
Flame | M: Arlin, Ghost Lily
Flame woke up and stretched, making sure not to wake her daughter. Jumping out of the crib, she trotted out, shifting into her human form before calling to her husband, "Going out for a bit! Will be back in a couple minutes or so." Might as well stretch her wings while they were in the clear. Getting outside, she shifted into a hawk, wasting no time to get into the air. Screeching happily, she circled the cabin once before soaring over the tree tops.
Sky | M: Malaki Sky scanned the clearing, noticing Flame coming out before flying off in a hawk form. She was probably going for a flight for a bit to get out of the house. Yep, that sounded like Burning. She turned back to Malaki, noticing the slight sadness on his face. "You good Malaki? Remember that we are here if you need to talk." Sky said before realizing that had actually come out of her mouth. Oops, that sounded much better in her head. She turned from him before squinting up to the sky, scanning once more before saying, "We probably should head inside now."
Cero | M: Blade(ind) & Nyx(ind), Lev
Cero watched as the boy went before making a replica of his panther. He doubted that Blade would get Nyx to the lodge at all but better to be safer. Whistling, they were off across the plain and plunged into the forest. Roughly two and a quarter miles later, he reined his panther to a halt before the lodge. This might take some work, but that wasn't the plan really. Slipping off his replica, he started inside to weigh out the damages before assessing how much he needed to do. Cero thought for a moment before starting with the illusion cover. Weaving it together, he slipped it over the lodge. Once done, he reached his mind over before reaching Lev. "Lev, I believe there is a kid, teenager, that has been looking for a mother figure and thinks Nyx is it. Doesn't like you very much, goes by the name of Blade. Ring any bell? Anyhow, he's getting Nyx now. You can either stop him there or catch him at these coordinates." Cero spoke in Lev's mind sending the coordinates afterwards. "Is all well with you? Your group get to safety with no incident?"
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Ibex || Mentions: All Experiments The plan was all set and ready to go. Teams of men and women, all dressed in armor and weaponry, coated in black. On each of their backs, in big bold white letters, the word "IBEX" is imprinted, loud and clear. They stood in an empty field, about 20 acres of it. In two rows, helicopters were parked, vans, trucks, everything they needed was placed right in front of them. They stood in formation, awaiting orders from the 'boss'. They had been planning this attacks for days, after their failed attempt, they had to come up with something better.. more~ extreme. Infront of the soldiers, one whom was dressed in a white coat, dark hazel hair, glasses propped up just above her nose, held a hand up. "Today, you will all collect our lost little puppies. Today, you will collect these lost puppies with no complications or casualities. These puppies must all stay ALIVE and UNTOUCHED. If necessary, you are allowed to use force, but please, don't damage the subjects too badly. Alright?" They all grunted, speaking in sync, "Yes Ma'am." She clasped her hands together, a bright smile on her freckled face, "Good! Now, let the games begin." Loud shouts, commands and orders echoed through the field, soldiers racing towards their vehicles, grabbing knock-out gas, and other essentials they would need in battle. They jumped into their vechicles, shouting more orders and commands. And as if one, each mechanical transportaion roared to life, lights beaming, exhaust plaguing the air. The young women smiled, watching as her little minions got to work. She picked up her hands, raising them high above her head, and laughed. "Go, go and collect my puppies!" Vans and trucks engines revved up in excitement, spitting grass out from under their tires. Helicopters surged into the air, nets and rope guns standing just outside the doors. The grounded vehicles had drove out of the field, leaving streaks of dead grass, mud and emptiness. Helicopters had flown upwards, spreading out, the noise of the propeller's soon becoming faint and distant. Groups dispersed, quickly finding the locations of the more valuable experiments. 6 groups each flew out, going to each state, California and Nevada. 5 extra groups were waiting on command, just in case anything were to go wrong. Which, it was unlikely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING AN RP REPLY You can/must post ONE reply for EACH character of your own! The Ibex Troops have been sent out, and are just above you right now, what happens is now in your hands BUT your characters are to be captured, no exceptions. You have two choices for your characters to go out, Gas or Brute Force. Either will result in your character falling unconscious. REMEMBER. ONE POST PER CHARACTER. GAS OR BRUTE FORCE (Your Choice). YOU GET TO CONTROL THE IBEX SOLDIERS NOW.

Shadow | M: Ibex Shadow felt an energy change in the air and got up, staggering towards the door. He almost made it outside when something hissed beside him. "Hmm?" Was all he managed to say before he slowly got sleepy. Red lines popped up in the energy threads. Uh oh, Ibex. That's not. . . He thought before he collapsed, falling asleep instantly.
Shi | M: Ibex
Shi heard a raven call and opened one eye to see a boot. Frick. Shi came up hard, surprising the Ibex soldiers before whirling around, snarling and biting. She managed to kill one before a gas bomb went out. Not going down this way. Shi shook her head before her ice covered her muzzle, stopping the gas from coming in before clawing out at the soldiers again. A dart hit her skin and she snarled again. Not . .going. . to . .take her. .alive. She staggered before collapsing, breathing heavily as Ibex soldiers surrounded her and the darkness came to greet her.
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Ota Mentions: Leonas, Ahyma, Dread, Elea, kids, and Ibex Ota was going to snap at any moment, glaring at Ahyma for assistance, but she's too focused on that crying bomb. He growls, not liking this affection Elea was giving. Since he wasn't used to it-he doesn't know how to react. Everything was going somewhat fine, well, until the driver hits the breaks. He grew angry, eyes burning with anger, and he was going to shout at Leonas, but he freezes. The man wasn't there anymore, he left behind a cloud of smoke. He was going to shout to alert the others, but he went quiet when a container was tossed inside. Nothing happened until the bomb of some kind starts releasing smoke. He coughs as it got into his nose, and exhaustion soon overcame him, then falls to the ground beside Dread. He held no concern for anyone, but Elea and the unborn baby. Nakao Mentions: Lucille. Karasu, and Ibex Nakao pulls back when she tried to kiss him, displeased that she dares to do it. A frown on his face, and he shook his head. "No, not now." Something was off about him, the man not wanting to get such affection from his wife. He was going to say something else, but the sound of many windows breaking interrupts him. "Shit, Ibex!" He storms away from Lucille, gesturing for her to get Karasu as he storms outside to face them. Spotting one of them, he was getting ready to storm after them but was hit in the back of the head, going unconscious. He had his eyes open for when they threw gas canisters in the cottage before blacking out. Cerviel Mentions: Dakota and Ibex "You're annoying me even more, werewolf lady. I hate those that annoy me!" He spat, anger flashing in his eyes, and was getting ready to lunge at her again. He hears something rolling their way, and he looks down at the ground to where the sound was coming from. "Shit! Gas grenade!" He was about to say something Dakota, but it exploded, and gas quickly swarmed them both. Cerviel lands on the ground, gasping for air, but the gas was suffocating to inhale. Sight going dizzy, and soon he went unconscious within two minutes tops. This is unfair-he didn't get a chance to kill her. When he wakes up, he's going to go straight for that werewolf chick, then Levushka. Arlin Mentions: Ghost Lily, Ibex, and Flame He hears a hissing sound beside him, looking around, and quickly turns off the stove. Arlin's eyes spot the canister, staring at the logo on it, and begins panicking. "Lily!" Arlin inhaled too much of the gas without knowing, and he darts in the direction of Ghost Lily's bedroom. Seeing her still sleep, he sighs in relief and starts to calm down. Only for the same hissing sound to be heard, and his eyes dash around to find it. Spotting it tucked in a corner, he stumbles forward to Lily, only to collapse on the ground. Going into a deep sleep, and was growing worried about his wife. Griffin Mentions: Ibex Griffin has decided to part from her father and sibling, and they were walking along the dark alley. Searching for a job that they can do to earn quick cash to feed themselves. Their stomach growls in hunger, but they ignored it. Scanning any buildings for a 'For Hire' sign, but was slowly losing hope. Sighing, shoving her hands into the pockets of her pants, only for the back of her head to be introduced to blunt force. Falling forward, landing hard onto the ground, and embracing a deep slumber. Edited at October 18, 2021 09:23 PM by Cereal

Burning Flame | M: Ibex, Arlin, Ghost Lily Burning flew above the trees before hearing the whoosh of a net. Plunging, she missed being caught in the net a split second before a couple dozen darts flew at her. She plummeted, landing on the ground before finding the red energy threads. Ibex. Scrap. Her first thoughts went to her daughter and husband. She had to get back to the pronto. She shifted into a wolf, releasing fire at the soldiers only for them to keep coming. Fire-proof armor. Grr. . .she hated Ibex.
Burning looked around before narrowing her eyes. Yep, that might work. She cut off the life in the two trees before her and the fell, crushing one of the vans before her fire made it blow up. She growled, shifting into a large tiger to swipe at the soldiers. Darts got shot again but this time, she jumps, using her camouflage to start running back to the cabin. That doesn't work too well. They see straight through her camo and a dart hits her shoulder. She grasped at the energy threads, willing herself not to fall asleep before shooting fire in every direction. The flames devour everything in its path, soldiers included. Her fire burns hotter and hotter until reaching the climax of dragon fire, poison fire. She shook her head as another dart hit her before charging one of the soldiers. He shot at her but she kept coming. He fumbled with his pistol, pulling it out but not fast enough. Her fangs tore through him, killing him instantly before moving to the next one. By then, the sleeping darts were taking their effect. She staggered, letting out a screech before collapsing. Darkness swarmed around her as she struggled to stay awake, worrying about her husband and daughter.
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Dakota || Mentions: Cerviel, Ibex "Would you stop it with the werewolf thing!" She complained, groaning dramatically, "If anyone is annoying, its y-" "Shit! Gas grenade!" Dakota jumped backwards bumping into the gas pump station, slowly falling down the side, inhaling the wretched smoke. She'd cough, covering her nose and mouth, waving her hand back and forth. "The hell-" she mumbled, her vision slowly becoming wonky. A few feet in front of her, she could see the winged man unconscious. She grunted, and tried to stand up, but it was useless. Whom ever threw the grenade, was intelligent to throw it in a perfect spot for both of them to fall to its wretched gas, but who did it? Then she saw it, dark figures surrounding the two of them, she looked up, to see who it was. Ibex. She lifted up a hand, coiled it in a loose fist, and lightly punched the soldier's leg. Shit. Her eyes fluttering to a close, everything fading to darkness real fast.

Zaphara Mentions: Rocky and Ibex Zaphara was getting strange feelings around her, a heavy frown on her face as her walking speed keeps increasing. She was unsettled, and she wasn't sure as to why. Her eyes kept darting around, fear lingering in her eyes, and wrapping her arms tightly around herself. She wasn't paying attention and bumps into someone. She backs up, looking up at the man with an apologetic look. A weak smile on her face, but her eyes filled with sorry, "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to bump into you." She froze, taking in the man's features. "You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" She shakes her head, mumbling an apology before dashing off. Walking past an alley, only to get hit by blunt force on her head. Instantly going unconscious while being carried off by a few soldiers. Lilith Mentions: Ibex Lilith was waiting patiently for her ride to come, waiting patiently for an Ibex van to pick her up. It didn't take long, a van of white pulling up in front of her, and she climbs in. Raising a hand, glaring at the soldiers, "No need to use aggressive measures with me. Just put a blindfold over my eyes, damn it." The soldiers look at each other while she sits down, and one soldier reluctantly does so. Wrapping a blindfold around the woman's eyes, Lilith sitting there in utter darkness. Tapping her foot as she waits patiently for her father, getting rather anxious. Sephtis Mentions: Angel, Ava, Ero, and Jericho Sephtis was humming a song, waiting for the right time to snatch his new interest. A grin on his face as an abomination reported back to him, and he nods his head. "Very good. Most of them are packed up and ready to be shipped. All except for my newly beloved." He stares down at Angel, then over to one of his abominations. "Put her to sleep, but don't kill her." Angel was about to protest, yet she instantly fell onto the ground as one of the abominations put some sort of sleeping spell on her. Creating a portal to the Ibex facility, watching another one of his pets drag the child through, and he chuckles. "Ava, darling. I'm coming for you." He snaps his fingers, creating another portal to where Ava was at. He leaps through eagerly and is now in the room where she slept. Sephtis approaches Ava, stroking a single finger along her lips. "Such beauty has blessed me today. I can't wait to turn you into my puppet." Covering her mouth and nose, cutting her circulation, but was careful to not kill her. A couple of abominations arrive through portals, guarding the man while he works. Edited at October 18, 2021 09:50 PM by Cereal

Cero | M: Ibex, Lev(ind) Cero realized that Lev was asleep, really deep asleep. Hmm. . .that could prove a challenge for sure. He turned back to the lodge before hearing his replica. The panther growled before the replica disappeared, being replaced with the actual. Oh no, that could only mean Ibex. He leaped over a log just as the first shots rang out, darts hitting the log fast. His familiar disappeared back into the tattoo before he created a replica of a bow of his. Making arrows, he shot one after another to no success. Hmm. . .something greater then. Cero drew his illusions up before sending out pain illusions, hearing screams come out of this plan.
Turning, he beelined it for the lodge, making it inside as the last of his pain illusions weared off. He breathed in and out quickly. There was two things that Ibex had no idea he could do. His mind-walking and his dream walking. He could use this now or wait. Cero groaned, he wasn't going to get out of here so he would wait so that he could contact the others if they got captured. He sighed before sending a message to everyone that was still awake. "Ibex is coming, move!" He said in their minds, noticing that only Blade, Nyx, Dakota and a few others were still awake. He was about to add more when hissing came from the doorway. Scrap. Sleeping gas. He inhaled some of it, getting out of the room too late when Ibex got to him. Ah well, at least he was still awake. . .somewhat. An Ibex soldier took care of that though, hitting him in the head with the butt of his gun a moment later.
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Ava || Mentions: Sephtis, Abomination Lying on her back now, Ava was resting her head on the pillow, her legs pulled close to her, her hands draped over one another. Her hair was cloaked over her shoulders and back, strands of hair hanging over her eyes. She thought she heard something, but it was probably Ero or Jericho. Her eyes were closed gently, and she was beginning to fall alseep slowly, just when she felt something touch her lips faintly, then a rough hand cover her mouth and nose. Her eyes shot wide open in horror and fear, and looked up to see a man she had not seen before. Fuck, fuck, fuck! She whipped her head side to side, and began to panic, her body going frantic. The young woman couldn't speak, and she couldn't make a sound, why? Well, it was probably because some dude was nearly suffocating her. She opened her palms, her eyes shifting immediately to orange, flared with flames of rage, a fire growing in her middle palm. She raised her hand, ready to burn this sucker alive, and little did she know, she used to much of her energy at once with no air. Her eyes and the flame slowly disappeared, her eyes returning to the normal dark blue they were once before. Her body stopped moving, and her eyes slowly fluttered, succumbing to darkness.

Sky | M: Malaki, Ibex Sky started inside before hearing a hiss. She jumped inside as the first gas grenade went off before yelling back at Malaki, "It's Ibex! Move!" She was about to go back out to him when a hiss stopped her. A bang went out and she dropped to the floor, spotting the gas grenade and Shadow on the floor close by. Her eyes closed, leaving her in a deep state of panic and sleep.
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