
Ero I M: Ava and Jericho Ero watched Ava transform. It was astounding really, but Ava wasn't impressing Ero as her obsession was with Jericho and nothing else really made her impressed. She watched as Jericho climbed ontop of the huge dragon and she moved to follow him. She climbled on behind him and she wrapped her arms around him, using him for support and comfort. She burried her face against his back, closing her eyes for a moment as she started to activate her powers again to hold Jericho on safely. It gave her a headache so she had to shut her eyes and lean upon him to be able to hold herself on. She relied on him for support to keep her on safely.

Nakao Mentions: Lucille and Karasu Nakao was getting annoyed even more, hands on both hips as the sweat was piling up on his skin. The Sun beating him to a pulp. He wants sleep, he hasn't been getting good sleep due to him continously wandering around in case those rodents attack him. He comes across a cottage, and a grin appears on his face. "Guess who's getting sleep tonight." Nakao rushes over to the home, and barges inside without a moment's notice. The smell of mac n cheese enters his nose, and he frowns. "Son of bitch. Someone lives here. Well," he draws his katana, "not for long." Nakao enters the area where the smell is strong, and he froze. "Lucille?!? You were here all this time!?!" He grunts, a heavy frown on his face. "I traveled the entirety of the US searching for you for no reason at all!"

Ava || Mentions: Jericho, Ava Ava watched cautiously as Jericho began to climb up, and could feel as he reached the top. When it was Ero's turn to climb, she huffed, her chest and throat moving, you could almost see the steam rising in and out of her nostrils, a low and deep growl emenating from her lungs. As the two climbed up, settling themselves onto her back, she picked her wing back up, shaking it. She lifted her head towards the sky, looking for any airplanes or helicopters, thankfully, it was clear. She extended her wings, and lifted her front end upwards, holding herself steadily with her hind legs. She looked around for a moment, making sure no one was about to see what she was about to do. The large dragon launched herself upwards, her strong legs pushing her upwards into the sky, extending her wings as quickly as she could, thrusting them up and down, lifting her up into the sky, sending her towards the clouds. Her hind legs hung back, while her front legs were held up against her stomach, refusing to let them drag and slow them down. It didn't take her long to make it up towards the clouds, granted she was like the dragons in the movie, fast and quick, she was slow, but all dragons in reality were slow due to their large size, but their speed in the sky was incredible. She made it, right below the clouds, and if a human could, they could reach upwards and touch the cloud just barely.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho watched Ero as she climbed onto Ava, eventually sitting right behind him and wrapping her arms around him for support, burying her face in his back as well. She must hate heights. Looks like she has a weakness to her after all. He grabbed her hands and sqeezed them slightly before looking up towards Ava. "I think we're ready Ava. Just be easy with the takeoff and don't jerk around while flying, because neither of us have parachutes." Ava took off and Jericho had to shift himself so he didn't fall off. She climbed up to the clouds and he could just touch the clouds, seeing his fingers dig into the fluffy white marshmallows in the sky as they flew. He looked out and saw the horizion, admiring the view. "Wow... that's a view." Jericho mumbled as he continued looking around while he was in the air. This isn't such a bad way to travel. Hopefully no one within Ibex spot us. He looked back at Ero. "You doing okay Ero?" Edited at October 15, 2021 12:48 PM by Shadow Hearts

Lucille I M: Little Karasu and Nakao
Lucille heard the door open and she panicked. Ibex, it was Ibex wasn't it? She immidiately grabbed her child, placing him behind her and sheilding him with her wings. She made sure that he was covered completely with his own black wings, which made him near invisible behind her. Her heart was beating fast and she felt terrified of what was coming. The very last thing she expected to see was Nakao, he was dead though, so how was he there? She stood in shock for a few moments, taking in what he said before suddenly dashing towards him, embracing him and starting to cry. She didn't even care that he didn't seem happy to see her, she was too overjoyed to see him. "I-I thought you were dead? How are you not dead? I-I..." She mumbled, hugging him tight and not letting go. She glanced behind her to see her child still cowering, covered by his raven black wings. "Come here Karasu, it's okay, you don't need to be afraid." She said to the little boy, who pulled one wing down slightly to peek out at what his mother was doing. He didn't move from his spot though, he stayed there as he was afraid of the new man.

Ero I M: Ava and Jericho Ero held on tightly to Jericho, not expecting him to comfort her back. It was different, having him comfort her back. She didn't like heigths, but that wasn't what was making her feel badly. It was overusing her powers. Because she was a second generation and Ibex messed with her, it messed with her powers. She didn't know how, but they were semi-broken.
"I'm okay." She mumbled, openeing her eyes and squeezing tighter on Jericho as she felt a small wave of terror for a moment. "The movement just messes with my head." She murmured, trying to take some deep breaths.

Ava || Mentions: Jericho, Ero Ava glided below the clouds, barely needed to move a muscle. The wind was carrying her, her wings extended outwards, feeling the wind beneath them. It was peaceful, and relaxing. Even Ava began to relax a bit, her noze pointed straight forward, her small eyes fluttering, she was beginning to get tired, and she yawned, it almost sounded as if she was growling loudly. She slapped her tongue against the roof of her mouth, scratching her neck with her horns. Her breathing was slow, much slower then before, and it was eased and calm. Being a dragon was stressful for her sometimes, but it was relaxing and calming at the same time, she could sleep while flying and still know what was going on, she could fly for days straight, she could do so many things. Yet, she was afraid, from god knows what. She tilted her head, her eyes scanning her back, looking back to see the two small figures huddled together. She winced only for a second, the next moment small spikes began to rise from her skin, scales shifting around, changing beneath Ero and Jericho. "If your that paranoid hold onto them, if your still paranoid.. you can grab onto my scales. Though, I wish you don't rip them out," she hissed, her voice even surprised her at times like this. She looked back forward, and yawned again, Ima just take a nap.. they'll be fine. Need my energy anyways~ she closed her eyes gently, her breathing slowly down almost to a stop, her heart beating once every three minutes. She could control herself while she is alseep, she couldn't explain how she does it, but she is completely sure that Jericho and Ero would be fine while she took a nap. As long as Ero didn't rip anything, they'd be fine.

Jericho: Mentions: Ava and Ero Jericho continued flying, with Ero still wrapping her arms around him as they flew. He looked back and saw that her face was still buried in his back. He squeezed her hand one more time before a few small spike appeared on Ava's back beside the two. "If you're that paranoid hold onto them, if you're still paranoid.. you can grab onto my scales. Though, I wish you don't rip them out." Ava said to them, before yawning. Jericho grabbed onto the spikes and held on as they continued flying. What a life... If I ever get out of this alive I'll write a book or something... He looked back at Ero. I wonder if there's something that caused her to go crazy. I mean, she has an... 'affectionate side,' if I can call it that, but she can still care for people, even if it goes a little extreme. She's not sociopathic, so maybe being by her side... Jericho had to stop himself; he couldn't think about romance at a time like this. He reached through the holes in his helmet to rub his eyes before continuing to hold onto the spikes.

Ero I M: Ava and Jericho Ero sighed, she couldn't sleep when she was around Ava. She moved her head to rest her cheek against his back, closer to his shoulder now. She was still holding tightly to him, she wasn't willing to let go, both for her saftey and hers. "Do you hate me?" She suddenly asked, wondering if he was like the others. She had kidnapped many a man and kept him captive until he broke and tried to get out and killed themselves. Ya okay, so it was pretty dark, maybe she killed one of them, but only one. They had screamed at her and wanted her dead, but she never cared, she couldn't see what was wrong with it. All she saw was how much she cared about them, until they were dead, then instead of grieving she moved on. She knew something was wrong with her, but she didn't know what.

Jericho: Mentions: Ava and Ero "Do you hate me?" She suddenly asked him, the question piercing through the silent air and catching Jericho off guard. What made her think of that... Jericho immediately remembered yelling at her after Ava burned his legs. "Ero... I don't hate you." Jericho told her, placing a hand on her hands since her arms were still wrapped around him. "You can be a little... extreme at times, but I don't hate you. Listen, none of us is perfect, Ero. Just because you're not perfect doesn't mean I hate you because of it. I'm not perfect; I originally wanted to be an actor but I get horrible stage fright... I wish I was a few inches taller... I wish Ibex didn't grab me and change me forever..." Jericho continued on for a minute before realizing he was off topic. "I don't hate you Ero. Simple as that." Jericho then looked forward to face palm since he went completely off topic.