
Jericho: Mentions: Ava and Ero "I'm excited! I'm tired, I don't want to walk anymore. We should find a place soon. Oh, we need new clothes too." She realized, looking down at her clothes. Jericho looked down at his clothes and figured that he would be fine with what he had on right now. Sure he had a hole in his jeans at the kneecap, but that wouldn't be a problem for Jericho. He looked and saw that Ava was running, so Jericho had to momentarily break from Ero to keep up with her. Thank goodness for inhuman endurance! Jericho followed Ava, making sure that Ero would be able to follow him. However, he soon lost her, and after running down a few sidestreets to check to see if she ran down that way, Jericho gave up and walked back to where Ava ditched them, hoping that she would meet back up with them soon enough. Jericho sat on the ground, feeling the cool soil chill his hands slightly.

Nakao Mentions: Lucille and Karasu Nakao sighs when hearing the woman's sobs, unsure if he should feel bad and comfort her or yell at her to shut up. He stops walking around, his eyes focused on the woman on the verge of tears. Raising a brow, "I feel bad for the boy having a face like mines. It's not a good face to look at." He steps closer to Lucille, towering over her with his arms crossed, and his red eyes start to glow. "You're also a fool for loving me before and now, Lucille. You could've find a better man, a man that doesn't have blood on his hands. A man that isn't the family type." He closes his eyes, twirling a finger around in his hair, considering her words. "Maybe my death would've benefit everyone, including you. However," he opens his eyelids back up, "I'll stay for your sake." Placing a hand on her shoulder, and heads back into the house as black mist starts surrounding the building. "Get inside quickly. I'll use the mist to protect us for the night, and it's dangerous towards everyone but me." He sits down on the couch, waiting for Lucille to come in to finish speaking.

Ero I M: Jericho and Ava Ero managed to follow Jericho, well for a bit, but she was winded and lightheaded as she did so. She meant it, she needed rest. She was exhausted, her powers had drained her, she had used too much in one day, too much had happened in one day. Once she had lost Jericho she started to panic, powers flaring up as fear started to take hold of her. "Jericho? Come back! Please..." she called, not sure what to do. She needed to find him, but her leg hurt, running had made it worse. She tried running further but tripped. Her powers stirred even more and her head started hurting. She had gotten herself lost looking for him too, she didn't know what way was back. She pushed herself up the best that she could and started looking around, now crying. She was afraid, afraid he would never come back. She had to find him, she would find him. But she didn't know how, she was too tired, but she had tl. She pushed past anything she cared about and started to pick up a gently jog, reaching out with her powers to be able to use anything that could help her.

Jericho: Mentions: Ava and Ero As soon as Jericho sat down, he realized that Ero wasn't following close behind him. I'm such a dumbass! She has a bad leg, and I expected her to keep up! Jericho immediately got up and began retracing his steps, using his memory to retake his exact path back in case she stopped along the way. After finishing his route, he began walking down different side streets, hoping that he would find her. I need to find her before she freaks out. If she freaks out and someone gets hurt, Ibex will be breathing down our necks again. Jericho was meticulous, looking down every side street and alley before finding Ero, lightly jogging, no doubt trying to find him. He quickly ran up to Ero and gave her a hug, holding her tightly. "I'm so sorry Ero. I didn't mean to leave you behind. I forgot about your bad leg when I was trying to keep up with Ava. I promise I won't leave you behind again." Jericho apologized to Ero, hoping he could keep her calm despite him accidentally leaving her.

Lucille I M: Nakao and Karasu Lucille followed Nakao inside, her child still clinging to her wings. Lucille sighed, turning around and prying the child away from her wings to come beside her. The child wrapped himself in his wings, but let his eyes peer out and watch the unfamiliar man in the house. "I've been a mess since I thought you died Nakao. I never wanted anyone else, it was you or no one. If you leave now I'll never move on. I don't care if you're a family man, I know you're not. But I'm just saying that it wouldnt hurt if you tried to know Karasu. You have the chance to be there for one of your children for once." Lucille told him, putting her hand on Karasu's head to comfort him.

Ero I M: Jericho and Ava Ero didn't expect Jericho to come back. But when he came back and wrapped her up in his arms. She put her arms around him, holding on tightly. She buried her face against him, wiping away her tears on his shirt. He had come back, why? He was the first one to ever come back, he didn't leave her. Why didn't he leave her? "Why did you come back for me? No one ever comes back... I thought you would leave like everyone else..." she mumbled against him, looking up at him with glossy eyes. She was shaking slightly, too overwhelmed by the heavy separation anxiety she had been experiencing.

Nakao Mentions: Lucille and Karasu Nakao stood up from the couch, a sigh leaving him when she said for him to spend some time with his son. He locks eyes with the boy that was afraid of the stranger, thinning his lips, and approaching the woman, arms crossed and eyes holding a look of uncertainty. "Are you really wanting to change a man that's never been a fatherly type, Succubus? You're going to be part of a losing battle," his eyes narrow and he examines her, then a smile creeps onto his face. "A battle I can't wait to win." Grabbing a lock of her hair, twirling it around his fingers, then gives it a slight tug. "A mess? Please. You're becoming one at this moment for sticking with me."

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "Why did you come back for me? No one ever comes back... I thought you would leave like everyone else..." she mumbled against him, looking up at him with glossy eyes. Like everyone else? Is she talking about just those she obsesses over, or could she be talking about everyone she knew in general? Jericho held onto the hug a bit longer before wiping a tear from her face. "Ero, I'm not leaving you... not if I can help it. Now... all we need to do is find Ava and everything will be fine again. You okay to keep going or do you need a minute?" Jericho asked her, wanting to make sure she was okay before they kept going.

Lucille I M: Nakao and Karasu Lucille smirked, loving as he grabbed a lock of her hair to twirl around his fingers. She didn't mind as he tugged it, it was all she had wanted for years, sos eh wasn't going to complain. She moved towards him, putting her arms up around his neck. She had missed him, missed him a lot. She'd been a real wreck without him. "I've missed you so damn bad. It might be a bit surprising, but I was a worse mess without you." She murmured, looking up at him with a hint of sadness in her eyes. She was about to lean in to kiss him, but she felt Karasu pull on her wing. She looked down at the child and saw that he was pointing at Nakao now. "Pick me up?" He asked the guy, looking back at Lucille. Apparently seeing his mother embrace the man had given him some trust. Lucille gently pulled her arms from around Nakao's neck and gently putting her hand on the child's head. "Baby, this is your dad." Lucille told Karasu and the child looked at her with a quizzical look. He looked back at Nakao and smiled, reaching for him now. "He might not want to hold you." She told the child, who looked back at her, then back at his dad, holding his stuffed animal in one arm, waiting for Nakao's response.

Ero I M: Jericho and Ava Ero felt him gently wipe away a tear from her face and she smiled weakly up at him. Why was he so nice to her? She was crazy and insane, she knew she was. That's why her mom had left her, and everyone tried to leave her. So why did he come back on his own free will? "I'm okay, I'll be okay." She murmured, drawing away from him, but keeping his hand linked with hers. She backed up a step and almost fell, leg hurting now. She looked down to see blood running down her leg, meaning she had reinjured her bullet wound. She tried to turn, not wanting Jericho to see. She was also light headed from running too much, but she just wanted to find a place to stay so she could tend to her wounds and sleep.