
Emily/3 1/2M/ F/ Wings and Sharp vision/ Emily chased Abyss around a long time earlier and she is sleeping at the moment. Her chested raise and falls as she sleeps. She countied to sleep.

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings Luna stood up after Kelly had been healed. Luna walked over to Alo and looked at all of the wolves. "Who do you think should be the Betas?" Luna asked Alo. Luna looked around and had a few wolves in her mind.

Daisy/3/F/Wings and Feathers/ Beta Daisy walked around hoping everyone was okay then she walked up to Luna and says "Hi Luna i mean Alpha". Daisy bows her head and says "Do you need help with anything?" (the i mean was my mistake but i thought i would be fine for the character also im just gonna put there ranks above the text with the name and stuff that is bolded)

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna looked at Daisy and smiled. "You can just call me Luna. I don't think I need help with anything but thank you for asking." Luna then heard Nicky, who was on her shoulder whisper, "She could be a great Beta." Luna nodded, thinking that Daisy could be a great Beta female. "We need a Beta male though." Luna whispered back. Nicky nodded, thinking. She then flew off to find someone who would make a good Beta. Luna watched her fly off and watched the other wolves playing and eating.

Daisy/F/3/Wings and Feathers/Beta Female/ Daisy watched the pup and then turned back to Luna. She says "So When do you think we will be able to train the pups like a age when they can start?" Daisy made eye contact with Luna but in a respectful way.

Sky(hunter) sky got up when kelly was healed and walked over to Emily. She playfull snook up on Emily and jumped up saying BOO! She then laughed as she saw Emilys face.

Emily/3 1/2 M/ Pup/ F/ Wings and sharp vision Emily looked up at her sister terrified and she was shaking. Emily said "Sis dont do that my eyes are senstive and now they hurt." (OI stop being cruel to emily)

(Guys i put my pets up in my bio if you wanna look and my avatar is my cat violet she is only 1 year and something old

Sky(hunter) sky forgot about her sisters vision. Sorry sky said as she bowed her head, i forgot about your eyes. She then licked her sisters face, tickling Emily in the process.

(also love your pets Shadow!! There so pretty! Your so lucky!!)