
Ava || Mentions: Ero, Jericho Grinding her teeth, Ava looked up to see Jericho standing there, pleading for the two girls not to fight. She looked back to Ero, then back to Jericho once more. Then, she had an idea. Glancing back at Ero, she began to speak, "Think its so funny? That its so hysterical? Lets see what Jericho thinks." Ava looked at Jericho for a moment, and rose a hand slowly, palm facing the night sky. It was silence for a moment, then a river of fire spewed out from under her feet, swarming towards Jericho, reaching out towards him, ready to grab onto him. It made itself smaller as it drew near, seperating into three small lines of fire, crawling up his legs, wrapping around them, sitting there as if awaiting orders. "Lets see how ticklish it is," she snapped her fingers, the streaks of flames growing hot, burning through his clothing, making its way to his skin. As it slowly touched his skin, it stopped for a moment, and then started up again, burning into his skin. She made sure it was minor, but she wanted to get her point across to Ero. She would make it sting, if she needed, she would give him 3rd degree burns if it meant for Ero to shut the hell up and let Ava relax for just a goddamn second. She looked at Ero again, moving her hair from her hair to her neck, keeping her fingers tight and firm. "All I have to do is think, for a milisecond, and your little boyfriend goes up into flames and you won't be able to stop it." Red and orange silhouettes crawled up into her mouth, making its way to the roof of her mouth, hanging down as if it was disgusting drool, but covered in flames and fire. "Don't. You. Disrespect. My. Music," she threatened, her jaw clenched, her hands growing orange slightly.

Ero I Mentions: Jericho Ero’s laughter came to a sudden halt as Ava turned her attention away from Ero and onto Jericho. Ero’s power flowed through her and she grabbed the first thing she could think of. Well pulled it off the truck that was. She had managed to grab onto the spare tire underneath the truck with her telekinesis and as Ava was focused on hurting her obsession she threw the tire straight at the woman’s head. Since she wasn’t paying attention it hit her straight in the head, but she didn’t give it much notice. "Don't. Hurt. My. Obsession. Bitch." Ero growled, actually not grinning for once and her eyes were filled with hatred. She then grabbed the woman’s hair, throwing her out of the way and trying to kick her in the knee as she moved sideways and towards Jericho to protect him and check his injuries. She wasn't going to let him get hurt, never. Letting herself get hurt wasn't a concern though.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero and Ava Jericho tried to backpedal from the three dancing strands of fire wandering close to him, but despite this, they dug into Jericho's legs and began to burn, causing Jericho to grit his teeth. As the fire continued to burn his legs, Jericho tripped over and landed flat on his back. The burning sensation stopped and Jericho was going to roll up his pants legs to the knee to make sure he wasn't badly burned, but he got an eyeful of Ava being clocked in the head by the truck's spare tire. As he looked over his legs, he could hear Ero say to Ava not to her her "obsession." He looked at his legs and they looked like they were badly sunburned. That is going to sting like hell for a few hours. Jericho looked up and saw that Ero was steadily walking towards him, no doubt going to check on him, but she wasn't his main focus for the moment. That... that... harlot burned me!! Just to make a point to Ero! Who does she think she is!?!

Ava || Mentions: Ero, Jericho Ava took a few steps back, almost tripping over herself, rubbing the front of her head, her eyes squeezed shut, her breathing was quick and fast, hissing between her teeth. "You little bitch.." she whispered, opening her eyes to reveal nothing but red and orange flame, her pupils had been engulfed, leaving nothing but fire and rage. As she opened her mouth to speak, fire and lava-like droplets dropped from her mouth, "You tell me more and more to stop hurting your darling boy, the more and more I want to burn him alive." Her head turned slightly towards the truck beside her, and she reached to touch it, her index finger pointed out. She made contact with it, with the tip of her finger, and instantly, the truck exploded into flames of hell, and she glanced to the couple, her head tilted to the side. “Don't play with fire if you can't handle the flame.” She almost looked like she came out of a horror movie, flaming eyes and mouth, explosion behind her, those dead eyes of hers.. it would be terrifying to the average human, to experiments, who knows? She clenched her jaw, and moved her fingers, her chest heaving slowly. Her focus landed on Jericho, then to Ero.

Sky | M: Malaki "Yeah, I really hate heights. If God wanted me to be in the air, he would've given me wings... or Ibex. Either/or honestly. Really nice place; hopefully it lasts longer than the last place we were in, Sky." Malaki said and Sky chuckled, "Definitely hope it does. But we are stronger as a team, so Ibex had better watch out. Although," Sky paused, letting a playful evil smile cross her face, "I hope they don't watch out. Then we can tear them to shreds." Sky looked over at Malaki before giggling, showing that she was having a bit of fun with him.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky "I hope they don't watch out. Then we can tear them to shreds." Sky said to Malaki before giggling a bit. She has a nice smile. Malaki noted before chuckling himself. "Yeah, I hope we can take down some more Ibex pukes sometime later... much later, hopefully." Malaki messed with his faux hawk for a bit before looking at Sky again. "So... you ever been to this cabin before? If so, I would greatly appreciate a tour. And if not, I would like it if you could escort me so I don't get horribly lost." Malaki said before chuckling again, however the chuckling stopped when he heard Benny going off in his head. "You're FLIRTING with Sky!? Have you lost your mind?! What happens if Ibex kills her? Then you'll be all 'my hear this broken now that my love is dead. How will I go on' and all that BS. Quit fooling yourself Malaki; you have no shot with her." Malaki ignored Benny as he stuffed the magazines inside his pockets and slung the rifle over his shoulder again.

Ero I Mentions: Jericho Ero stared coldly at the woman, eyes burning with the same fire that she saw in the other woman’s eyes. Her eyes seemed to glow with a bright blue color as she used her telekinesis. She was pulling in all her power, more than she had even used on Ibex. She backed up till she knew Jericho was right behind her, she was going to protect him first before herself. “Get up and run.” She told him, grabbing a flaming piece of the truck with her mind and getting ready to play both the offensive and the defensive to this bastard. “I won’t let you touch him bitch. He’s mine, stay the hell away.” She said, bending her knees slightly for the anticipation of the woman’s attack. She hoped that her obsession would run, she couldn’t let him be in danger.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero and Ava "Get up and run..." Jericho heard Ero say to him. A switch flipped inside of him and he stood up and immediately marched between Ava and Ero. "ENOUGH!!!" He shouted at both of them. "Can't you see what you're doing?! You're both fighting each other! That's exactly what Ibex wants from us! They want us to fight and kill each other so it makes their job easier! I don't like any of this as much as you do, but you know what? It's our life now and we have to deal with it." He turned to Ero. "Ero, I understand that you want to protect me from Ava after she burned me, but I'll be fine. I can barely feel pain anyway, so it's not like these burns are going to bother me much anyway." Then he turned to Ava, with fire as hot as the exploded truck burning in his eyes. "And as for you... you stopped the truck, started a fight with Ero, burned my legs, and blew up the truck, all because Ero might have bad mouthed your music?! How... freaking... SHALLOW and INSECURE ARE YOU?! You're willing to hurt me and kill Ero just because she may not like your music?! Do you have any value of life? Now we're stuck here, without a vehicle, you've been hit in the head, my legs have been burned, and Ero's..." He stopped to consider how Ero was physically harmed. "You know what? If you two want to kill each other and let Ibex have one less experiment to worry about, then fine, go ahead. But if you're ready to take the fight back against the people who ruined our lives by experimenting on us, I'll be over there..." Jericho pointed to a random point on the shoulder down the road. "Checking my wounds and thinking of a plan to get away from Ibex." With that, Jericho began walking away, hot as hell and over all of it.

Sky | M: Malaki Sky smiled at Malaki's response before hearing him ask, "So... you ever been to this cabin before? If so, I would greatly appreciate a tour. And if not, I would like it if you could escort me so I don't get horribly lost." She chuckled with him before standing up, "I've never been to this cabin before but I am sure we won't get lost. If we do, we'll just have to find a window." She said winking at him before starting down a hallway. She was glad she had run into him, he was humorous and. . .she stopped herself right there. This was not the time to dive into emotions of any kind. Well, maybe a few. "What do you expect us to find in here?" Sky asked, dragging herself away from the thoughts in her mind.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky "What do you expect us to find in here?" Sky asked him. "I don't know... maybe some guns, a few beds... a tv, hopefully and some books, or something to keep us entertained while we wait for our next move." Malaki said, thumbs hooking his pockets as he walked with her down the hallway, looking at the different rooms as they passed. "Honestly, more than everything else, I hope I can find some peace away from Ibex." He said, stretching his arms out before looking at her. "And maybe even some friends." He was silent for a moment before letting out a small laugh. "God that sounds so corny." He rubbed his head before continuing his walk with her.