
Nakao Mentions: Lucille and Karasu Nakao pulls his arm away when he felt arms creep around his neck, and hold them tight to his body. He wasn't going to show her affection back, he hates it...unless it involves blood. He was the one that kissed her first all those years ago, and hasn't kissed her since then. Well, they do kiss, but it was mostly her leading to the kisses. Nakao raises a brow when she got closer, getting ready to pull his head away to tease her until the child asked for him to do the impossible. Holding him, a kid. Nakao's face wrinkles in disgust, "Yeah. No affections from me, go ask your mother." He says rather quickly, getting ready to find the shower to wash himself. Realizing that, he groans when he doesn't have any changing clothes. "Shit. I don't have any clothes I change into." He stops, glaring at Lucille, "Unless you're hoarding my clothes somewhere, you creepy succubus." He sighs, "Probably have my shirts and pants stored up somewhere in this place. Speaking of which," he examines it with a frown, "a new place sounds nice. This might get blown away by a gust of wind at any second." He starts searching around for the bathroom, finding it and steps inside to bathe.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I'm okay, I'll be okay." She murmured, drawing away from him, but keeping his hand linked with hers. She backed up a step and almost fell, leg hurting now. Jericho could see the blood running down her leg and he immediately knew that she had reopened the bullet wound. "Damnit... we really need to get that bandaged up." Jericho said, holding her hand. He looked up the street and found a Walgreens. "Wait here." Jericho ran up to the store and quickly searched the aisles until he found a roll of gauze. He paid for the gauze and ran back to Ero, unrolling the gauze. "Do you want to put the gauze on yourself or do you want me to?" He asked her.

Lucille I M: Nakao and Karasu Lucille rolled her eyes, thinking Nakao needed to chill out. The child wasn't very hurt by his father not wanting to pick him up, he didn't know the man and his mother had warned him about Nakao not wanting to pick him up possibly. "Let's go play." Lucille told Karasu, taking the child by the hand and leading him to his room with his toys. The boy went to start playing on his own, playing with the toys Lucille had given him when he was younger. She kissed him on the forehead before walking out of the room and going to find Nakao. She had only one thing that had been his, but it wasn't that accessible of a clothing item for him to wear. She sighed, thinking she probably needed a shower too. She had picked up his habit of taking a shower to calm her nerves. "I don't have anything for you. The only thing I kept was the coat, the one you gave me to hide my wings the first time we went out." She told him, leaning on the wall outside of the bathroom.

Ero I M: Jericho Ero felt the same anxiety she had when he left again. Even though she knew he was helping her, even being away from him slightly made her start to panic. When he came back she was shaking even worse, her breathing slightly irregular. She knew she got severe separation anxiety from her obsessions, if they weren't near her she didn't do well. "I-I don't care. Just don't leave again... please." She mumbled, limping closer and wrapping her arms around him. She couldn't handle it, handle being left on her own. The main reason why she moved on so quickly. "I can't be separated from you. I-it makes me afraid..."

Nakao Mentions: Lucille Nakao thins his lips when Lucille told him that, and his eyes start to glow again. He steps out the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist, and approaches her. "Hmm, still keeping that tacky thing?" Obviously pulling her wing here, a cocky smirk on his face scarred face, and he approaches the window. Lifting it up a slight bit, letting out a loud whistle in the mist. Not long after, a tall, skinny figure walks towards the window, kneeling in front of it to speak with the man. "Go steal me some clothes, I don't have anything. I don't care where, as long as it fits me." The creature of the mist blinks once before disappearing, Nakao leaving the window a crack. "He'll be back." Waiting impatiently Nakao did, suddenly it came back with a few bags of clothes. Nakao opening the window wider, the creature tossing the bags inside. "You're officially on break. Go do whatever." Nakao dismisses the creature, closing the window, and grabs the bags. Digging through it, finding a plain white t-shirt, fresh pair of boxers, and some kind of sports shorts. "Well, at least I can boss something around without getting smacked." Giving a quick glance in Lucille's direction, and grabs the bags to change into some sleepwear.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I can't be separated from you. I-it makes me afraid..." She mumbled to him. "Oh... sorry Ero. Now hold still..." Jericho said to her as he began wrapping the gauze around the wound, wrapping it several times before carefully cutting it off with a piece of metal he took off from his helmet. "If blood oozes through the gauze Ero, let me know and I'll put on some fresh wrappings." Jericho said to Ero, before looking around. "Okay, we need to keep looking for Ava, but I'll let you take the lead since you have a bad leg... unless you need a minute." Jericho looked around and found a bench. "If you need a moment to get your bearings, we can sit on that bench, otherwise we should get back to looking for Ava."

Lucille I M: Nakao and Karasu Lucille rolled her eyes at Nakao and decided she would go find some sleepware of her own to change into. She also needed to make sure that Karasu was dressed for bed, he wasn't the best at dressing himself on time still. She walked into her room, streching herself and her wings out, letting out a deep relaxing sigh. She then went to dig through her messy dresser, pulling out a robe she wore to sleep in. The robe itself has a drop waist in the back to let her wings be free, but it still came up in more of a halter style neckline. It covered to her collarbones, then went down slightly past her knees. It also tied in the back, so it was acessible to her. She had made it herself, just for her wings. She walked out of her room after changing, going over to Karasu's room to help get him changed. Once he was changed and ready for bed, she let him play for awhile longer, she needed to see Nakao again. She walked over to him, looking him over in his new sleepware. She wondered if he would stay, he did mention moving into a bigger house, that would me she would come with him, right? "Are you staying?"

Ero I M: Jericho Ero looked at Jericho as he wrapped her leg. He was so caring, it scared her slightly, He'd leave, or try to run and she'd have to take him hostage, then he would die like all the others. She looked over at the bench, shaking her head. "I'm fine, thanks for wrapping my leg. You're planning to leave, aren't you? I can't let you... even if you try..." She said sadly. "No one can leave... I can't handle it if they leave, not after... Let's jsut go."

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I'm fine, thanks for wrapping my leg. You're planning to leave, aren't you? I can't let you... even if you try..." She said sadly. "No one can leave... I can't handle it if they leave, not after... Let's jsut go." Jericho gave her one more quick hug before speaking to her again. "I'm not leaving you Ero, how many times do I have to say it? We're in this together and I don't plan on leaving you any time soon." Holding one of her hands, Jericho walked with her as they walked down the street. "Ava said that she's going to find an apartment, so we should probably begin looking for apartment complexes and see if she's there."

Ero I M: Jericho Ero looked at Jericho, nodding. She appriciated that he was holding one of her hands, it meant a lot to her. He was actually showing compassion to her, no matter how much she talked about her issues and homicidal tendincies, he didn't leave or act scared of her. She limped along after him, leg still hurting, much more now that the wound had been opened up. "You're the crazy one for not leaveing." She murmured suddenly, looking at him with a smile. "I'm excited to get an apartment, I want to rest." She added, pretending like she had said nothing earlier.