
Ero I Mentions: Jericho Ero looked at him, eyes narrowing slightly in thought. Her obsessive mind didn’t focus on material things, it mostly focused on her obsession and everything else was not important at all to her. She tried to think about his question, but it just wasn’t working. Maybe she’d want like a cat? Nah that sounded boring. “Umm, a house? Maybe? Maybe like a uh, kid? I don’t know really, I can’t really think of anything I’d want besides you.” She said, looking at him with bright smiling eyes with a large grin. She knew she was messed up in the head, but she didn’t really care.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Seeing Ero not really give him a solid answer to the question, he knew he was back to square one with the small talk. "I'm surprised Ero. I thought you would like a lifetime supply of skittles, but I must've guessed wrong." He said, trying not to look at her crazy eyes. Great... now what do I talk about? I don't know a whole lot about her... Jericho closed his eyes to think of something else to talk about. "Well this is a bit of an odd one, but if you could get one power you don't already have, what would it be? I personally would love to be able to fly. I'd be able to fly all over town and get my errands done quickly, and if I wanted to I could be a real life Superman." Jericho was still trying to figure out Ero, other than the fact that she was not only crazy for him, but just plain crazy.

Ero I Mentions: Jericho Ero looked at Jericho, a grib reaching her lips as he asked his next question and told her that he'd like to fly. That would be an awesome power, what would hers be? She thought about it for a few minutes before she came up with one. "I love flying! Now I've gotta try and compete with yours, maybe..." She paused, thinking still. "The ability to be able to run at super speed I think! Maybe... ya no definitely that. If flight is not an option that is." She said, thinking that would be cool. She looked at him to see wha the would think about it, he may like it or hate it, she wasn't sure honestly. She still just leaned against him, contented where she was at in that moment. She really wished she had the power not to have to obsess over only one thing, she hated it actually.

Ava || Mentions: Ero, Jericho Ava listened silently to the two future couple, smirking and chuckling at some of their conversation. She yawned, rolling her neck, tapping the steering wheel with her fingers, and sighed quietly. She glanced back at the two, "Hey." She put a finger on the radio, and glared, "Quiet, the both of you. I want silence from the both of ya, the only thing I am requesting. I want to listen to my music in peace, k?" She turned the radio on, increasing the volume up, the truck booming with music. The song that was currently on was Country Song by Seether. Her fingers moved with the beats, smiling faintly, watching the road. She flicked on her high beams as now that they were the only ones on the road, and now.. she could listen to her music in peace. Hopefully.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero and Ava Jericho leaned back in his seat, wondering about her response. "Super speed, huh? Interesting. Instead of flying everywhere you would simply run from point A to point B and back, but tripping on something would make it somewhat dangerous... but that's still a good ability Ero." Jericho took a few more sips of soda before looking at her again. "I guess I have another question to think about: if we beat Ibex, what would be the first thing you would do? I would like to become a race car driver. Nascar's a bit boring for my taste but maybe I'll join a racing league somewhere and start from there and work my way up. I'll earn some sponsors and eventually make it to the top, winning big prizes and being asked to show up on talk shows to talk about how my career got to that point." Jericho looked down for a moment. "It would be a bit difficult to hide my past with Ibex, but I've managed this long, so I'm sure that I'll be able to hide it for the rest of my life." He abruptly stopped to listen to Ava complain to them for a moment, before turning up the music. Edited at October 14, 2021 05:44 PM by Shadow Hearts

Ero I Mentions: Jericho and Ava Ero grinned even wider when he started talking about what he would do if Ibex had never gotten them. She thought about that. She couldn't even tell him truthfully, with her mental illness, it really effected her every day functionary. She ignored Ava as she told them to be quiet and turned up the music, she just moved closer to Jericho.
"Umm... I'd maybe like to uh... im not sure. Maybe do whatever you do, to be close to you!" She said, grinning again. She linked one arm of hers with his, grinning up at him with happiness in her eyes. "It's hard for me to focus on other things like a career when I have you!" She said, the statement very truthful. It was hard for her, very hard actually. Her obsessiveness did ruin her life, but form her perspective it made everything better. She was talking quietly, trying not to completely piss off the driver. Edited at October 14, 2021 05:57 PM by Dragonhorse

Jericho: Mentions: Ava and Ero Jericho knew that what Ero said to him was an attempt to be flirtatious with him, however when she said it in a whisper, Jericho could only feel creeped out by it, causing him to tense up slightly once again. For some reason the line "It's hard for me to focus on other things like a career when I have you" being closely followed by her linking an arm with him caused him to reconsider being good friends with her. "Uh... thanks I guess." Jericho said to her in a quiet voice, trying to not catch the ire of Ava. Jericho looked around to see that they were still on the highway. "So... how much longer are we going to drive before we ditch this thing? The longer we drive the more we risk the owner of this thing reporting it as stolen. And if a police officer spots us after that happens, we're screwed."

Ava || Mentions: Ero, Jericho Ava could hear silent whispers, which was obviously Ero. She ignored Jericho.. for the moment. She put on the blinker, moving off to the side of the road. Then she stomped on the brake, the old truck screeching to a stop, like lightning, she whipped around, opening her door with a kick, grabbing Ero by the hair, yanking her out of the truck. She shoved her against the bed of the truck, one hand gripped around her hair, the other pushing her stomach in, curled into a fist. Her eyes slowly grew orange and red, flames angirly circling her pupils, almost looking as if it was about to lunge out from her eyes and burn Ero alive. Her throat began to turn orange, red silhouettes in the shape of flames began to creep up her throat. She gritted her teeth, pushing harder on the woman's stomach, a horrid glare on her face, an expression full of hatred and anger. "You can disrespect me. You can hit me. You can do whatever the hell you want, but." She closed her eyes, opening them up again, a flame crawling up Ero's stomach, slowly making its way up to the top of her shirt, the heat growing. It was burning her clothes slowly, but Ava made sure not to let it burn her skin and flesh, just yet. "You will not disrespect my music. Thats the only thing I have left that can contain my sanity, destroy it," the flame began to burn faster, "I will burn you alive, and watch you burn to ash." Ava hissed, the flame trail burning, heat emanating from it.

Jericho: Mentions: Ava and Ero Jericho nearly faceplanted into the dashboard when Ava came to a sudden stop. As he was recovering he could only watch as Ava dragged Ero out of the truck and to the bed of the car, ranting to Ero about disrespecting her music. Oh my gosh, she thinks that Ero disrespected her music... Another look made Jericho jump out of the car, as flame began to emanate from Ava. "Hang on! She did not bad mouth your music! She was whispering something to me so that you weren't disturbed listening to your music." Jericho put his hands up, slowly walking towards Ero. "Ero... I know you're angry right now and you want to kill her, but please, for my sake, don't harm her." Jericho looked at Ava once again. "Please... let her go."

Ero I Mentions: Jericho and Ava Eto didn't expect Ava to suddenly drag her outside of the truck by the hair. She was slammed against the bed of the truck, pain radiating through her back. She felt fire start to burn through her clothes and listened to what she said, but she wasn't scared, or crying, or any other logical response. She was laughing instead, laughing as she started to get burned. She wasn't giggling either, she was laughing hard. "It tickles! The fire tickles!" She said, grinning as she laughed harder. She wasn't afraid, she wasn't even thinking that she might die. She'd slam something into the woman's head if she really hated it, or thought she was in danger. But she didn't even care, she was laughing too hard to care about it. She was laughing too hysterically to pay attention to Jericho as he said soemthing, we'll, she was laughing too hard to hear that was, if she could've she would've been paying attention. Edited at October 14, 2021 06:33 PM by Dragonhorse