
Nyx || Mentions: Ero, Dr. Bow Beside her cell, she could here the harsh struggle the woman was having with the scientist, and her eyes widened in fear as the doctor spoke of an isolation tank. Isolantion tank!? When did they get that!? Her mind was swirling, and crossed her hands over her chest, wrapping them tightly, pushing herself against the corner of the room, holding her knees up to her chest. She refrained from speaking, but she simply couldn't hold it in. "All she wanted was to see her friend. Problem solved. No need to put her in a damn tank, just because you can't deal with her scream!" Nyx shouted, an furious look in her eyes, "You are pathetic, you know that?" She continued, "You should rot in hell," she hissed, her hands grabbing a hanful of her shirt, curling them into fists. She released her clothing, her eyes looking straight up at the door, "You should all burn in hell."

Night Chetan | E9 | M: Nakao, Ota, Kage(ind), Eclipse(ind), Ibex Night awoke groggily to yelling. After a moment, he identified Nakao and his. . .son? to be yelling at each other. Getting up, he scanned the room, instantly noting that he was back in Ibex. The last time he thought he was going back, he would have tried to kill himself. This time was different. He had family now. "Kage! Eclipse! Where are you!" He yelled, banging on the door before sitting down on the bed. He scratched his head before calling up his weapon manipulation. He created a dagger before making it into a throwing knife and finally into a katana. Making it back into a dagger, he threw it at the wall over and over again, trying to figure out how the heck to get out.
A couple minutes later, the doors opened. Night was up like a shot and in a defensive position when three guards came in. After a couple minutes of decided struggle, they escorted him out of the room down a hallway with two metal doors. After the metal doors, they came to a dark hallway where the guards pushed Night forward and closed him in. Upon inspection, apparently the doors in front of him would open. Great, they had a new arena. How perfect.
Night sighed, oh how he wished he were back in the mansion with Kage and Eclipse, fixing them something to eat or fixing the roof. Okay maybe not fixing the roof but being with his family. Oh and burning Ibex to the ground again. That was definitely at the top of his agenda. The door in front of him opened suddenly and he was pushed out into a circular arena with sand on the ground. Another door was opening up on the other side and he braced himself for whatever might come out. Edited at October 20, 2021 08:53 PM by Fangsoffire
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Glory || Mentions: Ibex Guards, Dr. Coin, Malaki (ind.) Sitting against the wall, minding her own buisness, Glory was leaning against the wall, her head touching the cold cement wall. Lord, wasn't it cold in there. She refused to touch those ill-ridden blankets, if it is from Ibex, you can count on her saying "no" to every damn thing. Up the hallway, Glory could hear multiple footsteps. Growing louder and louder by the second, and she curled tighter and tighter into a ball until the sound stopped, right at her door. Men dressed in armor opened her door, chains in one hand, an electric rod in the others. "No.. no.. get away from me," she whispered as they walked towards her, and her eyes shifted to yellow in a split second, and her lungs began to screech, "No! Get the fuck away from me! Get your hands off!" She hissed, kicking in every direction. She could feel her ankles being latched onto, dragged forward, hands grabbing at her hands, but she smacked them, trying to pull herself away. "Let go of me!" She screeched, but her hair was grabbed, her face soaked in tears. They yanked her upwards, covering her mouth. She tried to bite them, but they had thick gloves on, and her screams became muffled. She struggled, and struggled, but chains were wrapped around her arms, stunting her of her powers. Dragged from her room, Ibex Soldiers walked her down the hallway, not caring for one split second that they dragged her pass all the others. They somewhat wanted to show them what would become of them soon enough. Glory continued to struggle, muffled screams quickly executed with a punch in the gut. The soldiers had stopped dragging her for a moment, looking around, and began to speak in a deep voice. "This is what will become of you if you do not cooperate. Cooperate, and your situation becomes easier for everyone. Don't cooperate," he glanced down at Glory, whom was staring at him with pure hatred, "and this will happen to you." He balled up a fist, and gut punched Glory, and she curled over, muffled sobs. They dragged her away, as if she were nothing. Dragged down multiple halls, they finally made it to a specific one, one with two solid, metal doors, one of which had a scientist standing in front of it. The woman walked forward, and kneeled in front of Glory, and glanced up at the men holding her, "I hope she wasn't to much of an exhaust." They shook their heads and she smiled, looking back at Glory. "Good. Hello Glory, I'm Dr. Coin, your assigned scientist. You and I are going to have alot of fun together, but first.." she booped her nose, and Glory growled, her eyes gleaming yellow, "Your going to meet one of the other experiments. A fellow lycanthrope, Malaki." She stood up, a grin on her face, and pointed her towards the doors. Glory shook her head violently, screaming, shrieking for help. Unfortunately for her, she was alone, muffled, and was about to face an unknown, and potentially stronger danger.

Lucille I M: Ibex
Lucille woke up and immidiately panicked, not feeling her child in her arms. She cursed, sitting up and looking around the tiny cell she was now contained in. She growled, thrwoing her pillow across the room as she get upset. Before she could pull a full blown fit the door opened and some gaurds walked in. She immmidaitely tried to rush them, but she was grabbed and pinned down. Her wings were tied behind her back and her hands cuffed. She was practically dragged by the agents, trying to fight so hard that she nearly got away multiple times, but failed in the end. She wanted to know where they were taking her, she needed to know. She tried everything she could to get free, including kneeing the gaurd and kicking in the back of their knee, but they just ignored he. "Go to hell! I'll send you there! You're going to pay for this! I'll kill you all!" She spat, also uttering some profanities afterwards, even spitting on the gaurds as she did her best to get them to stop dragging her across the floor to what she imagined would be pure torture. Her fighting was no good and she was dragged and pushed violently into a long hallway. Her wings were unbound and her hands unchained, but tha tdidn't make her any happier. She was shoved again and the door closed behind her. She growled, looking the other way and seeing a small light as a door slowly opened. She walked towards it and tried to turn back, but she was shoved once again and she fell face first into the arena, cursing even more. She pushed herself up quickly, hating the sand on her bare feet. She shook her wings off and looked across the arena to see another door opening. Her powers rose inside her and she felt like it was about to be a very violent battle. Edited at October 21, 2021 03:28 PM by Dragonhorse

Night | M: Lucille The door opened the rest of the way before the girl stepped out. She shook her wings out and he narrowed his eyes before recognizing her. Oh great. She might have forgiven him then about her brother but he wasn't too sure if she would remember that after Ibex and everything. Either way, he was not looking forward to this battle. He backed up to along the wall, pacing a small section, his eyes trained on Lucille.
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Nakao Mentions: Ibex, Babysitter Sephtis, kids, and Kage Nakao was sitting down on the bed, trying to remain calm while stuck in the cell. The idea of calm left his mind when a couple of Ibex soldiers stepped into his cell. His anger instantly rose in his eyes, his blood boiling at the presence of them. "Get the Hell out of my cell before I skewer you." He didn't shout; however, the volume of his words laced with hostility. The Ibex soldiers tales a step forward, grabbing the man by the wrist - that was their biggest mistake. Nakao leans forward, mouth wide open as he prepares for an attack. His teeth dug into the cloth on one of the soldier's throats. Chomping down harder, his teeth now sinking into human flesh. Nakao pulls his head back, a chunk of the person's flesh in his mouth and some of the cloth. He could feel the blood run down his throat and staining his tongue. He quickly spits whatever he has out of his mouth, watching the soldier fall on the ground and choke on their blood. "Choke on that you son of a-." Getting cut off when he fell unconscious, feeling something hit the back of his head. After a while, he wakes up in utter darkness. The blood is still on his face, and he blinks a couple of times in confusion before getting to his feet. A large metal door opens, and with curiosity on his mind, Nakao steps out of the chamber. Now standing in an arena, and his eyes narrow. He would be delighted to be in something like this. Considering this is Ibex's shit and he hates Ibex, he doesn't like it. Ugh, why can't Ibex explode into billions of pieces already? He scans the area a bit more, only to stiffen when he sees Sephtis with his child Karasu, the man holding the boy in his arms, and with a smile on his face. "Put him down, you bastard! Don't make me get up there and kill you!" Sephtis only chuckles, patting Karasu on the back, then proceeds to leave the room. On closer inspection, Sephtis had other kids with him, but Nakao doesn't recognize any of them. Edited at October 20, 2021 09:23 PM by Cereal

Malaki: Mentions: Ibex Guards, Glory (ind) and Dr. Volks As Malaki waited for a response from either Blade or Jericho, Ibex guards flanked Dr. Volks as he walked down to E-11: Malaki's holding cell. The doctor politely knocked on the door and Malaki turned in the direction of the door, only for several Ibex guards to rush in and surround Malaki, discouraging him from doing anything. The doctor walked in and looked at Malaki. "So... the description of you was not wrong after all." Volks started, satisfied with the description that was given to him. "I will give you your due Malaki, you are in fighting shape, that's for sure. However, I think that won't help you when you're fighting against these fellows." He patted a shoulder on one of his guards, before they rushed Malaki and dragged him out of his cell, with Malaki trying to lock in either a rear naked choke or a Kimura to make at least one of the guards to regret some life decisions, but he was lifted off the ground, with one guard holding onto an appendage, leaving Malaki vunerable to paranoia... and Benny. "Looks like they're shipping you off to another test Malaki... what're you going to do about it?!" Malaki was way ahead of him, but as he was about to use Primal Fear, a guard stuffed his mouth with a towel, nearly suffocating him with how long the guard pressed the towel down his throat. Eventually they reached their destination and Malaki was thrown into a small room, with two sets of doors, one of them being closed and one that was open. A holding chamber... but where does it go to? As the doors shut behind him, he could hear Dr. Volks on an intercom. "Now you will be fighting against another experiment, a fellow lycanthrope like you. Her name is Glory." Dr. Volks said, but before Malaki could ask a question, the other set of doors slowly opened up, and Malaki stepped out onto a sandy stretch of ground. Sand? Does this have something to do with fighting, or does it have something to do with my opponent's powers? He looked up at the sky and found that the moon was out, and not only that, it was a full moon, meaning that his werewolf form would be at its strongest.

Glory || Mentions: Malaki, Ibex, Dr. Coin Being shoved in a dark, inclosed space was not great idea for Glory, no, no. She was bout to ram herself into walls and the door, but at the end of the hallway, a door opened slowly, light shining in. She didn't dare move, but she didn't have much of a choice. Something touched her.. then began shoving her forward, no matter how hard she tried to stay put, she was shoved into the arena, landing on her hands and knees. Breathing heavily, Glory picked herself up somwhat, leaning back on her knees, taking in lumps of air and oxygen. She could feel sand.. sand? Glory looked down, to see she was in a.. round room of some sort, that was covered in sand. She looked up to see a strange man on the other side. She freaked out, and flung sand in all directions as she pushed herself back against the closed door, standing up cautiously, staring the man down. What was going on? Why was she there? What kind of test was this? Then she heard a ringing noise, and peered upwards. About 30ft above them, was a glass box, and Dr. Coin was standing up there, speaking into a wired mircophone. "Glory, meet Malaki. Malaki, meet Glory. This evening, you two will be battling against one another to test your abilities and how much you have evolved over the years without our care. Refuse to, and unfortunately, we'd have to kill you." Glory took in a few deep breaths, processing this new information. She glanced at Malaki, taking in her options. A. Kill him. B. Just Give up. C. Fight until the other one gives up. A and C sounded good. "Start whenever your ready." Glory looked at Malaki, and didn't move, she would wait.. yes... she would wait for his first move, and the true test would begin.

Malaki: Mentions: Glory, Dr. Volks and Dr. Coin Malaki watched as a woman entered the same room as him and a voice came over the intercom. "Glory, meet Malaki. Malaki, meet Glory. This evening, you two will be battling against one another to test your abilities and how much you have evolved over the years without our care. Refuse to, and unfortunately, we'd have to kill you." The intercom cut off and that left Malaki with the girl, along with Benny egging him on to take her down quickly. "Just use the techniques you know and take her down easy! She'll get over it soon enough. And besides, with luck, you'll never see her again!" Malaki sighed as he began walking to the center of the room, taking a deep breath, before looking up at the moon then looking at Glory. Sorry Glory... I'm sure you're a nice gal and all, but I need to win this. Malaki unleashed his breath and used Primal Fear on Glory, screaming at her to try to daze her for long enough to close the distance on her to begin grappling her to the ground. If she transformed into her werewolf form, so would he, but for now, he'd keep that ace up his sleeve.

Edited at October 21, 2021 09:28 AM by Dragonhorse