
Luke|F|7|Feathers/Wings|Warrior Luke's ears fell back as thunder bellowed in the sky. Then, Skadi put a wing over him almost as a shield. Luke smiled. He felt comforted being around Skadi. "Thanks." he said. "We should go eat." he told her, standing up. (good idea Howlers! Light the forest on fire! >:) Yes! I'll also be back around 7:30) Edited at February 24, 2022 06:32 PM by The Midnight Wolves

(yay fire time :>) Aspen aspen saw lightning strike, but something was wrong, she smelled, SMOKE she thought. She quickly got up and bounded through the trees. She looked behind her and saw smoke, and a bit of fire. She ran back to camp and said in a loud voice FIRE, I SAW FIRE, WE NEED TO RUN!!

Sky sky was awoken by aspen and her yelling, blue was woken up too. She quickly got up and looked at blue then at luna, waiting to see what they were gonna do. (i literly forgot about abyss XD) Edited at February 24, 2022 08:31 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Skadi Lead Scout F 4 wings ( mimics things and can throw her voice) Skadi was about to finish her meal when another bolt of lightning struck near by. Suddenly smoke was in the air as fire began to spread. Skadi was instantly on her feet. "Luke help the queens and the pups get to safety I'll help the others" she looked back at him. "Be careful " she ran towards Luna and daisy. "We should all go to the lake. The fire is sure to be put out with the rain we just need to get away from the falling trees. As she said this a flaming branch fell and almost hit them. She quickly stomped the flames off her tail. Edited at February 24, 2022 09:14 PM by Ravensrun

Kelly jumped up, from the smell of smoke. It triggred something in the back of her mind that she couldn't put a paw on. She saw a wolf she didn't recongize (Luke) run over and help the pups. Good idea. It might take two wolves to round pups, also because they are stressed. Kelly leaped to help the wolf round up the pups as the fire ragged. "Come on! Pups we have to go!" She said commadly and she scooped up Emily in her jaws.

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior After seeing the fire, Luke nodded to Skadi and ran to a pup named Abyss. He saw Kelly scoop up Emily. Luke spread a wing to the ground, "Hop on." he said, waiting for her to get on his back. "SAOIRSE!! Help Ivory and Obsidion!!" Luke yelled to the scout. Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna saw the fire and motioned everyone to follow Skadi. Luna watched and would wait until everyone was out. Then, a branch fell from a tree and almost hit Luna. She jumped back and winced slightly at the embers that hit her face. "HURRY!!" she yelled. Nicky flew right behind Skadi and Luna hoped that they would all make it to the lake. Saoirse|F|3|Feathers/Wings|Scout Saoirse smelled smoke. She looked around at some trees that were burning. She then heard a wolf and looked at Luke, already flying to Ivory who might need help. Although there was fire, Saoirse stayed relatively calm. She landed beside Ivory and asked, "Do you need help Ivory?" she watched her little pup Obsidion, picking him up in delicately her jaws. Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple looked around at the trees that had been set ablaze. She didn't know how to help until she saw branches falling from trees. When she saw one fall, she would fly towards it and kick it away from wolves underneath. Her paws were covered in ash but she didn't care. She was helping the pack and possibly saving some.

Aspen aspen saw as everyone got into the lake. She sighed in relief but then a big tree fell and blocked her from entering the lake but she just used her wings. As she was landing she saw a tree fall. Another fell and she saw that maple was in the way! She quickly ran to maple and pushed her out of the way. Maple didn't get hurt but aspens paw and wing was caught under the tree. She tryed not to Yelp but the pain was to great. Sky Sky looked around and saw everyone was in the lake except for maple and Aspen. She then saw a tree fall and land on Aspen. She stared as she thought, wait what no, no no no. She then tryed to get over there to them but a tree was blocking her from getting to the Aspen the firerly tree burned deep into aspens wing and food. She looked up at maple and managed to say, take care of sky for me. Her eyes filled with tears as the fire burned deeper into her flesh. Blue blue refused to believe it, it was mirage or something he thought as his eyes filled up with tears (Maple and Aspen started out on the wrong foot, but I want them to become like the bestest of friends in the future!) Edited at February 24, 2022 10:37 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple was pushed out of the way of a falling tree just in time to see Aspen's paw and wing get stuck. Maple growled and said, "No. You're coming out of this alive." She started to dig under the tree where Aspen's paw and wings were stuck. The dirt was thick and hard to dig through but she managed to move some. She kept digging and while she did she thought, Why did she move me out of the way? We didn't really get along...but that's in the past now. Maple smiled slightly as smoke burned her eyes and embers fell on her body and wings. (I agree ^^) Edited at February 24, 2022 10:48 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Aspen aspens eyes got heavy and for some reason she was tired, yes she was still hurting but She was snpped out of her faze when dirt landed on her nose. She looked up to see maple digging her out but she was too tired. She soon fell unconscious but before she did she managed to slip her wing and foot out from under the tree. Her wings feathers were burnt off and her foot was basically just bone. (Yay!! 😎) Edited at February 24, 2022 10:53 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple dug Aspen out. She sighed and saw her foot was burnt about down to the bone and her wing feathers were burnt. Aspen then fell unconscious. Maple looked around, seeing as most were in the lake. Maple put Aspen delicately over her back and walked toward the fallen tree blocking her way to the lake. Maple flapped her wings as hard as she could, managing to fly over the tree. She fell as she landed, scraping her paw against a rock. Aspen fell off of her and onto the ground. Maple pushed her to the edge of the water, being careful not to put her in due to her burnt foot. Maple stood in the water for a moment before flying back over to the other side to help others. She saw Luke, which was Luna's brother, giving Abyss a ride and Kelly had Emily in her jaws. The wolf who was up in a tree was holding a pup in her jaws and helping a queen. Maple saw most of the wolves in the lake. Maple then headed over to the she-wolf with a pup in her mouth (Saoirse). "Take him to the lake. I've got her (Ivory)." Maple watched the she-wolf (Saoirse) fly off to the lake. "Come with me." Maple said. She trotted towards the tree with the queen close behind. She let her on her back and they flew over. Maple landed more gracefully this time. This time she only tripped but didn't fall. Maple let the queen run to her pup which the she-wolf (Saoirse) had put down. (this was so long lol)