
Lonestar moaned audibly as Alo moved his leg. The pain was making his head and vision swim. Lonestar found himself battling sinking into unconsciousness. No He thought to himself I cant black out, somebody might need. me And what If I don't wake up? Will I never see Daisy again?

Morning Pace said: Ayo what hapend while i was gone-- The wolves escaped and are hiding out in the forest right now. You can go back and read it, if you want, its pretty exciting!

Abyss abyss fell to the ground making her make a tiny whine of pain but then went to see if lonestar was ok. Are you ok she said, her voice still shaky. Sky Sky had caught up with the pack so she went to a nearby tree and tended to her wound, licking it as she tryed to to cry out it pain.

Silver Valley Pack said: Morning Pace said: Ayo what hapend while i was gone-- The wolves escaped and are hiding out in the forest right now. You can go back and read it, if you want, its pretty exciting!
Ack im still at the place lets just say he fell alseep or somthing and got to the pack late -._-.

Sky After she had cleaned her wound out she went to the lake (or what ever body of water it is lol) and drank, trying to get the taste of blood out of her mouth. Then she limped back to a tree and fell asleep.

Alo would make a quivering sigh. Before putting his talons gently on Lonestar's leg. "They might hurt a lot, but we cannot leave this bullet in you." He looks down at the bullet hole and assess the damage. He sees the bullet and figures out a way to remove it.
"I have an idea but you're not going to like it. If I remove this now it will lower your risk of the injury being infected. The catch is... this will hurt a lot." Edited at February 16, 2022 06:41 PM by Eastern Brown Pelts

TheHappyHowlers said:i is Sky After she had cleaned her wound out she went to the lake (or what ever body of water it is lol) and drank, trying to get the taste of blood out of her mouth. Then she limped back to a tree and fell asleep.
(I believe tree is check point one and lake as a like two miles east but maybe a stream near big oak tree we meeting at)

Lonestar dimly heard what Alo said, and closed his eyes and nodded. He felt the fire in his leg and gave a muffled whimper. he felt himself slip into unconsciousness, and managed to cry out just before. "Daisy!"

⁀➷ Rocket woke up with a jolt but that made his body sore as hell so he let out a small moan. He lifted his body up slowly as he looked around the place was ruined. Chills rippled through him. He heard a few two-legs talking and ran for the hole diving in and having to sqeeze through as his massive wings got caught. He let out a yelp as the fence peirced his right wing. He jolt forward and ran into the forest. After running for a long time he paused to catch his breath. His head was throbbing so he layed by a tree. ⁀➷

Alo would take a deep breath before lowering his head over the open wound. He would carefully place his talons in a position to slightly stretch the hole open and to give himself some room to remove the bullet.
He will open his mouth and gently push his beak into the hole. After a long minute of trying to remove the bullet he would finally grab the bullet. Alo would close his eyes tight along with his tight grip on the bullet. "One... two... three!" Alo would pull the bullet out of his leg in a matter of seconds. His beak would have blood on it and a decent amount of blood would come out of the open wound. Alo woul drop the bullet next to him and lick the wound to help ease the pain.