Those that espy her can be certain that she will protect them, for she possesses a motherly persona.
Nurturing and maternal, K'issuk Rán takes all she sees under her wing. She protects those within her vicinity until they depart, offering a warm and welcoming feeling to strangers. She is overall fairly collected and rather regal in the way she presents herself and speaks. Elegant with her choice of wording and demeanor, K'issuk Rán remains being articulate and logical. Rest assured that she holds everybody's best interests at heart.
She is quick-thinking and extremely good at difficult situations. She knows how to remain composed and collected under pressure, as well as is able to talk things through with others if needed. A storyteller, K'issuk Rán enjoys conversing with others and hearing different tales. She is known to be a performer, often encouraging others to sing or dance with her if they'd like. She is an overall calm thing, though do not underestimate her intellect. K'issuk Rán is very intelligent, able to create plans and strategies when needed. If things escalate, she will be there to talk things through.
She is swift to act, as well as opinionated. However, she never speaks out of turn nor in a tone other than gentle. If she has an idea, she talks things through instead of going off on her own. Also selfless, it isn't uncommon to see her wait until everybody has escaped before leaving herself. She cares deeply for all individuals, even if she has yet to acquaint herself with them.
Indeed, while she is most like a whale or manatee in terms of persona, when truly angered, she acts most like an orca. Feisty and headstrong, she is a strong fighter when she needs to be. Resilient as well, K'issuk Rán will not give up unless she has ensured the safety of those around her and then herself. She is a good warrior, though, again, it is only when she needs to be. She will fight only when it is her last resort and there is no other way.
In summary, she is a good individual to go to for anything, for she is trusting and very reliable.
Hydrokinetic Constructs
Rán is able to turns water into different forms, shapes, and objects. She can convert them into shapes or weapons that may cause injuries when used. Basically, it increases the pressure of water so that it does damage when used in offense.
Water Walking
Fairly self-explanatory. She is able to stand, walk, and run on the surface of water as easily as on land. This is best used when fleeing or needing to make a rapid getaway.
Water Generation
Used only when there is no other choice, she is able to generate water from her own body and use it for offense or defense. Again, this is only a last resort.
Mate: There was once, but he is now deceased
Kin: There are some out there, including children of her own