
Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings Luna giggled watching Abyss and Emily play. "The pups might have trouble on this journey." Luna sighed. Nicky chirped, "Where are we going? Idaho?" Luna looked at her funny. "I was thinking up north. It is warm and cold there, hopefully perfect for the different species here. It is also far away from here." Nicky looked at Luna blankly. "The north is.....um...Can a day?" Luna guessed. "Canada?" Nicky sighed. Luna nodded, embarrassed a tad bit. "We need to head there starting tonight. The humans will be forced to look for us in the morning." Luna said, still watching Emily and Abyss, remembering when her and Luke would play like that. Edited at February 17, 2022 06:10 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Daisy/3/Wings and Feathers/F Daisy says "the old one at the edge of the herd. He is big enough to feed the whole pack." Daisy kept her eyes locked on the old buck.

Sky sky landed due to her wings getting tired and couldnt help but hear Luna talking to a bird (witch she couldnt understand) whats Can a day sky said as she repeated what luna had said. Edited at February 17, 2022 06:11 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Uh...can i join without signing up?

No, the link for signing up is on the first page though. Wolfborn said: Uh...can i join without signing up?

Juno | Female | 3 | Mentions: Daisy Shifting her gaze to the old buck, Juno growled "He's big, one of should take out his legs while the other pulls his antlers to the ground". She quickly glanced at Daisy for a response.

I'll be back about 7 or 8

( i have to get off but ill get back on around 8 or 8 30)

Daisy/Wings and Feathers/3/F Daisy said "I'll go for the legs." Without giving Juno time to answer she run a few the old buck and attacks his legs. She bites down hard on a hind legs to the buck trying to drag him down.

(ignore. I accidentally double posted ) Edited at February 17, 2022 06:27 PM by Ravensrun