
Skadi F 4 wings (lead scout soon )mimics things and can throw her voice. ) Skadi ears perked up to the sound of snapping branches. And the smell of humans. The oak tree was upwind of stream. Meaning the humans had to be following the water line. They needed to get off the ground now. She watched sky also alert. "Into the trees everyone" "non flyers hide". She ran to Emily who was standing alone as sky was quickly talking to Luna. "On my back little one we going up ". She layed down so the young pup could climb on

Daisy/3/Beta Female/Wings and Feathers/ Daisy tail started to wag really fast. Once she saw Sky it stoped. Daisy looked at Sky and asked "whats wrong?" Emily/3 1/2M/ Wings and sharp vison/ Emily hoped on to Sakid's back. Edited at February 18, 2022 05:12 PM by Shadow-Wolf

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna listened to Sky. "Everyone!! There may be humans nearby. Get in the trees or hide!" Luna said, hopping up and trotting through a bush, she smelled humans faintly. "Wait, get on the trails. We will need a scout though!" Edited at February 18, 2022 05:16 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Sky The humans, i heard them!! We need to run sky said as she steped twards the trail she saw before.

Sky sky took to the air and flew just above the wolves who couldnt fly. Edited at February 18, 2022 05:19 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Skadi f 4 wings mimic. (Lead scout soon) Skadi hearing Luna. "I will scout the way. I can carry one pup with me. If need be if not that's fine. And send false signals to the humans. " Edited at February 18, 2022 05:28 PM by Ravensrun

Luke|M|4|Feathers/Wings|Warrior Luke heard Luna yelling and flew up into a tree. He wobbled as he flew but safely made it up. Luke growled, smelling humans. He wanted to attack them for everything that they'd done to all of these wolves. He then flew down from the tree and alongside his sister. He saw Luna shake her head as she trotted along to the trail. Edited at February 18, 2022 05:17 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Abyss abyss heard luna and the other wolves so she went to her mom as they followed luna and alo.

Saoirse|F|3|Feathers/Wings|Scout Saoirse wakes up in the enclosure. Everything is empty and there is a hole under the fence. Saoirse gets up and trots under the hole. She smells wolves and starts to follow the scent. After trotting for a few minutes, she starts to run. She only ran because she smelled humans. Then, a shot was fired. It was aimed at Saoirse but she knew it had missed. She then jumped, flying in the air for a few feet. She landed and kept running. She snapped a few sticks and fell twice.

Sky sky saw wolf(saoirse) and dropped down beside her. Come with me she said as she ran ahead, showing her the way. (ill be back i have to do something rq so ya)(ok im back now lol) Edited at February 18, 2022 05:28 PM by TheHappyHowlers