
Kelly bounded over back to Maple. "You did amazing! You have the workings of a fine hunter. My nose is better than I thought it was, I could track anything probably!!" (implying that maple and Kelly should go look for the lone male)

Sky Sky was relived that they were back at camp. She layed down at the carcass and waited for the others. Then when everyone was at the food sky happily ate. I need to eat more then normal Sky thought as she looked down at her belly. Aspen Aspen saw as they brought back food, she also saw as Maple looked at her, but she was to busy to care. She sliped into the woods, trying to make sure no one saw her. Unknown Who are these wolves he asked as he let out a low growl. Aspen shhh theyll hear you apsen said as she put her paw on his muzzle to make sure he wouldnt talk. There, she sighed, my pack...... Unknown What he asked, it was muffled but if a wolf was listening they could hear it. Aspen its a long story, aspen sighed as she removed her paw off of her brothers muzzle. Anyways, the only reason i joined is because, well, you remember Sky? Unknown I cant belive it he said as he jumped in excitment. I knew i smelled her he said as he licked his sister. Aspen aspen giggled then said come, their alpha is, she paused, very accepting......

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple looked at Kelly and said, "Thank you. You are a great hunter as well." Maple's ear turned behind her, hearing something that was just the wind she assumed. "Hey, I smelled another wolf back there. Do you think we could find them?" Maple asked, somewhat sternly. She was unaware of other wolves in the forest other than herself. But she was always up in the trees. She only went to the ground to hunt or get some water. Saoirse|F|3|Feathers/Wings|Scout Saoirse watched as Kelly, Sky, Daisy, and the new wolf, Maple, bought back a deer. She then saw Aspen sneak off into the woods. "That's odd." she told herself. She flew down from the branch and hovered above some trees. She heard slight muffled talking. The storm was overpowering it though so she couldn't make out many words. She only made out two words; Sky and Alpha. Saoirse then got pushed back by a gust of wind. She landed near the deer carcass. What was that about? Saoirse wondered, soon daydreaming as she started to eat at the carcass. Edited at February 23, 2022 10:31 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Kelly nodded, padding up to the forest and searching for a scent trail, Maple right behind her.

Aspen alright, follow me she said as she slinked through the forest. She stoped when they were in the woods behind sky. Hey sky Aspen whisperes to sky Sky
sky heard a faint noise and looked behind her and saw Aspen. She walked over to her, what are you doing she asked. unknown he couldn't help it, he leaped out of the forest and knocked sky to the ground, licking her. Sky sky was shocked as she hit the ground. She opened her eyes to see, blue sky said in surprise. She then giggled as he licked her. As she started to lick back they accidentally licked each others tongue. They both blushed and blue got off of her

Blue i missed you sky blue said as he stare at her. shes as beautiful as ever he thought as he gazed into her eyes. Sky i missed you too blue sky said as her tail wagged. She then gazed into blues eyes. i forgot how handsome he is she thought. Aspen umm guys she said as she waved a paw Infront of them. Sky sky snapped out of her gaze as Aspen waved her paw. Follow me she said as she headed towards Luna. When they got to Luna sky said Luna this is blue, he's aspens brother she said happily as she looked at Luna then at blue Blue H, hi blue said as his voice shaked a bit.

Edited at February 23, 2022 11:26 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna shook out her pelt and saw a new wolf. "Hello, Blue. Nice to meet you." Luna nodded. Her ear twitched and she looked at Sky. "Let me guess, another wolf to join the pack?" Luna asked, her tail wagging slightly. "Hey, Luna, I don't think Maple likes Aspen." Nicky said, flying back to Luna's shoulder. Luna whispered, "Alright but not now." Luna watched Sky. Her gaze drifted between the three wolves.

My wolf feels so single right now.

what do you mean? Like no family?