
Rocket closed his eyes alowing the warm sun to heat his pelt up. He smelled the comferting scent of ragweed and looked around. it took him a monet to spot the fern look'n like plant. He ate it in a moment then rolled in the feild before getting up and giving himself a shake. He expanded his wings and making a gentle flying like motion. He pulled his wings togather, adjusted his lantern then stalked off into the woods. (May interact )

Lucy/Wings and Mimic/Healer/5/F Lucy walked up to Rocket and said "Hi." She laid down across from him and waited for a response. She wondered if she had gotten his attenion.

He looked at lucy and sat down "Hello, but i don't think i've seen you before" He'd smile perking his ears curiosly. Letting his wings slide down his side to the golden like grass. Edited at February 22, 2022 03:50 PM by Morning Pace

Lucy said "im the packs healer." Lucy looked at Rocket and said "My names Lucy and you are?" Lucy looked at him waiting for a response. (Gotta go for a bit)

Rocket tilted his head and responded " Just call me rocket" He'd wag his tail slightly and look off. He then adjusted the tight chains that held his lantern. [ Alr cya when you come back ]

Kelly breathed in and out, her wings shaking and her ears flattened. "I-I'm sorry," She stumbled,"I was just hoping- I-I thought," She started rushing on,"I was hoping we knew each other or something because everyone here had family, or found family or has family or is going to have family... but not me. I'm the exception." She buried her face in her paw, her wings folding over her casting shadows.

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple looked at the she-wolf. "It's fine. I...I don't think that any of my family is here either. I've been alone for 5 years until you all came along. This pack...is now my family as well as yours. It'll take time to get used to but eventually, we will all be like family." Maple said, hoping to make Kelly feel better. Although she was very mean at times, she still had a kind heart.

Kelly looked up gratefully at Maple. "Sorry for knocking you off a tree..." Kelly said,"And then giving you CPR."

Maple|F|7|Wings/Mimic|Hunter Maple laughed a bit and said, "It's fine. You did the right thing for your pack; protecting them from a stranger. Why did...Daisy knock you off of me though? I know that she's the Beta and all but at least I couldn't fly away when you pinned me down. I could've given a chase but several of you have wings and could've easily caught me." Maple asked, slightly confused.

Aspen Aspen saw Sky and Emily asleep, that was good for her, she didnt have to predend she was happy anymore. She watched Maple and Kelly talk, how could kelly trust this wolf, her tail tiwitched as Maple laughed. Oh and now they were friends Aspen thought as she tryed to contain herself (also just want to tell you i have no problem with maple or anything its just the way Aspen is. So just wanted you to know that!) Edited at February 22, 2022 05:27 PM by TheHappyHowlers