
Lucille II M: Night
Lucille grinns sickeningly, loving that her torture was working on the man. She loved making people feel pain, a weird thing she loved. Although she made sure not to kill him, she didn't want to kill him. She approached him very quickly, pressing a dagger to his throat and leaning in close to him, eyes flashing. "Maybe I should recend my deal and kill you right here. And you're so weak, I just didn't expect this. Man I do want to kill you... I really want to kill you, anyone really. I just want someone to pay! Anyone!" She spat, knife pressing against his throat. She'd never kill him really, she had enough self control to pull herself back from it.

Night | M: Lucille "Maybe I should recend my deal and kill you right here. And you're so weak, I just didn't expect this. Man I do want to kill you... I really want to kill you, anyone really. I just want someone to pay! Anyone!" She spat at him, pressing a dagger to his throat. He leaned in close, saying quietly, "You can try. . .and you will fail." He suddenly surged upwards, throwing her back before teleporting to the other side of the arena. Dark energy rose up creating the exact daggers as Lucille's in his hands. Black and purple hues circled him, the manipulation coming easier as he accepted the power.
He decided to try something then, just for the fun of it since she seemed to like using that torture method. His skin seemed to disintegrate as his bones started to shine. As his skin turned invisible, he made sure his bones stayed visible before his eyes disappeared as well. Well, to someone else at least. He cackled at Lucille, "Who is the weak one now?" His voice came out cold and hardened, he was fighting for his family now and nobody was going to get in his way.
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Lucille II M: Night
Lucille was stunned, how was he able to break away and copy her powers? She watched him copy her powers once again and do something odd with them, which she didn't like. She rushed him once again, using her dark energy to create a few weapons, then cloak her body so you could barely see her against any shadows. She was going to rush him, try to kill him. She flapped her wings, giving her some altitude and then slamming down with a new weapon, a katana, one that looked exactly like Nakao's. "You're still the weak one." She said, slashing down right between his neck and shoulder and hoping it hit. If it did hit she'd make it dissapear instantly as to not mortally wound him. She would never rob a child of its parent, not after she had Karasu.

Ava || Mentions: Ahyma Ava was getting irritated now, they were going to be killed if Ahyma wasn't going to fight back, she needed to push this brat off the edge and give her a reason to fight back. Apparently, threatening her families life. Now that Ava new she had a child, this would make things much more interesting~ "If we both make it out of this.. or, one of us," mentioning to herself, "I'll personally find your child, take it, and leave it in the middle of the woods, and feed it to the creatures of the dark. I hear wolves eat their prey alive, it'll be a wonderous show." "Why don't you take a hit! The longer you wait, the more planning I do of killing your child," Ava hissed, an evil grin on her face. She tossed her flaming sword in the air, and it split in two in midair, two shorter, flaming swords in both of her hands.

Ahmya II M: Ava
Ahmya stared at the woman. She wanted to throw up, to kill this damn bitch. But then it hit her, the relization hit her and everything made sense suddenly. The woman was trying to aggrivate her, trying to get into her head and Ahmya was letting her. Ahmya formed a split second plan, letting her anger guide her plays to make it look real, but not letting it corrupt her judgement. If she let it consume her and her judgement she would mess up, she couldn't afford to mess up, for Amai's sake. "Bitch! You're going to die, not me!" She spat, suddenly swinging her sword lower at the woman, hoping she'd take the bait and try to swing at her. Before she completed her swing the weapon morphed in her hands back to her Bow and she aimed at the woman's legs, shooting three arrows side-by-side, and shooting three times rapidly. She jumped back after that, aura surrounding her as she felt a few more drops of black blood drip from the same eye once again. She would do whatever she could to kill this woman, her damn half-sibling.

Ava || Mentions: Ahyma Scoffing, Ava braced for impact, but instead of a sword plunging into her, three arrows shot out, two successfully striking her. Her eyes widened, and she slowly looked down. One arrow had implaed her leg, the other right in her gut. She winced, and breathed through her teeth, a dangerous look in her eyes. "Fuck-" she growled, and grabbed the arrows, ripping them out, looking away as she did it. "Ooooh, you got me," she laughed, and she touched her wounds with her flaming hands, the wounds mending themselves, as if melting into one another. "Mother fucker," she growled, staring at Ahyma with a deadly stare, "At least I got ya," she chuckled, and she picked up her hands. Dragons made out of fire and flame began to emerge from the ground, countless of them staring at Ahyma, Ava standing right in the middle of them. With a snap of her fingers, they all lunged forward, jaws opened, fire and heat spewing out of them, tearing into Ahyma's dark aura, making their way to her. They attempted to burn her, and melt through her armor, and Ava chuckled, her orange eyes growing brighter.

Ahmya II M: Ava
Ahmya grinned sickeningly as she hurt the the other woman, managed to hit her. Her plan had worked, no matter how easily the other woman healed herself. She watched the woman thing she had her and try to consume her by flaming dragons. She hated how they tore through her dark aura, it was draining and it caused her real pain, even a few burns spreading along her hands as her armor started to fail her. But that's when she let it go, she let the dark aura leave her and then she let her intangibility take hold, keeping her safe and sound. Ahmya screamed, screamed like she was in pain and being burnt, mostly to fake to the other woman that she was being melted in her flaming dragons when she could really just walk out at any moment. She stayed there for a second, screaming and pretending to be in pain before she took a step out of the fire, launching herself at the other woman. The moment she stepped out of the fire she summoned her bow, which didn't draw upon her energy to summon and aimed it right for her throat, then her chest, then her face. She hoped it would work, although she had to let go of her intangability to shoot the arrows, a few burns spreading along her shoulders and arms, but she paid it no mind. "Damn you, your mother should've left you in the woods to get eaten by creatures of the night. If she was a real mother, she would've put her little monster to sleep before it killed her." She spat, growling as she hoped the woman in front of her would die or give up.

Ava || Mentions: Ahyma Caught by surprise, Ava stumbled backwards, backing herself up to the wall, an arrow pointed at her face. The woman spoke, but it didn't phaze her, she really didn't care about her mother, why else would she have killed her? She stared at the arrowhead, her heart pulse was raising, her eyes gleamed with fire. Her eyes stared into Ahyma's. "Go on. Do it. Kill me, shoot the arrow right in my skull. Go ahead. Do it!" Ava shouted, urging for AHyma to do it, she growled at the fact nothing was happening, and she reached forward, grabbing Ahyma by the throat, fire reaching upwards grabbing her hands. She shoved the woman against the wall, her fingers grasping her throat, squeezing ever so slighty. Fire had pinned Ahyma's hands to the wall, making her uncapable of using the bow. "As heartless as I am, no child deserves to live without a parent," Ava hissed, "No one is winning from this. You kill me, you lose. I kill you, I lose. EIther way, we all loose. If you truly love your family. Give. Up." Steam and black smoke began to slowly creep out of Ava's mouth as she spoke, her hands becoming a warm orange. Staring at Ahyma made Ava realize something, slightly. No matter the scenario, no matter the cause, a mother always remains loyal. But Ava never regretted what she did to her mother, she simply didn't, and never would, but.. somehow this felt different, and she hated herself for it.

Ahmya II M: Ava
Ahmya felt herself be pinned and she growled at the woman in front of her. She wasn't going to give up. She felt the woman's hand burning on her throat, as she knew she was going to get burns on her throat and hands. She wondered what the hell happened to this woman to screw herself so damn bad. "Well my twin and I grew up without a damn mother and I will never leave my child like she left us when she was murured." Ahmya spat, using her abilities to use her intangibility to slip out of the woman's grasp and phase right through her, whipping around and kicking the woman on the back of the knee and then in the back. She walked away from the other, not bothering to attack her any more. She didn't want to kill the woman, and thwarting her attacks was annoying her at this point.

Ava || Mentions: Ahyma Gritting her teeth, Ava looked back with a death glare. "Fine," she huffed, and stood up straight, stretching her legs, rubbing her back. She turned around, walking after Ahyma, and grabbed her shoulder, "You have no idea who you're dealing with. Do you?" She whispered with a hiss, and using her inner strength, she tightened her grip on Ahyma's shoulder, and tossed her to the side, causing her to crash into the wall. She wiped off her hands against eachother, rolling her shoulders. I suppose my inner dragon does support my human body. Lovely. The fire that was flooding the ground, disappearing into thin air. Well, it didn't really disappear, it transferred itself to Ava, her fists covered in hot, burning flames now. Ava walked back towards Ahyma, grabbing the woman by the hair, a large fistful of it, and she leaned down, her voice seemed to change, but barely any difference. Black and grey smoke was coming out of her mouth and nostrils now, her pupils slitted sideways, and she hissed, "I hope, for your daughter, it doesn't hurt when I snap her neck," she growled, and she pushed her against the wall again, fire making its way onto Ahyma. Dr. Andrews || Mentions: Dr. Kale, Ahyma, Ava Watching down below, the old man was writing in his clipboard, tapping his pen. "Apparently she likes to taunt her victims, lovely," he said, in a bored tone. "Well, I suppose she could be put on them team.. though," he mumbled, mainly to himself. He scratched his head, flicking his fingers. He was surprised as to how much Ava had evolved in strength and abilities, before, she was a nervous wreck, the only thing she could do was light things on fire, but now she has the ability to control it.. and something else. If she didn't show her hidden ability, they would check for it in tests. Dr. Andrews shrugged his shoulders, "Would someone get me Dr. Kale? I think she may want to see this." He was indeed surprised how fast this duel escalated, it was boring at first, but as soon as the other woman kicked Ava, it was as if she flicked a switch... intresting.