
Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna watched Maple and was glad that she was getting along with someone. Luna stood up from her position in front of Sky and Amaya. Luna said, "I'm going to go fly for a bit." Luna then flapped her wings and she landed in a tree. The sun was rising and they might be able to start moving north. (Howlers, alright, also Aspen does not like Maple which is nice. She may have to watch her back)

Kelly frowned. "I don't know... But I don't blame her, it was probably all the excitement and maybe," Kelly said shaking her wings,"I can get just a bit too aggressive"

Aspen Soon aspen looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was rising, and not knowing what was planned for the day ahead she got up and got a drink, still keeping an eye on maple. She then decided to check the area, but of course still keeping an eye on Maple. She looked around but found nothing interesting so she returned to sky and Emily and layed down.

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter "Sometimes being aggressive can be good though." Maple said. "Maybe Daisy thought that you might hurt me too. It probably was all of the excitement though." She said, eyeing the gray she-wolf from earlier (Aspen). Maple then looked at the other she-wolf. "I almost forgot but what is your name?" Maple asked. (I put aspen in the parentheses because there are other silver/gray she-wolves.)

(ok, dont know what that means but ok XD)

"Oh, I'm Kelly!" She said brightly, her face darkened when she saw aspen. "Don't bother- She's distant, odd, something happened to her. (Talking about aspen)"

Aspen aspen saw the wolves look at her, and her responce was to glare at the she wolf.(maple) She could tell they were talking about her, and she knew it probaly wasnt nice, and that angered her. She ckecked to see if sky and emily were still asleep and they were so she let out a low growl, making sure that the she wolf could see.(again maple)

Lead Scout Skadi, F 4 Raven Wings, Mimic(she can remember almost anything she hears. She can also throw her voice in different directions Skadi returned from scouting it was almost 8 in the morning and the night was lighting up with the morning sun. She made sure the humans were searching far from them for now. She had noted a small red deer herd on the west side of the lake. There was a grass meadow like the one the wolves were currently staying at near them that the deer would probably eat at in the daytime. She found the lead hunter Kelly and let them know. Her hair stood on end and her gold eyes flashed. She smelled a storm Edited at February 22, 2022 05:57 PM by Ravensrun

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple listened to Kelly and tried to ignore the she-wolf. Kelly seemed to know many of the wolves here. Maple still felt like Aspen didn't like her. Sometimes, in a group of wolves, you'd have an enemy or two. These wolves all seemed kind and friendly to each other. Several seemed to trust one another or hold grudges. Maple usually didn't hold a grudge but when it came down to someone that didn't feel like they had a good vibe coming off of them, she keep an eye on them or at least keep herself ready for an attack at all times. Maple listened to Kelly. "Have you known her since you were back with the humans?" Maple asked, still curious about this she-wolf, that was lightly growling at her. (Sorry, I changed the time, Raven. I just thought that the night was moving a bit too slow.) Edited at February 22, 2022 05:58 PM by The Midnight Wolves

The Midnight Wolves said: Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple listened to Kelly and tried to ignore the she-wolf. Kelly seemed to know many of the wolves here. Maple still felt like Aspen didn't like her. Sometimes, in a group of wolves, you'd have an enemy or two. These wolves all seemed kind and friendly to each other. Several seemed to trust one another or hold grudges. Maple usually didn't hold a grudge but when it came down to someone that didn't feel like they had a good vibe coming off of them, she keep an eye on them or at least keep herself ready for an attack at all times. Maple listened to Kelly. "Have you known her since you were back with the humans?" Maple asked, still curious about this she-wolf. (Sorry, I changed the time, Raven. I just thought that the night was moving a bit too slow.)
Naw it worked better.