
Dakota || Mentions: Dr. S It was cold. Bland. The days were endless. Hours were minutes, and days were hours. The pain, oh the unbearable pain. Down a hallway, was a secured iron door, only those who had a card could enter the cell. Inside, it was laced with rubber mats, on the walls, ceiling, and the floor. Only the bed was uncovered by rubber mats.. however, Dakota wondered. Ingraved onto one of the rubber walls, was a count. Tallies marking every day. The woman had no window, no indication of the day, only the nurses that came in to feed her were generous enough to tell her the date. So, she would tally the days. 3 Weeks. 21 Days. Nearly an entire month. As her blade cut through the mat, her hand shook, the line barely a line. Her breathing became rigid, and her body felt cold, colder than before. Dropping the blade and leaning against the wall, she held her hands to her head, her body shaking unknowingly. She wanted out. So badly. The things they were doing to her.. the things they spoke about.. it was painful, excruciating and disturbing. The door unlocked, and a nurse came in with a change of clothes, tossing it down towards Dakota before she disappeared behind the door once more. "Finally," she muttered, and stood up slowly, and looked up at the camera, glaring at it. She pulled off her sweater, and tossed it up on the camera before she began changing. Thankfully, the people behind the camera didn't freak out when she placed the sweater on the camer most of the time, as they 'knew' she couldn't get out. The camera was mainly there to observe her movements, attitude, and her overall tolerance to solittude. After changing, Dakota tidied herself up to look somewhat decent, and threw her old clothes by teh door in a bundle. She walked over, and jumped up, grabbing her sweater off of the camera, glaring at it before flipping it off. At least they had the deceny to give her clothes of her liking and give her the privacy. Her daily fashion as of now, was nothing but skin-tight jeans, and short sleeved shirts. Here and then, they'd attempt to grab her sweater to clean, but she refused to let it go. "Coming in." The door opened, Dr. S. She didn't know the rest of her name, as the woman kept it a secret. Ever since Dr. Coin's unexpected death, Dakota had been reassigned this physco. "How are you feeling today? Happy? Sad?" "Depressed as fuck, no thanks to you," she growled, her eyes glowing slightly but the doctor shook her finger, "Need me to bring Dr. Hector in? He seemed to make you happy last ti-" she began, but stopped as Dakota grabbed the womans wrist, fighting off the stinging pain in her chest. "Shut it. You worthless bitch." She threw the doctor back a few feet, and was about to advance when two soldiers stormed in, aiming their electric rods at Dakota. "Well-" Dr. S coughed, pushing her glasses up, "I think you're ready for another few tests. Don't you think?" Being dragged down the hallway, Dakota kicked back and forth, punching the guards ignoring the fact electric rods were stabbing her. She ignored the pain, but it wasn't enough. They were too strong. Mutants. Experiments. Just like herself. "Let me go! Bastards!" She hissed, but they didn't react. Instead, they threw her into a room full of other doctors and guards, slamming the door behind her. Dakota shrunk into a corner, her eyes glowing brightly, a dangerous expression on her face, as if a dog was being cornered as the Doctors surrounded her. "Get her up. Its time to see if she has learned her lesson from last time." Her hands binded together, as her ankles, Dakota was tossed into a small room. No, no, no. She couldn't fight like this. She couldn't! How stupid are they!? A quiet alarm went off as the steel door across from her opened. Revealing a disturbing looking failed experiment.

Ahmya I M: Ava and her baby Ahmya growled, knowing the woman wouldn't leave her alone. She hugged her month old baby close to her body, kissing the little thing on its forehead and deciding whether or not to answer her "sister". She didn't even acknowledge the woman putting her chin on her shoulder, she just clutched her baby tighter. The thing was sleeping in her arms, but was starting to stir now. "We're not married, we don't need to give into trivial labels like that. We're in a commited relationship, he's my partner. Who cares anyway?" She paid careful attention to the child as it started to stir in her arms. It was just moving positions now, not waking up just yet.

Jac I M: Leonas She looked up at the man who had just helped her. She didn't know what to think of him. She glanced at the window and saw the blood stains. That would make sense, considering his previous statement about getting out of there so she wouldn't be accused for murder. But something about him made her think that he wasn't actually evil, or murder and see it just said he has left your food. Why else would he leave her food if he didn't have some type of care for his well-being. That was weird, no one seem to care about her. she finally started to push herself off, wiping the blood off of her face from the scrape that went across half of it. The blood quickly replenished anyway, but she was doing her best. She quickly grabbed the bag of food and stumbled forward, limping on her right leg where she had fallen hard. she needed to know why he helped her. "pl-please wait.. why did you help me?" She stammered, teary eyes staring up at him as he started to walk away. She barely even registered the creation next to him, she was too focused on him. One hand was placed over her ribs, as they contained the bruising from the man's kick.

Phantom I M: Arlin, Kestral and Jackson (Ind.) Phantom smiled at his little daughter. She smiled back at him before reaching for a hug. She pointed at her stomach. She was hungry, well, Phantom could fix that. He headed out to the kitchen, thinking he would find something to give the girl for food. His eyes were tired, he looked exhausted beyond measure. And the truth was that he was exhausted beyond measure. He hadn't been able to sleep almost at all since the mansion attack. It wasn't what you think though, it wasn't about losing his daughter that he was having nightmares about, well, more like flashbacks. He was the one to pull Jackson away from his dead lover. He had to drag the man away from her, him trying to fight him the whole time. The man had refused to move, to care about his safety at all. It made Phantom very sad thinking about it, he was jsut glad his daughter hadn't seen. It impacted him badly, it had been the same position he had been in when he had lost his own beloved, his light. He let out a sigh, and continued to the kitchen. When he got there he saw Arlin cooking. He set his child to sit down on a bare spot on the counter, then he went over to see if he could assist the other man. He was actually a good cook, as he had learned the skill while taking care of Kestrel. "I can assist you in cooking if you desire. I have some skills, and my child is hungry for the food you are cooking." He said, gesturing to the mute girl on the counter. She nodded and smiled in response, then patted her tummy. He had been learning sign language for her, but he hadn't started teaching her before he mastered it. She needed to learn to talk or communicate some way.

Night & Shadow| M: Open Night and Shadow strolled back to the abandoned farmhouse. It had been three weeks since the attack. Night had started going on strolls with Shadow a couple days after they found the farmhouse. He could call down a storm by will now, although very weak unless he let it go. He could also draw water out of the earth and make shapes with it. Night had been helping Shadow out as well, they had been training off of each other. Mostly Night off of Shadow but at least they could learn together. The most difficult they were having was the environmental control. Unlike Shadow's earth control, it meant controlling both wind and water for a limited amount of time. Those sessions usually ended with one of them falling over from exhaustion.
Shadow limped beside Night, now having a full sense where everything was. It was hard yes, to get used to the surroundings while practicing newer powers. He was glad that Night would come along in his ventures. That first week. . .well Shadow wouldn't have been surprised if he had fallen into a river or ran into a tree. The forest around him had felt so quiet until he explored it some more. Shadow shivered, it was a bit cold here in Missouri, he had to admit that sometimes he missed Nevada.
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Jericho: Mentions: Nyx and Goddess Jericho watched Lev take Nyx away after exploding at Goddess and left him stunned in place. Wow... she was quite the ticking time bomb, wasn't she? Taking a few breaths to alleviate stress, Jericho waited for a moment in case anything else happened before looking at Goddess. "Are you okay? Sorry I didn't try to interject but I was just... stunned by the sudden outburst." He said to her, before looking over one more time to be sure that Nyx wasn't storming back before noticing that Goddess was in fact pregnant, and his mind immediately switched to Ero. Was she in Ibex suffering... possibly even more now in the knowledge that they were carrying their first child all alone? It was awfully early to tell, but Ibex was able to give them otherworldly powers, so it was possible that they might be able to detect life very early. His mood darkened and he sat on the couch, propping his head up with one hand.

Goddess I M: Jericho, Nyx and Lev She was shaking even after Nyx let her go. Her neck had bruises on it, she could feel them already forming. She looked over as Jericho asked her if she was alright. She just nodded weakly and gave him a half-hearted smile, seeming nervous and scared. She was very shaken up by Nyx, but she was also upset because she had seen Lev and he had acted apologetic towards her. She hated him, she really did. He was horrible, he had hurt her and his wife. She felt betrayed by the man still, no matter if he protected her or not. "A-are you o-okay?" She suddenly asked Jericho, noticing he seemed suddenly upset. She approached him and sat on the couch, but she sat far from him and watched him closely to make sure he wasn't going to hurt her either. She had trust issues. She still tried to help others, but no one helped her, so she felt abandoned constantly by everyone. She wanted Ripper, if he was there then he wouldn't ever abandon her.

Nyx || Mentions: Levushka Fingers tight, Nyx was on the brink of snapping this wretch's neck once and for all. However, she was stopped when a familiar presence pulled her away from Goddess. She didn't want to go, she wanted to end that womans life here and now, but she knew Lev wouldn't allow that. "Come on, Nyx. Relax for me." His words were comforting, she felt less agitated and angry, but she couldn't help but feel enraged and upset at the same time. Everything is just, wrong. Lev had led her to their room, and had set down on the bed, sitting down beside her, comforting her it seemed. "We'll get her back, my love." Nyx shook her head slowly, solemnly, she clenched her fists tightly for a moment, than a moment later they relaxed. "We can stay here as long as you like. Just don't go around murdering people yet." Scoffing quietly she shook her head, and placed her hands on her forehead, resting her elbows on her knees. "Why- why did she have to help Goddess... she'd still be here, and safe. But I- I let her go by herself," she muttered through clenched teeth, squeezing her eyes closed. "What if-" she began to mumble, but stopped herself. There was no 'what ifs' in this situation. Dakota would survive, she would get out of there alive. And Nyx would make sure damn of it. Taking a deep breath in, steadying her rapid heart rate, Nyx pulled her hands away from her face, wiping her eyes, exhaling slowly. "They took four of us... right?" There was no time for her to cry. There was no time to waste. They had to find them, Dakota, as soon as possible. She stood up slowly, and walked over to the closet, grabbing one of her baggy sweaters, pulling it up and over her head. Then, she had a thought. "If- no.. its been three weeks since... could Kiril follow old scents? Or, do we have any allies that can follow old aura trails?" It was best to talk of this now, instead of getting herself rallied up and storm back downstairs to throttle Goddess. They could talk about then, and maybe... maybe then they could formulate a plan and get everyone else on it- "We'd have to get armour and weapons first," she muttered to herself.

Cero | M: Ankoku Cero walked outside towards where Ankoku was waiting by the barn. They had been lucky to find this abandoned farmhouse three weeks ago. The mansion attack. He couldn't understand how Ibex could have found them, let alone capture four of the experiments. He didn't worry about it though, they would get them back. He had already made a couple calls to his gang in the earlier weeks, Frost in charge of getting weapons delivered to them while Rocky was in charge of food and necessities. Rocky seemed like his old self, now that Zaphara was alive, and Frost...well, Frost was Frost.
Cero continued down the path, his apprentince was a fast learner. They had already gone over the basics of self defense and how to knock someone unconscious without killing. Thanks to training with Nakao, he was amazing with weapons of all sorts, and that could also be with his power. His katana power however, was difficult to transfer to daggers and regular swords but they were getting there. Cero got down to the barn, leaning up against a wall as he waited for Ankoku to arrive for training.
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Jackson I M: Aztec and Dia
Jackson stared blankly at the wall. Three weeks, yet it felt like it had been barely days since he had... well he was trying his best not to let that consume him. The man hadn't been doing well at all, he was constantly consumed with his grief and it was wearing on him. He almost never slept, or ate, or really did anything besides do his best to take care of Aztec, but he barely had any energy to do that. He was wasting away, he couldn't ever get past it, he just wanted to die to be with her again. He would never act upon those thoughts though, not with his kids who needed him. He glanced over at Dia, who had just walked in the room with Aztec clinging onto her like usual. Dia had taken the news of her mother's death- er, sorta mother's death very hard, but the girl was somehow toughing through it and was taking care of herself and her brother. He sighed, not knowing what to do or even say to them. He was having a hard time bonding with Aztec, mostly because when he saw him he thought of Glory, and thoughts of Glory made him tear up and shut down. "Daddy, I made you a sandwich." Dia told him, handing him a plate with a ham and cheese and mayo sandwich on it. He placed the sandwich on the nightstand beside him. He was sitting on the floor using the bed as a backrest. He gave her a very weak and forced smile and Dia smiled back. She gently broke away from her brother to go and hug Jackson, wrapping her arms around him. He felt her start to cry against him and he sighed sadly, pulling his daughter close to him. He shed a few tears too, but did his best to hide them from his daughter. He pulled Aztec into the hug too, letting him hold onto his sister. He was a horrible single father, he wasn'r even able to give his kids anything they needed like love or attention. Phantom had stepped up... why couldn't he? He was just consumed with grief still, he couldn't get past it. "I love you guys..." He murmured shakily to them both, not pulling away. Maybe he wasn't the one who was best to raise the kids. Zaphara would do a better job raising them then he ever would, anyone would do a better job. He hugged them tight, closing his glossy eyes. Closing his eyes brought back flashbacks of holding his beloved lifeless in his arms. He would give anything to see her smile at him again, or even yell or get mat. He just wanted her back, he needed her. He had gone through Ibex and found a way out just to be back with her, just to wrap her up in his arms and kiss her, to hold her close. And Aztec was a happy surprise, such a happy surprise. They finally had had a family together, finally everything had been perfect and then she had been ripped from him. "I love you too daddy." He heard Dia said and he let them both go, trying to wipe the tears away from his face. He gave her the saddest, smallest, fakest smile ever before he looking down and staring at the floor. He was shutting don again, there was too much pain and he was trying to block it out by shutting down. Dia I M: Aztec and Jackson
Dia watched her dad seem to shut down. It made her sad, really sad. She wanted her dad more now than ever, and he wasn't there. Dia started to tear up, wanting to cry like her father had. She pulled her brother over into her arms, looking down at him. She wished that her dad would be strong, Aztec needed him more than he knew. She missed Glory, she would've been there for them, she was always there for them.