
That too. And not having a crush/mate

Yes. Maple won't have a mate either but she will figure out pretty soon that her cousins are there too.

Sky yea, she said as she let out a nervous laugh. She then looked at the bird that landed on Luna's shoulder. Who's that sky said as she tilted her head slightly and looked at luna. (also feel Kelly's pain, lol)

Wait cousins?! The Midnight Wolves said: Yes. Maple won't have a mate either but she will figure out pretty soon that her cousins are there too.

Another double post, sorry 😐 Edited at February 23, 2022 11:42 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Wes needs a love triangle and some drama. (That ALWAYS makes RPing more interesting)

Luna|F|7|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna smiled at Sky. "This is Nicky. I met her at the enclosure." Luna wagged her tail more. Then, a bright flash of lighting came over the sky. Luna shook her head. "This is a pretty strong storm." Luna said, raising her wings, trying to block the rain from hitting her face or getting in her eyes. (ColdHeart, I agree, and yes Howlers, cousins.) :) Edited at February 23, 2022 11:44 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Ok what about this: Kelly ends up liking Blue. (Aspen or Sky? Whoever likes Blue) Ends up liking Blue but at the same time has feelings for Luke (he is single right?) Luke likes Kelly. Then it gets figured out somehow :)

Yeah, Luke is single. Though I think I'll stick to Luke "liking" Skadi for now. They hang out a lot but Ravensrun wants to see where it goes first. (I'm going to go to bed too. G'night) <-.-> Edited at February 23, 2022 11:58 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Sky ohhhh sky said as she looked behind her to check on Aspen and blue. Well thank you sky said wagging her tail. She then went over to a nearby tree and layed down, she patted the ground beside her with her wings, inviting them to come lay with her. Blue layed behind sky but Aspen shook her head and then took off flying. Sky was a bit curious but blue was licking in between her eyes, and that was her spot that was her weakness. Her eyes fell heavy as he continued, she tryed to fight it but she couldn't, soon she fell asleep. Her head on blues paws and blues head resting on her back. Her body relaxed and she was truly happy. Blue and sky fell asleep peacefully even know the Storm was ragging. Aspen aspen didn't want to be around for lovey stuff so she took to the air. It was hard to stay up but she managed. She landed by blues carcass that he left somewhere close to the camp and ate. She then layed down and let the rain fall on her. Eventually she fell asleep too. (I'm going to bed now so goodnight everyone!)