
Cero | M: Blade, Nyx(ind) "I've got it. I can use my persuasion powers to get her not to kill me on sight and go with us without hurting her, maybe I can try and sneak up on her for extra safety. And we can find an old abandoned place in the woods, then it'll be safer and harder to find by Ibex. If you replace her for awhile that'll buy us enough time to not have her twin realize it immediately," Blade said, grinning maliciously at Cero. Cero thought for a moment, his eyes flashing with his old trickster excitement before his mouth twisted into a smirking smile.
"Alright, this might work. There is an abandoned lodge two and a half miles from here, deep in the woods on the border of California. With a little testing, I will be able to put a covering illusion overtop of it. If your persuasion can work on Nyx, then you can take her there with a bit of transportation... we can use my panther. I can create two replica's. As my panther can not hold all three of us, I can create a replica of my panther and one of Nyx. The Nyx replica will stay with Dakota until we are out of range before giving out while we get to the abandoned lodge in time before Lev begins searching. Now to find Nyx," Cero said, leaning back in his chair, smirking mischievously.
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Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I think you'd be... maybe a cotton candy. Too sweet for your own good." She said, giggling. She ran her other hand through his hair, making her giggle more as she grinned wider. "I think maybe seeing you happy makes me feel something happy too." Jericho chuckled softly as Ero ran her fingers through his hair, not objecting to it in the slightest. If she tried to do that right after I met her in the gas station, I would've been freaking out. But now... now that I got to know her, and the sweeter side of her... I don't mind this at all. Jericho got a bit closer to Ero before replying. "Now that I think about it, maybe I am cotton candy at times. But... when the time calls for it, I can be a jawbreaker." He said, casually pointing to the armor he made. "I think you would be ice cream, actually. You can be hard at times, but normally you're soft and sweet." Jericho said, grinning at Ero. I really like it when she's smiling like this. Maybe I am in love with her after all. He looked out at Ava, who at this point was playing around with a small fire in her hands, before looking at Ero once again. "I really like it when you're happy, you know that?"

Dakota || Mentions: Ceriviel "Beautiful? Why, don't flatter yourself," she glowered, whipping her hand in the air, another blade coming to her aid. Before she could lunge at him, he disappeared and she felt a stinging pain on the back of her neck, she jumped forward, looking up at the wretched man. "Fine. Wanna play it that way? So be it," she huffed. Dakota held the blade in her hands, tossing it to the side, that small blade was useless towards this man. She would have to figure out another, different way to best him. She thought for a moment, then had an idea. She disappeared into thin air, using her invisibility to her advantage. Don't make a sound.. don't make a sound!~ she jumped side to side quietly, kicking the angel in the back of his knees, grabbing the back of his neck, whirling him around, attempting to rush him into the side of the van. She jumped back, her invisibility wearing out, she gritted her teeth, almost forgetting she could only use it for so long. Touching the back of her neck, she could feel droplets of blood, and almost smell it. She pulled her hair up into a loose pony-tail to get it out of the way, rolling her shoulders. Dakota clapped her hands together once, taking them apart once more to show a harpoon, and she tossed it in the air a few times before chucking it at the winged man, just clipping the top of his wing.

Sky | M: Malaki "So Sky... do you like living in a city, or would you like to live in a place like this?" Malaki asked, probably just trying to make conversation. "If I could choose where I wanted to live. . .I would choose the ocean. I would love to dive and dive and just sleep underwater for a couple hundred days." Sky said chuckling before saying, "My serpent form would love that but my griffin wouldn't. So forest out here would be the best."
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky "If I could choose where I wanted to live. . .I would choose the ocean. I would love to dive and dive and just sleep underwater for a couple hundred days." Sky said chuckling before saying, "My serpent form would love that but my griffin wouldn't. So forest out here would be the best." Malaki nodded, knowing that Sky would get the best of both worlds since she could fly around as a griffin one minute, then dive into a river as a sea serpent. "That's a pretty smart answer. I wouldn't have thought of that." He said, casually looking around as they walked. "Well, I've said I wanted to become a metal singer, so it's clear what kind of music I like, so... what kind of music do you listen to?" He paused for a moment, before adding "Wow I'm grasping for something to talk about with you..."

Blade I M: Cero and Nyx (Ind.)
Blade grinned, so excited for this plan to come into action. Now they just needed to find Nyx, ya how were thye going to find her? Well didn't Cero know where she was awhile back? Ya, that would work. They could track her from there. "Ya, you knew where she went didn't you? We can track her from the house, can't we? We need to do this now, I need to have her now. She's not safe, she's not here she needs to be here and safe." He said, somewhat psychodically. He looked at Cero, almost ready to use his powers and force him to find her.

Sky | M: Malaki "That's a pretty smart answer. I wouldn't have thought of that. Well, I've said I wanted to become a metal singer, so it's clear what kind of music I like, so... what kind of music do you listen to? Wow I'm grasping for something to talk about with you..." Malaki said and she laughed, "I can tell. Hmm. . .music? I've never really. .had time to listen to music. That's the stuff that people talks really fast in a sing-song tone right?" Sky asked, trying to grasp what music actually was. She had seen humans with headphones and earbuds but never done it herself.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky "I can tell. Hmm. . . music? I've never really. . had time to listen to music. That's the stuff that people talks really fast in a sing-song tone right?" Sky asked, trying to grasp what music actually was. Malaki was silent for a moment, realiizing that he would have to be the one to explain music to Sky, which he knew wouldn't be an easy feat. "So you don't know what music is... okay then. Well, the dictionary defines music as vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. It's kind of like someone painting an art piece... you do know what art is right? Regardless, music is a way for people to express their feelings and thoughts about something that they know of. Within music is several different types of music, or genres, with each genre being different from the others in their own way. Party music is... well, used to get people in the mood for or talks about a party. Rap music is generally an unfiltered way for people to talk about what's going on, whether it be a person, thing, or situation. And metal..." Malaki knew that he had to word his explanation carefully, since metal generally wasn't viewed favorably by the public since the '80s. "Metal is another way for people to talk about things they care about, same as rap, although the two genres sounds completely different from one another. Some parts of metal get into some gritty topics, like dealing with losing someone you care about, having to live with a reality that you didn't want, or maybe even having feelings of pent up frustration about something or someone. But metal isn't all doom and gloom. There are some great metal bands that make energetic, catchy, and downright awesome music to listen to." He paused for a moment, hearing something off in the distance, before deciding that it was nothing and continuing on. "Metal is also distinct from the other genres in that sometimes the singer will use raspier vocals, sometimes even screaming to immediately portray the emotion they are trying to get across to you the listener. And in a way, it makes sense. If you were frustrated or angry about something, would you scream about it as well if you've hit your limit? There's so much more to music than what I could say to you today, so maybe after this is over, maybe you and I could head down to this one place I know of and we can listen to some music so you can understand." The words escaped Malaki's mouth before realizing that he had essentially asked Sky out on a low key date.

Ero I M: Jericho Ero grinned even wider. She loved him, she loved her obsession, but this one over all the others. She closed the gap between them and stayed close to him, enjoying how she was pressed against him, it made her feel safe. "Well that's pretty convenient, because when I'm around you that makes me happy." She said happily, resting her head on him while still looking up at him. "I like how you care about me, you're the only one." She said, now ruffling his hair up for fun. "You hair is soft." She noted, still playing with it.

Cero | M: Blade, Nyx(ind) "Ya, you knew where she went didn't you? We can track her from the house, can't we? We need to do this now, I need to have her now. She's not safe, she's not here she needs to be here and safe." Blade asked, his power welling up inside of him. Cero rolled his eyes before saying inside of Blade's mind, "Watch yourself kid. I know what I'm doing. I need a few minutes to find her again though." He raised an eyebrow at Blade before reaching out to find Nyx. His mind wandered for a bit before slipping into Nyx's mind. Gas station. How perfect. She was away from Dakota and Lev, at least out of their sight for a bit. He brought his mind back to him and Blade before smiling, "She is at a small gas station not far from here. Out of sight from Dakota and Lev for the time being. Let's move." Cero said, heading outside, his familiar already appearing in front of him.
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