
Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna smelled the air. It had an electric feel to it. "Storms." Luna mumbled. Nicky, who was perched on her shoulder, said, "Thunderstorm." Luna looked at her and nodded. She then saw Daisy and flew down to her. "Are you going hunting?" she asked. "If so, it seems like there may be a storm rolling in. Just be careful." Luna said, not waiting for an answer. She then walked toward the middle of the meadow and laid down. Her ears stayed perked up, to hear a faint roar of thunder.

Daisy/Wings and Feathers/3/Beta/F Daisy said "When we come back I am taking you to Lucy for that paw." Daisy then turned and walked out of camp. She started to sniff the ground looking for some prey. She smelled squirrel, Rabbit and Deer. She heard thunder and thought we should probably go for Deer. Edited at February 22, 2022 08:04 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Sky sky had woke up, and saw Dasiy, the a new wolf and Kelly. She got up and streghted, being careful not to wake up Emily. She mouthed to aspen that she was going to go. She then walked up to the she wolves and said, Hi, im Sky. She then looked at the new she wolf and waited for an answer.

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple walked behind Daisy. She sniffed the ground after Daisy. "Deer.....rabbit...squirrel?" Maple mumbled. She walked after Daisy with Kelly following. Maple's wings tucked into her sides, her ears were flat along her back, and her tail was behind her. She was now focused on hunting and almost nothing else. "Hello, I'm Maple." Maple replied to the she-wolf named Sky who ran up to her. Edited at February 22, 2022 08:07 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Sky Nice to meet you sky said as she heard thunder, her fur pricked up at the sound but she ignored the urge to run and hide. CAn i come hunt with you guys she said as she looked at Daisy. I feel like i need to help you guys atleast once she said as she looked down at her belly. No wolf knew except the alphas and her sister, she knew she had to tell them sooner or later but right now was not that time. Edited at February 22, 2022 08:12 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Daisy/Wings and Feathers/Beta/F/3 Daisy said "Sure the more the better." She didn't stop but started to run following the deer smell. Daisy slowed down and hid behind a couple of bushes as she saw the herd. She felt a little bit of rain and hope they could get this done. Edited at February 22, 2022 08:12 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Sky sky followed Dasiy as she ran. She hid behind the bush as Dasiy did. She felt the a drop of rain and shivered, the rain was cold, but she had made up her mind that she WAS helping them hunt. She stared at the deer, she had never hunted with the group before but she was deterimined to get food. (they gonna have alot of food because blue is coming back soon XD) Edited at February 22, 2022 08:15 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple ran after Daisy. The wind was blowing her fur. It was lightly sprinkling but Maple didn't mind. She saw the herd and said, "The elder at the back. He looks pretty big but also old. He may not be as fast as the rest." Maple waited for Daisy's approval. She wanted to spring forward and scare the deer as she had always done. It was different now that she was in a pack though. (that's true!! XD) Edited at February 22, 2022 08:17 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Kelly froze, everyone following in suit. She let her nose touch the ground, tracking the deer sent back and forth, her wings tight at her sides. "Quiet, on my move..." She murmured, getting more info,"White tailed, lone, male..." She breathed, waiting for the right time to jump. Edited at February 22, 2022 08:17 PM by ColdHearted

Sky sky followed Maples eyes to the old buck, she was a bit scared at how big he looked but she wasnt gonna let that stop her from helping them. She then looked to Dasiy waiting for her responce.