
Ava || Mentins: Ero, Jericho Scoffing, her arms crossed over her chest. "Seriously? Are you that numb? We are being chased, and hunted down by Ibex. And you want to split up? Why, aren't you the brains," she hissed, shifting her weight onto her right leg, "I could sense you back there, you used too much of your powers, weakening yourself. Ibex will catch onto that quicker then me, and I have powers. We are sharing the same room, and no, I will not be sleeping anywhere near your precious treasure. Actually, I won't be sleeping at all. While you two cuddle and whatnot, I'll be wide awake making sure we dont get assasinated in our sleep. If you don't agree with it, I don't really give a flying shit, I have money, Ill buy the room myself if I must." She sighed heavily, shaking her head. She glanced to Jericho, and shrugged, "Probably our best bet," she grumbled, and began walking forward, looking farther ahead to see a small pathway into the woods. Earlier while she was flying, she could see that this exact trail would lead them to teh closest town in less then 5 minutes.

Ero I M: Jericho and Ava Ero glared coldly at the woman, but kept her mouth shut. She'd fix it once she got there, but not right then when she was already irritated. She didn't want her to hurt Jericho again. She followed Jericho, going close to him and sliding her hand into his, interlacing her fingers with his. She still wasn't at full capacity and was a bit shakey, her leg wound didn't help either, but she managed to make it look like she barely had any form of a limp. "Do you want to share?" She asked Jericho, meaning with Ava of course, he was sharing with her regardless.

Jericho: Mentions: Sky "While you two cuddle and whatnot..." That bit made Jericho blush hard as he followed Ava on the trail. Oh good grief, Ava thinks we're already a couple. Jericho put his hands in his pockets as he continued walking, wondering about what they would do if they shared a room. I can't sleep in the same bed with her... but she may want just that... what do I do now?! Jericho sighed as he walked with Ero, trying to furiously think about what he can do to get out of a potentially extremely uncomortable situation. He thought about possibly faking sick, or possibly slipping out during the night while she was asleep, but he knew that it wouldn't be smart, since she may think he was trying to run away from her and cause her to lose herself. "Do you want to share?" She asked Jericho, having interlaced her hand with one of his. "Share a room? I mean, I guess it would make sense. You can take a bed... I'm fine sleeping on the couch." Edited at October 16, 2021 10:45 AM by Shadow Hearts

Ava || Mentions: Jericho, Ero Ava held her hands in her side pockets, walking like normal. She could hear behind her quite well, and she could hear the whispers between Ero and Jericho. God. She is so damn spoiled. Thinking she can get whatever she wants, and kick the last to the damn curb. She was always left out of activites as a young child, none of the other children wanted to play with her. This was a barely part of her many problems, but it did contribute to them in many ways. When she was left out, she would get angry and upset, usually setting things on fire.. sometimes even the other children themselves. She was isolated from the other children, her hatred for normal people growing. Gritting her teeth, she slightly sped up, her hands coiling up in her pockets. Maybe she should just leave them, go on about her day. It was better for everyone.. right? She growled quietly, and took off running. She didn't feel like listening to them chat about herself. Being part dragon, it gave her some bonuses. Most of her attributes were enhanced, along with her speed and stamina. She gritted her teeth, not stopping until she would reach town. Thankfully, she made it into town, which wasn't as far awa yfrom where she left Ero and Jericho, but she needed some air from that wretched girl. Ava slowed down to a walk, looking around for an apartment building. Just in luck, there was an apartment building, with a bench. And so, she waltzed over, and sat down, crossing her legs over one another, and leaning back, taking in a few deep breaths. "Christ."

Ero I M: Jericho and Ava Ero looked at Jericho, confused for a moment. She got what he meant, but why did he say sleep on a couch and a bed? She decided she would just make it clear what she had meant and what she wanted. "I meant share with Ava. We're sharing the bed regardless." She said, looking up at him with a happy grin. "But if you mean she can sleep on the couch... I suppose maybe." She decided, watching the woman waltz away. She didn't really care, it didn't bother her what she did, as long as it wasn't harmful to Jericho. She looped her arm with his, not caring that he had let go of her hand and stuffed it in his pocket. Edited at October 16, 2021 04:53 PM by Dragonhorse

Blade I Mentions: Cero Blade thought about his concerns. He started to tweak his plan, but the only thing he couldn't figure out was the house. Maybe an abandoned house? Cottage or something in the woods? Ya that sounded perfect! Then it would be less dangerous to have an Ivex attack too. "I've got it. I can use my persuasion powers to get her not to kill me on sight and go with us without hurting her, maybe I can try and sneak up on her for extra safety. And we can find an old abandoned place in the woods, then it'll be safer and harder to find by Ibex. If you replace her for awhile that'll buy us enough time to not have her twin realize it immediately" he said, grinning maliciously at Cero. Edited at October 16, 2021 07:12 PM by Dragonhorse

Jericho: Mentions: Ava and Ero "I meant share with Ava. We're sharing the bed regardless." She said, looking up at him with a happy grin. "But if you mean she can sleep on the couch... I suppose maybe." She decided. She looped her arm with his, and although Jericho was going to protest the move, he decided not to since she wasn't going to give in, so he silently went along with it and walked alongside her. Well, it sounds like she'll be connected to me whether I like it or not. It's a good thing that my parents don't know where I am, otherwise they'll kill me for sharing a bed with a girl I'm not married to. He sighed as he looked at Ava, hoping that she would help him if Ero went off the deep end.

Ero I M: Jericho and Ava Ero took his silence as a definite yes and she smiled eventnwider. She liked him, he was much better to her than all the others. He didn't even want to run either, something she hadn't experienced. She almost thought this guy might be there forever, not leave her, not die. It was a weird concept to her. Even though she moved on instantly, she still had pains about being left, mostly that came from her mother, who left her time and time again. "I'm excited! I'm tired, I don't want to walk anymore. We should find a place soon. Oh, we need new clothes too." She realized, looking down at her clothes and thinking she wanted to wear something more comfortable, pajamas specifically.

Nakao Mentions: Lucille and Karasu Nakao nods his head, sighing before stepping outside of the cottage, and twirls the ring around his finger. He closes his eyes, taking in deep breathes before stepping outside. He sits down on the porch. Taking the ring off his finger and holding it between his pointer and thumb. Tossing the ring in the air, catching it without batting an eye, and he begins to think. "I'm not interested in being a damn father. Kids annoy me greatly." He hissed, groaning before putting the ring down on the spot beside him. "Damn, if I know that marriage comes with kids, I should've said no." He slips the ring back on the finger, "What the Hell did she say yes anyway? She already knows what I am, already knows what I hate." He frowns angrily, "Is she doing this to piss me off? What the Hell is her goal?" Nakao stands up, walking around the house, and shoves his hands into his pockets. "Ugh, I should've gone someplace else. Not search for a damn woman that has a blasted kid. Besides," he furrows his brows, "she probably has the time of her life without me being here." Raking his fingers through his hair and lets out an annoyed grunt.

Lucille I M: Nakao and Karasu Lucille managed to find the tools box and she beckoned for Karasu to follow her. He grabbed his stuffed animal and followed her as she walked back out to see he wasn't there. She panicked slightly, looking outside the cottage to see him outside. She gave a relieved sigh and looked around outside before stepping out and motioning for her child to join her. The boy hid behind her, pulling her wings down to cover him. She obliged and let the child hide himself in her wings. "Nakao... listen. I'm sorry I overreacted, I just get really protective of Karasu. We've been in hiding for a long time, I'm not used to having anyone around us. But I missed you, I missed you so damn bad. Especially with Karasu, he looks so much like you and it made it so hard. I thought you were dead..." she wiped her eyes, trying not to show that she was crying. "I love you still, I want you to stay."