
Blade I M: Nyx
Blade approached the woman, who was very upset. He flinched visably at her words of how she said she wanted him dead, he loved her, he didn't want her to wish him dead. He looked over the woman as he approached her, kneeling down. "It's going to be okay, I'll protect you, I'll be your new family." He said, smiling at her and gently touching her arm. "I need you. We'll be okay together. That man wont make a good father to the child, the child deserves more, you do too." He said, looking at her with sincerity in his eyes. "I'm so sorry for hurting you and the baby, but that'll never happen again. I even found us a place where you can be more free and happy. And the baby will be safe and no one will ever take it away, or be bad towards it." He continued on, smile softening.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "Mmm, you kept your promise. I'm so glad you're still here. Maybe you can stay free as long as you stay close to me... You don't deserve to be locked up, too sweet." She murmured, happily humming at the end of the sentence. Jericho grinned as he shifted to hug her just a bit tighter. "You're wonderful Ero." He whispered to her as he hummed along with her, before sighing and slowly running his hand through her hair. "Your hair is soft and pretty." He said, carefully moving his fingers along as he tried to keep her calm. I think I am in love with her. He slowly rubbed her back as he slowly began to fall asleep again. "Ero..." He looked into her eyes. "You may have a crazy side to you, but you know what? I don't mind it. Your sweet side more than makes up for it."

Ava || Mentions: Jericho, Ero Ava looked at Jericho, and shrugged, "I'm fine here," she spoke quietly. She looked back out the window, lying on her side in the chair, curled up in a odd-looking ball. She yawned, running her hands through her auburn red hair, pushing it back, resting her head against the soft chair. For a few moments she was silent and still, forcing her eyes to stay open. Then she decided she would grab a snack or something, they must have had something in the fridge. She groaned slightly, lazily getting up, and wobbling towards the small black fridge beside the desk, and she opened it to see a pack of.. water. No food. "Ugh," she whispered, closing the door, walking over towards the couple. She saw that there was 5 pillows, and shrugged, "Ima take that," she smirked, and yanked a pillow, grasping it and hugging it. She placed it over her chest, her chin ontop, "Thank you," she smirked for a moment before it disappeared, walking back over to her chair, placing the pillow on it, getting comfortable again. Nyx || Mentions: Blade As she felt his fingers just touch her skin, she didn't flinch but she smacked his hand in a blink of a second, glaring at him. "That man wont make a good father to the child, the child deserves more, you do too." Nyx grabbed him, and yanked him closer, and whispered, a murderous look in her eyes, "You dare to insult my husband. It will be the last thing you do." She held him tight, coiling up her fist, punching him square in the face, cheek first. She pushed him backwords, "I don't care if your the most powerful being on the earth. You are NO family to me. Don't you get it? I. Hate. You. I. Want. You. Dead." She spaced out every word purposely, putting every ounce of hate into every vowel. "I'd rather die then live with you," she said, wiping off her hands.

Blade I M: Nyx
Blade flinched away as he was hit, and flinched even more at his words. He hit the ground again, and he went back up and reached for her, anger burning in his eyes. He nearly touched her with his rage, but he withheld himself, he wasn't going to hurt her. He started to cry again, but he didn't shy away from her, he reached towards her with arms wide spred and reaching for a hug. He needed her, he just needed her. "Please, please don't. It already hurts too much... Please, please please." He begged her, not touching her but still wanting her to freely hug him. "I want you to care about me."

Nyx || Mentions: Blade Nyx could see the rage in his eyes, and she picked up her knee from underneath her, and extended her leg, her sneaker pressed against his chest, ready to shove him back again. She could see his arms reaching towards her, but more in a hug-friendly sort of way, which, she did not find friendly. As the young man begged, she began to feel bad for him, her leg falling down slightly. No. She couldn't let him get to her, she pushed her leg back up, "I'm sorry. But you lost that privilege," she shoved him back, standing herself up, brushing off her bottom and legs. "Honestly, I don't know what I find funnier. Your rage or the fact you think I'll ever care about you," she glared, "C'mon. I know you have it in you, get mad with me already, I saw that tint in your eyes. Your a murderous physco," she pushed, and she didn't stop there. "Come on! Go ahead! Release me then do your worst. Punch me, kick me, kill me, I dare you," she continued to push, picking up a rock, tossing it in the air, catching it again, her face plagued with disgust, her hair was roughed up, strands of hair hanging down the sides of her head, dirt covering her face faintly. Dakota || Mentions: Ceriviel "Beautiful? Why, don't flatter yourself," she glowered, whipping her hand in the air, another blade coming to her aid. Before she could lunge at him, he disappeared and she felt a stinging pain on the back of her neck, she jumped forward, looking up at the wretched man. "Fine. Wanna play it that way? So be it," she huffed. Dakota held the blade in her hands, tossing it to the side, that small blade was useless towards this man. She would have to figure out another, different way to best him. She thought for a moment, then had an idea. She disappeared into thin air, using her invisibility to her advantage. Don't make a sound.. don't make a sound!~ she jumped side to side quietly, kicking the angel in the back of his knees, grabbing the back of his neck, whirling him around, attempting to rush him into the side of the van. She jumped back, her invisibility wearing out, she gritted her teeth, almost forgetting she could only use it for so long. Touching the back of her neck, she could feel droplets of blood, and almost smell it. She pulled her hair up into a loose pony-tail to get it out of the way, rolling her shoulders. Dakota clapped her hands together once, taking them apart once more to show a harpoon, and she tossed it in the air a few times, looking back at the winged man, "Why? He killed you, so? Move on, no need to make a bigger issue for yourself. You don't know this to escalate, trust me," she sighed, placing the harpoon on the ground, pointed arrow on the pavement below, leaning against it. Edited at October 18, 2021 12:01 PM by Covidic Coffee

Blade I M: Nyx
Blade watched as he dared her to kill her, as she practically asked him to do his worst. But that just made him start crying worse. He knew he was a murdering psychopath, it was bad and he knew it. He suddenly moved towards her quickly, dodging anything she had done to keep him away from her. He didn't do anything violent towards her though, he just wrapped her up in his arms and started to cry worse against her. He couldn't believe he had wanted to hurt her even for a second. He loved her, he needed her and he was about to hurt her. What was wrong with him. "I don't want to hurt you, I want to keep you safe." He said while crying. He was just devasted, naturally prone to emotional mood swings, especially as he viewed Nyx as his comforter, he went to be there for her. "I'm screwed up, but I don't want to hurt you... I don't... never again." He mumbled still, holding even tighter to the woman while sobs wracked his body. Edited at October 18, 2021 04:37 PM by Dragonhorse

Nyx || Mentions: Blade Speechless, Nyx slowly collapsed, her knees hitting the ground, slouching to the sides, her arms limp on her legs. She had dragged Blade to the ground, because of course, there was no way she could pry his arms off of her. She looked away, her eyes blank, her expression emotionless. "Your...so pathetic," she whispered, sighing quietly, "You just keep on pushing and pushing. You're not going to live a long life," she mumbled, lifting her arms up, prying his arms off, pushing him back. She shook her head, and sighed, "Give up Blade. Just give up. I do not care for you, I do not love you, I do not want to have a family with you. I have a family, and, I am happy just the way it is. So please. Just give up, and let me go." No aggression, no hate, no emotion. She was simply spitting out facts. Nyx sighed, and shrugged, "Just let me go. There are hundreds of other women out there better then me, stronger then me. Just.. please," she whispered, looking up at him.

Blade I M: Nyx
Blade shook his head, putting his hands over his face as tears drenched it. He was doing his best to keep it together, but as she pried his arms off of her it broke him even worse. He shook his head even more vigerously, ripping his fingers down his face and leaving scratches behind. He begin reaching for Nyx again, so terrified beyond measure. "Please... I don't want them I want you.... Everyone else I don't want, they can die..." He said, tears now running down his scratched cheeks, now having some blood as well. "I need you... I can't survive without you... I need a mom... please..." He was trying anything, he needed her, he needed her so much. Ero I M: Jericho
Ero smiled, enjoying his efforts to keep her content and calm, it worked perfectly. She put an arm around him, pulling herself as close as she could to him. "I think that you don't have a bad side." She murmured, looking sleepily up at him with a lopsided grin. "I like you like that." She closed her eyes and rested her head back against him as she started to fall asleep for real this time.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero and Ava "I think that you don't have a bad side." She murmured, looking sleepily up at him. "I like you like that." She closed her eyes and rested her head against him. Jericho happily sighed as he settled in to go to sleep, feeling Ero's warmth comfort him considerably. Her warmth... it's so... comforting. He thought as his eyes grew heavy. "Trust me Ero, I do have a bad side to me, but for you, I'll make sure it never shows up, so that way you're happy." He mumbled, fighting off sleep as he talked to her. He finished messing with Ero's hair and instead wrapped his arms around her snugly as he drifted off to sleep. I don't really care what Ava thinks: Ero's a sweet girl, despite her psychopathy. He chuckled slightly as he took stock of the day's events. Ibex was back, but not only was he in the company of two other experiments, he was also lucky enough to find Ero, and now he really began to think that he was in love with her now. Ero... I will always protect you. He was about to plant a soft kiss on the top of her head, but he realized that he might be going a bit fast. Content with her being in his arms, Jericho fell asleep, happy.

Malaki: Mentions: Sky Malaki finished looking through the iron sights and stared at Sky. I hope I'll be able to do my part when Ibex strike again. He looked down at he G36, wondering if the rifle had enough power to pierce the armor that the Ibex soldiers were wearing. "Guess what Malaki, you won't be able to do anything! Ibex is going to roll through and wipe out the experimentals here, and you would be sitting there in the corner, crying and begging for mercy for the soldiers not to shoot you after the rest are killed. You can't do a damn thing about it, and if you decide to run... well... I think you already know how shameful the act of deserting is to your new acquatineces, right?" Malaki didn't have to hear Benny further to know that he was right. He was among the weakest out of the bunch, and he might have had Frantic Dash in case he needed to run for it, but the guilt of him leaving everyone behind may be worse than getting shot. Malaki sighed as a small war was waged in his mind, completely unsure about how he should prepare for the next assault.