
Malakai: Mentions: Dr. Volks and Ibex 3 weeks... it was three weeks right? Three weeks Malaki was locked inside of hell, and it wasn't like anything he had experienced before. Instead of the incredibly damaging psychological trauma he had to deal with thanks to being isolated for years, instead the tests and experiments performed on him were borderline torture. One day he was essentially drained of his blood (thanks to a viciously ironic act by Dr. Volks to have him bleed from his forehead, a popular spot for the average wrestler to draw blood) and forced to perform extreme aerobic challenges, the next his arms and legs were strapped down and he was shot all over with airsoft and paintball guns... it was the most mind boggling tests, and he couldn't figure out why. But the worst thing of all was Benny... As the days passed, Benny only grew louder and louder, preventing Malakai to sleep for the first time since his original capture, and what was scariest of all; he was even able to predetermine and alter Malakai's behaviour, oftentimes leading to blood and violence. Now? He was inside of his cell, having to deal without food for a stretch going on three days now, but in the room was a tray of food, however Malakai knew better. All of his food and drink up to that point was laced with knockout pills, so he knew better than to eat and go under the knife once again, often without any painkillers. So there he lied, looking at the food blankly as Dr. Volks looked on patiently. Jericho: Mentions: Nyx Jericho was outside, practicing with his metal armor and weaponry at a few haybales outside of the barn. Ever since he arrived with all of the other mutants at the barn, he kept to himself, the guilt of losing Ero hanging over his head, but there was another particular detail that deepened that feeling, however he wasn't willing to face that right now. Even though the barn served as a decent base, he didn't feel like he could rest until he could wrap Ero up in his arms once again, but the events of that day repeated in his mind as he trained. They didn't go after me... why Ero? What's so incredibly special about her that they would ignore me and go for her instead? He yanked his sword out of the target and sat down for a moment to breathe and collect his thoughts. We're going to need everything we can get to make another raid. They're going to be ready for us... I can feel it. Sighing, Jericho got up and walked over to the barn and took off his armor before heading inside, feeling like he could use a snack. As he made his way to where the food was, his eyes lined on Nyx as she lied on the couch, bothered about something. Have I seen her before? Ah yes... the big room. I think she was the one who laid out Malakai... or was it Glory? Without saying a word he walked over and looked for a second before grabbing an apple and walking back, but before he did he stopped to ask her "Do you know if there's anything I can use for target practice? I need something to practice my throwing and a bale of hay isn't cutting it anymore." Edited at January 11, 2022 04:41 PM by Shadow Hearts

Ava || Mentions: Ahyma In the bathroom, upstairs, Ava had the door locked, and she was examining her shoulder, wincing as she poked and prodded at it. Few weeks ago, when she was attacked, that Commander had shot her with a tranq, one different from the others. She didn't know what it did to her, as she didn't feel different to any extent. All that remained was a red x-like mark on her shoulder, and it irritated her just to look at it. Pulling her shirt back over her shoulder, Ava rolled the shoulder, than brushed herself off. Glancing down at her wrist, she rubbed it gently, hissing through her teeth as she put pressure on it. During the last encounter with Ibex, Ava was struck in the wrist by a cannon-like ball, and it damaged her bones and muscles. Fortunately, it healed quickly, but it was still rather painful. She had been brought to the farmhouse with everyone. She was surprised by the act, since well, everyone hated her. For good reason probably. But she truly didn't expect to be saved that day... it was unclear as to whom saved her, but it didn't matter now. She had been resting for the past 3 weeks, mending to her wounds, fixing herself up. Now that she was nearly in top conidition, it only meant a few more days here until she could leave safely. Turning around, Ava unlocked the bathroom door, and walked out, rubbing her shoulder. She was currently wearing a pair of blue, skin-tight jeans that seemed to have a few rips near her calves, and wore a black baggy sweater. It felt good to have new clothes to wear every day, certainly better than wearing the same clothes for days straight. Ugh. Walking down the stairs, she swiveled right, walking through the living room, only to be greeted by a nasty pair of eyes. Nyx. She hadn't met this woman before, but her aura and her attitude was certainly in a dangerous state, and she would need to steer clear of her. Ava sideglanced glared at the woman eating her apple, making her way into the kitchen. Then, she'd saw an old friend of hers. Ahyma. Oh! And her child. Splendid. Stalking behind the wretched woman, Ava placed her hands on her shoulders, and squeezed, her palms growing warm. "You and your pathetic child are in my way," she whispered, and jerked the woman to the side, glaring at her and her daughter. Clenching her teeth in irritation, she opened a cupboard, and grabbed an apple from a basket within the cupboard, than she took it out, throwing it upwards a few times, catching it her palm. She closed the door of the small compartment, taking a bite into teh apple, sideglancing to Ahyma before giving. Quite bored. Ava had an idea to spice up her day. After swalling a chunk of the apple, she licked her lips, "Is that my darling niece?"

Flame | M: Open Flame rocked Ghost Lily as the girl slept. Nothing else to really do. She could barely think most of the time, her best friend once again taken by Ibex. She could relate to Shi at the moment, just on a lower level. Flame got up still rocking her baby before walking over to a window. She leaned against the frame, it had been three weeks. Shi and Sky were still at it. Training was all either of them thought about it now. Sky had yet to release the full extent of her power, most likely because Malaki was nowhere around. However, that didn't stop her from using her icefire in training.
Sky looked as neutral and stressed as she normally did, always looking around as if she expected Malaki to turn up. Shi, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. Glory's death did a number on her, and then her sister getting captured on top of it. Shi was surrounded by ice all the time now and Flame didn't dare look at her eyes. They were as cold as ice and showed no emotion whatsoever. Even though Flame knew what she was going through, it wasn't easy to read it off of the woman.
Flame tore her eyes off the two sparring women before walking back over to her bed. Sitting down, she rocked her daughter a bit more as the child woke up slowly. The child's powers was quite chaotic at times but seemed to be soothed with practice and treats. Heh, treats. Lily had a sweet tooth for cookies mostly, one of her favorite snacks. Ghost Lily giggled in her arms before trying to climb down. Flame hefted her daughter up again before going to find her husband.
|  |

Goddess I M: Nyx Goddess got out of bed after a few minutes. Even though it had been three meagar weeks, she felt like her stomach had grew twice over. She had been mostly hiding in her room. She was too scared to come out with blade somewhere in the house, plus everyone else. She didn't trust anyone, and after what had happened to Dakota she had shut everyone else out as best she could. The only reason she was even out of bed was because she was hungry, she needed food. Rapier had been doing well to her knowledge. She had heard he had been playing with a clips, and some of the other kids. She didn't really know, but she listen to him and he came back and told her all about it. She walked out of her bedroom, your feet sticking to the floor as she padded along. She hoped Dakota was okay, she couldn't even imagine being back in Ibex. She felt slightly guilty about the whole situation, but she did know deep down that it was best if her and her child stay safe instead of Dakota. She was eternally grateful to the woman, she would probably be dead now in Ibex if it wasnt for her. on her way to the kitchen she passed through the living room. But she paused when she saw a familiar figure on the couch. It was Nyx, Dakota's sister. She had been avoiding the woman as best as she could, but she also felt like she needed to say some thing about her sister if that can make her feel better. The woman looked utterly miserable, exactly how Goddess felt, but without the anger. She carefully approached the woman, ready to shy away at any sudden movements the woman made towards her. "N-Nyx? I-I umm..." Goddess stammered, petrified. "I'm sorry about Da-Dakota..." She mumbled, tears forming in her eyes. She put her hands on her stomach, thinking of Dakota's sacrifice. "I wish I could've saved her... I want her here too... she was the only nice one..." She was now statinh things brokely, very upset.

(XD no it wasn't) W Jac I M: Open A door suddenly opened before Jac burst out. Yet, she wasn’t walking or running out the door, she was being thrown. She yelped as she suddenly was thrown onto the concrete harshly. Her small form quaked in fear as she stared at the man that had jsut thrown her. He was a cashier in the gas station she was just in. She had tried to steal something, mostly because she was starving, and it hadn’t gone as she had planned. I sure know where she was, or where she had been for the past three weeks. She had been managing survive off of stealing things here and there, but that wasn’t enough. The guy kicked her once in the stomach, causing her to start to cry. He just went back inside the gas station as she laid on the concrete, feeling bruises start to form around her midsection, and herself start to bleed from the places that have gotten scraped from her harsh landing. She didn’t bother to get up, what was the point anymore? Ahmya I M: Ava and her baby Ahmya stared at her half-sister as she asked her that question. She was pissed, well, that was a mild word to describe her anger. She pulled the month old baby closer to her body protectively, glaring coldly at the other woman. She didn’t want that monster anywhere near her child, anywhere near her for that matter. She had just come down to get some food for herself, and then this bitch shows up. “Get the hell away from me and my baby. You got your apple, now leave.” She said coldly, turning away from the woman to look in another cabinet for some food for herself while supporting her baby in one arm. She had actually started bonding with the baby, becoming much more adamant to have it around her, and just being more protective of it in general. It was hers, she wasn’t tolerant of anyone but Dread around it, not even Ota. Edited at January 11, 2022 05:19 PM by Dragonhorse

Nakao, Dread, Ota Mentions: Zaphara, open Nakao was staring at the cards in his hands, his eyes holding no emotion as he examines his deck. Ota's foot was tapping on the ground, a nervous twitch to his eyes, and his jaw was clenched. Dread was a lot more calmer and neutral than the two men here. All of them were more fixated on the game than anything, not a word leaving either men. It was until Ota throws his cards onto the table, a grin on his face. "Beat that." Nakao glared at the cards, then he has a grin on his face, then he slams his own cards onto the table. "Nice try. I have the upperhand." Dread starts to chuckle, then gently sets his cards down. Leaning back into his chair, crossing his arms together. Ota and Nakao stares at the deck of cards in disbelief-upset that they both lost. Dread taps the table with two of his fingers, "I would like the cash please." He says with a grin on his face, Ota cussing him out in Japanese and Nakao giving the man daggers for eyes. Dread chuckles, watching the money collect onto the table, and he starts grabbing it. Collecting his share, only for someone to snatch the money from his hands. "Aren't you three suppose be patrolling?" A familiar voice came to the men, Nakao only grins as he glares up at Zaphara. "I'll take you out." He says in a playful flirty manner, then she walks over. Slapping him in the back of head with the stack of cash. "Don't let your wife here that. She'll skin you alive." Giving the two men their money back, giving Dread a glare, and he starts chuckling. "Easy with the eyes. You'll turn me to stone." Hearing Zaphara huff before going to the fridge to grab herself a can of beer. Ota raises both brows, "Want to pass me one?" Zaphara grins, "You got legs, don't you? Use them." She starts walking off, purposely slowing down and cracking up the can. Taking a slow, long sip of the beer to rub it in Ota's face. Dread and Nakao starts laughing, getting up to get their own beer. Ota snorts, following after the three men.

Leonas Mentions: Jac Leonas was wandering down the street, hands tucked in his pockets, and was smoking a cigarette. Needing to find a way to relieve so much pint up stress that was given to him over these few hours. He slows his pace after witnessing the scene at the gas station, then came to a complete stop when she didn't get back up. Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, trying to come up with a plan. "Disable everything that store has. Rather it's cameras, TVs, lights, whatever. Make sure we don't have a way for us to get caught." He was to no one, well, it appears that he wasn't. He approaches the woman, and just in time since the cameras were disabled. He enters the building without acknowledging the woman, and the doors locked behind him. He walks out minutes later, his face cold and empty. In his hands were two bags: one with cash and the other with food. Dropping the bag filled with food beside the woman and starts walking away. The store lits back up, revealing the blood covering the windows. "You better leave before they start accusing you of murder." Was all he said, passing the bag of cash to one of his creations.

Nyx || Mentions: Jericho, Goddess Minding her own buisness, and taking another bite into her apple, someone comes in, Jericho. "Do you know if there's anything I can use for target practice? I need something to practice my throwing and a bale of hay isn't cutting it anymore." Nyx glared coldly into his eyes, chewing aggressively. She took another bite, quite aggressively and dangerously, and swallowed the apple chunk whole, still giving Jericho a cold look. She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, "Trees are good for thrashing things at, won't break or fall as easily," she replied coldly, taking another bite, continuing to eat with an obvious look of irritation. And as if it couldn't get any worse, she appeared. Raising an eyebrow, Goddess walked in. "N-Nyx? I-I umm..." her grip on the apple tightened, small streams of juice slowly poured down her fingers. "I'm sorry about Da-Dakota..." Nyx squeezed her hand, the apple's round formation immediately destroyed, squished into nothing but a simple apple core. "I wish I could've saved her... I want her here too... she was the only nice one..." throwing the apple core across the room, she stood up, and stormed over to Goddess, grabbing her by the throat, pinning her against the wall, her teeth clenched tightly. "How dare YOU!" Nyx shouted, her arms tense, "If it weren't for you, my sister would still be here! But no! If it weren't for you, she'd be safe and sound. But she is in the hands of Ibex, because of YOU." Her words were serious, dead serious, her grip on the womans throat drastically growing to a dangerous grip.

Ava || Mentions: Ahyma, Goddess (ind.), Dread (ind.) In the other room, Nyx was getting upset at some unfortunate woman. She'd love to enjoy that show, however, her niece was here! She could not, not say hi. “Get the hell away from me and my baby. You got your apple, now leave.” "Oh come on, she's my niece. I'm her aunt, you can't keep my darling niece from me forever," Ava spoke, a devilish smile on her face. She placed her hands on Ahyma's shoulders once more, resting her chin on the agitated womans shoulder, peering down at the baby in her arms. "How old is she? A month? Two months? C'mon darling, sister." Ugh. The word was painful to say, but she'd do anything to learn more about her enemies. She chuckled softly, and her eyes began to glow, her words becoming soft, "You can't hide her forever from me Ahyma." The words were laced with mischief, a dangerous vile attitude gently placed into each word. She obviously had a plan in mind for a baby, it could've been one or two things. Free buffet or an ally. Carefully studying the childs aura, Ava could pick out the bits and pieces that resembled to Ahyma's aura. Huh, she hadn't paid attention to family auras, and didn't even know they had similiar auras to a certain extent. That spiked a question in her head, whom was the father? "Who's the father? Married, or are you a rascal?" The words made her chuckle, pulling away from the woman, Ava wiped her hands against eachother, and looked around for the fathers aura. Maybe she'd be able to pinpoint whom the father was before she'd reply, however she'd doubt that. He wasn't close enough it seemed.

Levushka and Arlin Mentions: Nyx, Goddess, and Flame Levushka and Arlin came back into the building carrying groceries. With Lev using his charm, he managed to get all of this for free. They enter the kitchen, placing the bags down onto the counter. Hearing the commotion between Nyx and Goddess, Levushka sighs and heads out to stop Nyx from murdering someone. He approaches her from behind, grabbing her shoulder with one hand, pulling her back so her back hits against his chest. Using his free hand to remove her other hand from Goddess's throat. He gives her an apologetic look, then leads Nyx forcibly away from her. "Come on, Nyx. Relax for me." He kisses her cheek, pulling her against his side. Leading her to their room, helping her onto the bed, and sits down beside her. Grabbing onto her hand, twirling his thumb over her knuckles. "We'll get her back, my love." He felt guilty for not getting to Dakota in time, the woman was also the one that can help calm Nyx down. Pressing his head against hers, giving her forehead a kiss. "We can stay here as long as you like. Just don't go around murdering people yet." Pushing a strand of her hair back behind her ear, and he sighs while rubbing his forehead. Today has been eventful, no, this whole year has been. Meanwhile, Arlin snorts as he sees Levushka scurry off. Putting the food away, but left some out as he was getting ready to cook it. He starts prepping lunch, struggling a bit due to having one hand. Great. He can't cook with just one hand. That's why he asked Lev to help, but now he's stuck with calming the beast. He turns on the stove, thinning his lips at the old machine. "Better not blow up." Scolding the machine before continuing on. Edited at January 11, 2022 06:44 PM by Cereal