
Ava || Mentions: Sephtis "Come, Ava. I'll show you to our room. I'm sure you'll like it better than that cell." Glancing up, confused, she spoke, "What? Our?-"Shivers crawled up her spine when Sephtis touched her, not daring to question any more. She began slowly walking forward, her pace picking up speed as they walked down the halls, passing numerous guards. They all seemed to be afraid of Sephtis, always quiet, not making a sound. It was nice, to a certain extent, yet somewhat suspicious. Did he really have this entire facility resting in the palm of his hand? Could he really do what he spoke of? Ava didn't know if she wanted those questions to be answered, the answer may just be to frightening. Walking into a room, she almost gasped aloud. The decor, the furniture. It was like she walked through a door to a whole new building. It was actually quite beautiful, and it seemed.. kinda' cozy. Somehow, moving from such a bland cell to a decoritive room, made Ava a tad bit sleepy. No- dont. Shit. She couldn't feel like that, she couldn't. Shaking her head no, she continued to stand, walking near the bed to at least respect the gesture to some extent. "Hmm, I know you have some questions, ask away." Ava gritted her teeth, and glanced down towards the ground, her jaw tight. She had a feeling her questions could backfire and upset Sephtis in some way, and in no way she wanted that to happen. So.. she would ask something simple. Ava picked her head up, looking at Sephtis with a serious glance. "Why me."

Ero II M: Jericho (Ind.) and others in the room (Ind.) Ero was shaking in her blank cell. She still was hurt pretty badly from her run in with the doctor, also her own self harming had caused her much hard- which was expected. She watched as the door opened and some guards came in. She huddled in the corner, violently shaking as the guards approached her. She started to sob, crying hysterically while the guards came closer. They roughly grabbed her by the arm, casing her to try and fight back by using her nails and fingers. One of the guards was wearing a helmet with bo face guard and she suddenly clawed at his face. He let out a scream as her fingers clawed into his eyes and rippped straight through them. She felt pain as she was grabbed roughly and slammed to the ground. She was pinned the the ground on her back, arms pulled hard behind her back, hurting her shoulders. She screamed and started to sob again, feeling handcuffs cover her wrists. She was kicked in the ribs, causing her screams and cries to get worse.
She was picked up and dragged, unable to get to her feet as she was roughly pulled along by the guards. She whimpered, feeling large skinned patches all along her legs. She was dragged to a new room, still crying as she was so terrified. She was shoved in the room, wrists being released form the chains as she was shoved in hard. She felt straight on her face, turning on her side while she curled into a ball, not even caring what was around her or where she was. She was scared, she wanted to be free from Ibex, but more importantly she wanted Jericho, he'd make everything better. Her frame was shaking, bruises and scratches all along her arms and face, even sides, though you couldn't see the ones along her ribs as her shirt obscured them.

Malaki: Mentions: Glory and Jericho Malaki began walking to Jericho to talk to him about whatever was on their mind, but when a door opened and three other women walked in, he recognized one of them and his heart dropped. It was Glory, the one he fought before and the same one he nearly drove to insanity. Oh God. It's her. What do I do? Malaki bit his lip and he looked away, but he knew that he would have to talk to her eventually, so he decided to do it now and just get it over with. He walked voer to her and sheepishly looked down upon his approach. He walked over to her, his tone low and his voice sullen. "Glory. I'm... I... I'm sorry about what I did to you when we fought each other. I was so scared that we would both be killed if we didn't showcase all of our abilities, and when you set me on fire I paniced and thought only about myself. I'm so sorry about anything that happened to you afterwards." He looked down, fully expecting to be layed out for what he did to her. Jericho: Mentions: Malaki and Ero Jericho walked towards Malaki, until Malaki turned and noticed a group of three women enter the room. He walked over to them, leaving Jericho alone in the room, but as he wondered about what to do now, he heard another set of doors open and he heard crying. The voice sounded oddly familiar and his heart began to race. Jericho turned around and there was Ero, balled up in a heap and crying alone on the floor. Ero... "ERO!" Jericho shouted, running at full speed towards her, coming to her side and hugging he,r burying his head in her right shoulder as tears began to stream down his face. "Ero... I'm so sorry..." He started, his voice cracking with emotion as he held her in his arms. "I swore I would protect you from Ibex and I didn't. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me..." He just lied there in silence, glad that he was able to hold Ero once again.

Ero II M: Jericho and others in the room (Ind.) Ero wasn't expecting someone to come and suddenly hug her. But she didn't expect ever to see that person again, not ever. She had heard him before she saw him, but she never expect him to wrap her up in his arms, actually apologize and asking for her forgiveness. She cried for a bit longer before she managed to stop her cries. She smiled up at him, tears glistening in her eyes and her face having a grin on it, despite the number cuts across her face, mostly from her splitting her forehead and cheek open against the wall. "You're okay... you're here... I love you so much." She murmured brokenly, hugging him tight against her. She never wanted to let him go, she needed him and how he was finally there. "Did they hurt you? I'm sorry... i was too weak to fight them off..." she mumbled, starting to shake in his arms as she felt the fear of being in Ibex start to consume her. "I'm scared... I'm so scared."

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I'm scared... I'm so scared." Ero mumbled, hugging him tight against her. Jericho hugged her and he looked at her and smiled warmly, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know you're scared Ero, and trust me, I'm scared too, but you know what? We're both alive and we're together now, and that's all that matters right now." He looked into her eyes, trying to calm her down. "They roughed me up a bit, but I'll be just fine, now that I have you in my arms Ero." He held her just a bit longer before standing up. "Let's go to one side of the room and just talk. Just you and me. Does that sound okay?" He grinned as he took one of her hands, hoping she would walk with him.

Ero II M: Jericho and others in the room (Ind.) Ero nodded, taking his hand and holding it very tight as she shook. She only took a few steps like that before she went closer to him, pressing herself to his side. She was too scared to pull away from him anymore than that. She grinned back at him, love and adoration in her eyes as well as her fear. "I'll go where ever you go." She said, following him over to a place in the corner. She limped slightly, side hurting from where she had been kicked by the guards. She also realized her hand holding onto Jericho's had coated his hand with blood from the guard who's face she had clawed. "What if they take you away from me? I can't... I can't be without you... I'd rather die than them take me from you..." she mumbled, smile wavering heavily as she tried to act happy, but was so scared.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho sat down and wrapped Ero up in a hug, hearing Ero mumble "What if they take you away from me? I can't... I can't be without you... I'd rather die than them take me from you..." As Jericho began to think of an answer, he ran his hand through her hair to try to calm her down. "I know you don't want to be here, and I know that we may be seperated again, but I promise you, that when all is said and done Ero, we will be together, free to live our lives... together." He looked into her eyes and couldn't help but grin at her. "Ero, I want you to promise to me that if we get seperated again, I want yo to be strong and not to break down, okay? Ibex wants you to break down and feel completely hopeless, so that you don't want to ever get out. Cling to hope with whatever you can grab onto and hold tight until the storm is over, because the light always shines brighter after a brutal storm passes through." He interlaced his fingers with hers and smiled happily. "Every minute I was alone in that cell I thought of only you Ero. Now... I never want you to leave my arms again." Edited at November 6, 2021 11:47 PM by Shadow Hearts

Amber | M: Achlys, Ibex Guards, Everyone(ind) "My name is Achlys." The other girl said and Amber rested her head on the wall. Nope, not one spark of recognition went through her. How nice. It was like she was forgetting everything important and remembering the least important ones. At that moment, guards came into the room and she hissed at them as they moved her out of the room. "Achlys!" She yelled before they forced her down a corridor. Coming out to a room, she walked in seeing a bunch of familiar yet unfamiliar faces. She stood in the center of the room for a moment, fidgeting with her bracelet as her eyes darted around nervously.
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Ero II M: Jericho Ero looked at him, a true irradic grin spreading across her face, but it showed her love she had for Jericho. She wanted to live with him for the rest of her life, never leave his side. She snuggled against him, enjoying her fingers interlaced with his. "I-I..." she mumbled, heart dropping as she tried to agree with him. Her obsessive mental state would never allow that, how could she allow it to allow that? She couldn't be separated from him, it hurt, it made her feel more pain than she ever had in Ibex. "I can't promise... I can't explain it... but I can't be apart from you. I-If I am and can't get you back... I can't control what I do." She mumbled, smile fading as she started to cry again. "I want to be with you and happy, I want to... I wish we could..."

Shi | M: Ibex, Glory Shi paced the room before four guards came in. She lunged for one of them before getting forced back. She got taken down a long corridor and although she struggled, they kept ahold of her before practically throwing her into a large room. Her senses immediately picked up a lot of different people but she beelined it for Glory as soon as she saw her. "Are you okay?" Shi said curtly, looking the girl over before turning her eyes to the man that seemed to be apologizing to her. She would be perfectly fine with tearing all the men in the room apart except for Jackson because he was Glory's love. She was about to say something snarky when someone in the corner caught her eye. A girl fidgeting with her bracelet. Her voice caught in her throat, making a small choking sound. It couldn't be . . .right?
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