
Karasu I M: Ibex and Nakao Karasu had been hiding for awhile underneath a sink in the kitchen. He had heard the commotion and was scared. Yet, his hiding spot hadn't even been checked by Zaphara, so he was all alone on his own. He had lost his mommy too, so he didn't know what he should do. He poked his head out of the cabinet, looking around for the scary agents. He didn't see any and carefully got out of the cabinet. He looked around and decided to pick a way and go. He heard a scream come from one direction and he started to run the other way, a few tears rolling onto his little flushed cheeks. Karasu narrowly missed an Ibex agent squad walking down a hall. He went and hid in a room, covering his ears and his wings closed around him as he heard the soldiers shooting, then someone killing them. He was scared, what if the guards had won? He slowly opened the door and poked his forehead and eyes out. He saw a few dead guards and winced, but he heard something familiar, something that made him suddenly dash out of the room and rush towards the dead soldiers. "Daddy!" Karasu exclaimed, seeing his father talking to another man. Karasu flapped his wings and landed in Nakao's arms, ignoring any things he might have had in his hands. The boy started to cry, holding on tight to his dad. He was scared of the agents, petrified actually. He just wanted his dad and mom. Goddess I M: Ibex, Dakota and Rapier Goddess was comforted by the woman huggin her, but she went back to being scared when the woman told her to go hide in the closet. She saw the door knob rattle too and she did as she said, rushing towards the closet and pulling it open for her and Rapier to hide in. She chose a hiding spot and hid her child and her behind some clothes. Rapier had locked the door behind her and then went to go hide with her, arms curling around Gloddess' pregnant stomach. Goddess was shaking, shivering badly as she was deathly afraid. She pulled her son close, determined not to let anything happen to any of them. She heard the scramble outside and knew it wasn't going well. When it was all over she heard two sets of foot steps, not one. Dakota was either dead, or taken. She sniffled quietly, grabbing a piece of clothing from the closet to muffle her cries so she wouldn't be heard. Her child was teary, but he wasn't crying as badly as his mother. Goddess couldn't believe she had sacrificed herself for her and her child, well unborn child too. She was eternally grateful, but she also felt like she needed her, she couldn't lose her only friend in a place like that.

Leonas and Sephtis Mentions: N/A Sephtis watches his son sleep peacefully in the hospital bed, his fingers tracing through the man's blonde hair. His eyes narrow, disgust in his eyes, and he leans forward-bringing his lips close to his comatose son's ear. "Don't worry about needing to wake up, Leonas. Everyone that you cherish. Will soon perish." He whispered to the man, enjoying the little reaction Leonas was showing. His fingers caress the man's throat, then latches onto Leonas's neck-strangling the man without remorse. "Die. You pest." Disgust in his voice, squeezing harder, and coughing sounds escape the man. That's when Leonas's eyes shot open, his golden eyes set on the man, and he locked eyes with Sephtis. That's when his eyes start to glow, and Sephtis knows what's about to happen. Sephtis braced himself-ready for whatever Leonas was about to do. Sephtis felt his chest explode, the unseen force knocking him back. His back hit the wall, Leonas sitting up and ripping whatever machine they hooked him up with. "I'm the pest? You're such a hypocrite, Sephtis." Leonas says, using his powers to fix whatever broken parts of his body remain. Sephtis tries to heal himself-trying to fix the large wound in his chest. He couldn't, then fear shot in the man's eyes. He scrambles to get up-moving away from whatever power Leonas is using. Leonas wasn't amused, Grabbing the man by the jaw, bringing his face closer to him, "Talking all that shit, yet you cower away when someone is overpowering you." His eyes start glowing again, getting ready to make the man's head explode. "You're the one that disgusts me. You're the parasite!" He spat, only for Sephtis to grab him by the shoulder, pulling Leonas in close. "You're like a true Sephtis, Leonas." Hearing that, Leonas felt ill to his stomach and caused the wall behind them to explode. He doesn't know how to feel upon hearing such news-and with his heart beating in his chest. He was going to say something else, only for a new surge of energy to fill his body-that unfamiliar feeling of new powers coursing through his veins. That's when Sephtis started to slump, his eyes going cloudy, and his breathing finally stopped. Leonas lets go of the dead man, his eyes on the chest he made to combust. He clicks the roof of his tongue, his eyes examining the place, only for him to be in an abandoned building. The power running on a small generator. Was this part of the man's plan? Finding some fresh clothes waiting for him, Leonas has quietly been answered. Going over to the clothes, changing out of the hospital gown, and putting on the new ones. The reign of Sephtis has finally been over, and a new lord has taken the throne. He was confused about what Sephtis meant about him becoming like him? Leonas begins to think while he slips on his old leather jacket he gifted to Arlin long ago. However, Leonas doesn't recall that event at all. In his mind, it was a simple old and dusty jacket. He left the building without another word-without the concern of burying his father's body. A man like him doesn't deserve it-indeed he doesn't. Leonas felt nothing, no emotion when it came to killing Sephtis. Perhaps, it would evolve into something more.

Ava || Mentions: Flame, Malaki, Ibex, Group XX Malaki was captured. Flame was somewhere. The mansion was under heavy fire. What the hell happened?! Its as if Ibex picked up their deadbeat asses, and actually got to work! The hell. Still a fire breathing demonic dragon, Ava trudged through the woods, trees falling left and rigth as she did so, not giving one living piece of crap if Ibex heard her coming. Her energy had been restored, especially after that 7 course dinner, just teh thought of it made her hungrier. However, if she ate more, she may just be too energetic. Just debating whether she should shift back to human or not, auras became visible, 7 of them. However, she hadn't felt these sort of auras before, maybe Ibex had a few mutants on their side? Preposterous. What ill-minded freak would ever be on their side?? That accusation appeared to be true, as 8 Ibex Soldiers surrounded her, all dressed in black, besides one whom was dressed in camo armour. Must have been, a commander or something, and these other seven, Ava moved her head around to look at their auras, must have been the mutants. Disgraces. The lot of them. They hesitated to attack, oddly, but moments later, the 7 of them disappeared into thin air. Invisibility. Ava swung her tail a whole 180, feeling her tail give each and everyone of these bastards a nice wack on the ass. The dragon picked up a hand, then two, and slammed down on the ground, revealing two of the seven identities in a rather, disturbing way. As their ... whatever was left of them, lied still, the remaining 5 revealed themselves, backing up, and began whispering odd things. But, they weren't speaking aloud, they were speaking in her head. Telepathy?? How the hell! Growling angrily, Ava snapped her jaws dangerously, attempting to grab one of them. As her teeth made contact with one another, she tasted no flesh or blood. Only air. As she lifted her head to look as to where it had gone, it was now in a different spot. Teleportation. Great. Invisibility, Telepathy, and Teleportation. Just splendid. "Get her back to human." The one in the camouflage had spoken, a woman. Now she knew for sure it was a commander, as they did as they were told. They sifted through Ava's mind, trying to take a hold of it, but they obviously weren't experienced. However, they did manage to mess with her brain enough to the point where it started to hurt. "Bastards," Ava growled through clenched teeth in a demonic fashion. She grabbed her head with her front hands, clawing at her ears. Her body slowly fell downwards, a loud thud echoed through the air. Rubbing her head desperately against the ground, Ava hissed and growled, snapping her jaws aimlessly. Swinging her head back and forth. No one would dare come close to a thrashing dragon. The commander dared to near Ava, a tranquilizer pistol in her hand. Her eyes opened wide, and she began to lift her head to dodge any tranq shots to the head, but the Commander stepped on her head, and with such strength, kept the thrashing dragons head nailed to the ground. Black smoke steamed from her flaring nostrils, and out of the corner of her daggered mouth. "I've heard alot about you, Avalon." How dare she?? "Shut your rotten mouth," Ava hissed. She hated that name. It only reminded her of her wretched past and teh wretched things she was forced to do. "I even heard, Sephtis, took a liking to you. I'm quite surprised. You're not much to look at, from what I see under my boot. Majestic and deadly? Yes. Romantically beautiful? In this state. No. Then again, I don't know what you look at as a human~" she dragged a hand gently across the dragons muzzle, "If you'd be so kind, and shift back. That'd be perfect. Our tranqs aren't enough to take down a dragon, only a cannon could, and that'd kill you. But we don't want that! We need you. And your other dragon friend." Ava could hear the disgusting smile on this woman as she spoke, it was revolting. "Am I that special, that you need to abduct me?" "Actually, yes. Avalon." That name again, it made Ava's blood boil. She shifted her head, baring her serrated fangs. "You are what, 20? 21? Its time that we had more like you. However, we can't duplicate you just with your bloo-" the woman was interrupted as Ava swung a hand at her, the Commander just barely dodging it. The woman flicked a hand, and the remaining 5 mutants restrained Ava's hands, and wings. So fast, she didn't know how. "I'm not some cow in heat. I'm a bitch who is in a dire need to rip your body limbs of of your torso." The commander's body expression seemed agitated, probably because she wasn't getting her way. Spoiled brat. "Fine. Have it your way. The time will come, and when it does, you'll regret todays decision." As the woman began to turn away, she jumped up, "Oh! Thats right. I lied about the tranqs." The smile in her voice. God, didn't Ava want to smack it off. Aiming a pistol at Ava's forehead, she waved her hand, "Nighty night." Pulling the trigger, a pink-fluffed tranquilizer was embedded within the scales on the dragons forehead. And Ava was out. Automatically, Ava's body began to shift slowly, the sounds of bones breaking, skin tearing, and god knows what else was louder than before. It wasn't painful most of the time, but the muscles tension during this event, it was painful. Ava's limp body lied in the grass, and teh Commander knelt by her side. She pushed the woman's red hair back, and sighed, shaking her head. One of the mutants walked over, and was ready to grab her when teh Commander rose a hand, "Leave her there. Its too easy." Obeying their Commanders command, the mutant backed away. "How many experiments have we gotten ahold of?" "3, at least." "Good. Our job is done here, we'll let the rest of the groups do their thing." Then, withut a trace, Group XX and teh Commander had left the premises, leaving Avas unconscious body alone.

Malaki: Mentions: Ibex, Sky and Dr. Volks Everything was blurry... and on its side. Malaki groaned as his head continued to spin. So this must be what it feels like to have a concussion. Holy Crap... Malaki had been through some rough scrapes in his wrestling training, but nothing was as bad, or as unusual, as this experience. After taking a moment to keep himself from swaying around, he propped himself up against the nearest wall and looked around, but there wasn't much to look at since it was just a metal room, with a makeshift bed sticking out of one side and clear paneling on another. Malaki brought his hand to his forehead and when he pulled it away, there were a few drops of blood that rested on his hand; no doubt the point of where the boot met his head. I need to remember this, if I can, for later. This could be invaluable to me if I get concussed again. He attempted to stand up, but his legs were clearly too weak, so he stayed against the wall. What do I do now? Sky and Flame and everyone else must be freaking the hell out now that I have been captured... no doubt along with a few other mutants. A tap against the panelling drew his attention, and an all too familiar voice came over the intercom. "Hello Malaki. Nice to see that you're alive after you were able to break out." Dr. Volks said, a hint of pride in his voice. "I must say, you have a bold spirit... but we know how to break that here, so enjoy your last few moments of calm, because your life from here on out will be dragged... through hell." He let the last two words drip out of his mouth as an act of emphasis, before the intercom cut off and Malaki looked at one of the walls blankly, wondering how he was going to get out this time. Jericho: Mentions: Ibex and Ero The effects of the knockout darts wore off and Jericho sprung to his feet, ready to go another ten rounds with the Ibex soldiers, however no one was there. Did... did I ward them off? He scratched his head for a moment before looking at the bathroom and his eyes went wide. Oh crap... Ero! He bolted through the door and opened the closet, hoping that Ero would jump out and smother him with a hug, but she wasn't there, and Jericho fell to his knees. I failed her again. I can't believe I failed her again... Jericho fell to his knees and tears slowly began to stream from his eyes. "I promised her that I would never let Ibex take her again... but I failed her again." He said to no one in that empty bathroom. At that moment his heart was in his shoes. There was an absolute possibility that Ero may not make it out of Ibex, whether it be mentally or physically... possibly both, and yet he continued to let her down. Do I even deserve to be with her if I can't keep her safe?

All of my characters | M: Everyone, Ibex Flame watched as Ava dropped Malaki as Ibex appeared underneath of her. How in the world did they find them?! Flame saw Malaki in the water and thought him safe for a moment as she dived down only to go back up as she felt an energy thread snap. Not of her doing. Someone had died. Flame swung her head over to the mansion, counting the threads before realizing who had just died. Glory, which meant. . . .yep there she was. The freezing cold thread that Flame could barely touch showed her that Shi was in her frenzy. Flame looked back down before scanning frantically. There was no way Malaki could have disappeared that fast. A phoenix screeched at her side, startling her before she watched Sky hunt around. Flame joined in the hunt as she watched Ava disappear, most likely to get back at Ibex.
Shadow was in his room when he felt the energy threads go haywire. Experiments yet no were outside and Ibex were heading inside. He got up before limping out his door towards the stairs. Halfway there, he felt the energy thread break as well and turned towards it only to find a group of soldiers waiting for him. "This one's blind so tranq him and be done with it." One soldier said but Shadow simply waved a hand, "Go to sleep. Your unneeded right now." He drained the guard completely of his energy and a few of the others, making them drop. The others shouted but by that time, he had already wrapped himself in shadows and moved away. Limping through the halls, he came out to the garage where he found Zaphara, Arlin and the kids. He unwrapped himself in shadows before saying, "We need to get out of here now. Arlin, transform into your dragon and get the kids out of here. I'll get Flame and Sky to collect you Zaphara and a few of the rest." Shadow turned to Arlin, "There is a long mountain range east of here near the ocean. Cross over them before looking for a meadow. There is a cave in the side of the mountain there, you and the kids will be safe there for the time being until we find another place to go. It's an old place that me and my sister would go, so it should have food if the kids get hungry."
Cero turned around as he saw the mansion getting attacked. He frowned before spotting a group coming their way. He looked up to find a dragon circling, Flame most likely. He squinted at her for a moment before a replica appeared beside them. "Ankoku, get on. Now." Cero said to the man before striding forward. Fire seemed to grow from him, spreading through the ground turning it black. It swallowed up the Ibex soldiers, leaving them screaming in pain. The fire was illusions but the pain illusions that came with it would help them escape. Making sure Ko was on the replica of the dragon, he got on before sending a message out to everyone that he could find, "Get the youngsters out of here. The rest of you, find a safe place to hide for now and we will meet up later and count our losses." Once it was sent, he had the dragon circle the mansion a couple times before picking up a map from Shadow's mind. He sent it to the flyers and Kiril who seemed to be running in a diagonal of where it was. "Hang on," Cero said back to Ankoku before steering the dragon towards the mountains.
Sky screeched as she couldn't find Malaki. She searched and searched before finding Ibex prints and Malaki's scent together. She screeched in fury but was held back by Flame. "We need to go back for the others. Regroup." The female said gently and Sky saddened, shifting to her griffin form. The dragon was right, they needed to help the others. Sky turned, flying back to the mansion before freezing two Ibex soldiers as she landed near the garage. She screeched inside, "Everyone out now!" Above her, she could see a replica of Flame circling. Cero must be up there. She hoped he had someone with him, she didn't know how many was left inside. Flame, on the other hand, was scouring the forest. She had noticed something odd but it was now gone. She paused as she felt an energy thread before flying down to land next to Ava. The woman looked tranqed which couldn't be good, but whether or not they liked this woman, she had to come along. Picking her up gently, she flew back over to the mansion, landing on a balcony before balancing Ava on top of her, strapping her into the saddle. She could feel Lev close by, but Nyx wasn't with him. She could also feel her daughter and husband and went through the garage before spotting them. She nudged Arlin before looking into the car where her daughter smiled up at her, scared. Her brother was there too and she extended to both him and Zaphara.
Amber was outside when the attack came. She saw the mansion getting attacked and started that way when she got surrounded. She transformed into her viper form, striking around her. A couple of tranq darts bounced off her scales before one got through. She shifted back into her human form before surrounding herself in her purple flame. As these soldiers were human, they couldn't see the fire until it was too late and she relished in their screams before she collapsed, the sleep coming on. Her fire died down as she lost consciousness and the last thing she saw was hands reaching down to pick her up.
Night heard the attack happen before feeling powers being used. He ran through the halls before bolting back into the room and scooped up Eclipse. Using his mimicry, he found Kage before pulling her into a hug. He teleported them outside which wasn't too much better before hurrying them towards the front. He had to get them out of there. Now. A power washed over him and he looked up to see Flame land on the balcony. Arlin's dragon power drifted from the garage. Shifting into a smaller dragon form of the two, he helped Kage and Eclipse onto his back before waiting for Arlin, not knowing what Flame was going to do. They needed to get out of here and fast.
Shi wasn't going to leave. She was safe here and besides, her friend had died here, she wasn't going to let the body be taken to be experimented on. Releasing the orb of ice, she looked around before walking into the forest. Finding Jackson and the body of Glory, she created an icy mist to surround them, blocking them from sight and giving anyone who tried to get through an icy chill.
|  |

All My Characters Mentions: Everyone Zaphara nods her head, sighing in relief as her wound starts to heal, and her eyes turn to the children that were in the car. Hearing the others gather, she sighs in relief. She felt something tightening in her chest, yet she couldn't put a finger on it-who was causing her to feel this way. "Good. Thank goodness I'm not the only one." She turns to Shadow, shaking her head. "Take the kids. I'll stay behind and fend the rest of the soldiers off. Making sure that everyone has a chance to escape." She knew Cero was alright, yet she was worried about Jackson and Shi-the two would be stubborn to leave due to Glory's death. "I have to make sure those two are safe." She nods her head before leaving the garage, going to check on Jackson and Shi. It was until she was intercepted by two soldiers, causing her to grumble in disgust. She readies two swords, then lunges at the two. Swords clashed, fists bring shared, and blood being spilled. She was tired, but she has to keep on fighting. That feeling came back, but it was stronger now. She was kicked in gut, next punched in the ribs. Zaphara fell back onto the ground, coughing up blood. One of the soldiers was ready to deliver the final kill, only after a second, his head exploded. She quickly closed her mouth, making sure the blood didn't get inside. The other soldier grew panicked, pulling out their gun and was ready to shoot at whoever made her comrade die. Only to be greeted with the same soon after. Both bodies on the ground, she stands up while clutching her ribs. That power. She recognize that power. "Leonas." She looks around, only to spot the man's fierce glowing eyes in the shadows. His eyes were cold-extremely cold. He steps forward, his eyes glowing and was readying to kill her just in case. "How you know about my name?" He says, clenching his hands into fists. Zaphara couldn't believe it, her eyes examining the man in front of him. "Yo-you're alive. How?" Leonas steps forward, annoyance in his eyes. "You're annoying me. Shut up." He spat, only for his eyes to turn to the mansion. "Maybe you can help me look for someone." Arlin sighs as his daughter started to calm down, relaxing when Flame arrived as well. Nudging her back, kissing her on cheek as his worries finally died away. "I'm not rideable until I get used to landing on three limbs. Someone needs to drive the car." He examines the small group forming in the garage, Arlin shifts into his dragon form. "I can provide cover fire from above." He left the garage after giving Flame an affectionate nuzzle, taking off to the skies and was getting ready to defend the group. He narrows his eyes as he sees the Ibex forces retreating, but that doesn't mean he should let his guard down. His eyes turn to Lev, seeing the battle he was in with his siblings. He wants to jump in and help the man out, but that would be suicide. Damn. Lev can't catch a break, huh? Meanwhile, Ko was desperately hanging onto Cero as they were in the sky. Fear overcomes the young man, his heart beating in his chest. "To-too high! I prefer land! Yes! Land!" Closing his eyes tightly, only to feel his grip loosening. Worried, he opens his eyes and almost fell off. Yup. He hates everything that's going on. Not to mention, the smell of blood wasn't a pleasant thing. Nakao! What about his old sensei!?! He needs to make sure he's alright. "Nakao-sensei." He says, getting worried about the man. Wanting to jump off and check on the man, especially on how much of a reckless idiot he can be. Staring down at the ground, his face paled and he shook his head. "He'll be fine. He's always fine." Holding back onto Cero, closing his eyes again while he takes a couple of deep breathes. As for Nakao and Ota, they silently approved of one another, yet none of them daring to show it. That was until he heard a familiar voice. Karasu. Hearing the boy call him such a disgusting word made Nakao grumble in disgust, not liking it one bit. "Shut up with the crying, damn it! Where is Lucille so she can deal with this shit!?!" Great, now he has to look for his damn woman. His eyes turn to Ota, who was judging the boy quite harshly. "Keep looking at him like he's a banquet and I'll remove your damn eyes!" He spat, using his free hand to support Karasu. Ota snorts, "You're a father of a damn chicken! How am I suppose to not treat him like food?" Tension grew between them, only for Dread to approach and made it worse. "Ota. It's time to go. Grab Elea and let's go." He left from the bedroom, holding onto the newborn. Ota does so, picking up Elea and carries her through the shadow portal to where Ahyma is tucked away. Dread turns to Nakao, "Feel free to join us, if you wish." Nakao decides on it, then slowly nods his head. "I'll go find Lucille." Passing Karasu over to Dread, practically forcing the boy off. "Stay with him. I'll get your mother." Nakao says before storming off to retrieve Lucille. Dread carries the children through the portal, placing Karasu down on the bed. "Here. This is where you and your parents will sleep." His tone was monotone, sitting down beside the boy. Keeping his eyes on the portal as he waits on Nakao. "Your parents will be arriving in a couple of minutes. Give them time." He says, crossing his arms together, keeping the baby nice and warm. Lev was close to grabbing Dakota, only to be interrupted by his siblings. Annoyance course through his body, summoning his spear and was getting ready for a fight. Indeed, a fight did happen. Lilith was the first to strike-slashing her sword at his left shoulder. While Alucard was using his claws to stab Levushka in the stomach. Lev knows that he has to dodge one of them, so he went to cover his stomach. Allowing Lilith to slice his shoulder, blood pouring out. Lev's eyes starts to glow, turning to the van that was driving off with Dakota. Great. Just fucking great! With his distraction, Lucille starts to take advantage and kicked him in the knee-a loud cracking sound coming from that area. Lev falls to one knee, grinding his teeth while defending off from Lilith's next attack. Alucard kicks him in the back, knocking him forward and his throat close to be sliced by the blade of Lilith's scythe. It was until time stopped for a couple of seconds, causing Lev to pull away from them and fast. As time resumed, all three or them were confused yet afraid that it was Sephtis. Kiril kept running, seeming to ignore Nyx and kept his main focus on bringing her to a safe place. He was pushing himself to ignore the feeling of returning back to his master after experiencing Levushka's pain. Deep in his lion heart, he wanted to keep Nyx safe too-which means having to disobey and ignore her pleas. Bringing her to a small, rusted shack. He lowers himself off the ground, making it easy for her to climb off. He lets out a roar, a soft and quiet one before nudging her towards it. Zaphara leads Leonas in the direction of the manor, stopping upon seeing Lev fighting the two. She stayed back with fear in her eyes, wanting to help, but she knew that she couldn't. That's a dangerous stunt to pull. Seeing Lev close to getting his head sliced off, she was getting ready to lunge to help, only for the two siblings to freeze in place. Leonas's eyes were glowing, then he turns his gaze to Zaphara. "I see what's going on. No need for me to linger for too long. Bring him back to the others." He says, commanding her to do so, and his eyes turns to Lilith and Alucard. Zaphara does what he ordered, escorting Lev in the direction of the group, supporting the limping man. She made sure Lev didn't spot Leonas as he approaches the twins. Lev stops her, shaking his head. "I'll be fine. I'm going after Nyx. I need to be with my wife more than ever." Healing his leg to the extent of his powers before going into the direction of where Nyx was. Not noticing that his father was standing not far behind him. Zaphara respected the man's wishes, going after Shi and Jackson to check on them now that the kids are in safe hands. During this, Leonas was storming over to the twins, and Lilith was shocked. She steps towards him, slowly and cautiously. Alucard watching, no emotion in his lavender eyes. "D-dad?" She whispered in disbelief, storming over to hug Leonas, however, the man didn't share the same emotion. When she grew closer, he backhanded her-his eyes baring no love love his child. "I don't know you, so why the Hell are you calling me dad?" He snaps, Lilith backing away and Leonas taking a step towards her. "But. Bu-" "-But what? You're not my daughter, and if you were, I would've killed you for siding with Ibex in the first place." Words speaking truth, his child freaking about and she was going to say something else, only to be interrupted again. "You're my father! Jac is my mother!" She says in a desperate manner, then she could feel her energy being drained-her powers are leaving her. Alucard stands in between the two, getting ready to stab Leonas to save his sister, but was greeted with his energy being drained too. They tried to hold onto it, wanting to find a way to fight against it, but it was failing terribly. With the loss of their energy, it means that they have no powers. No powers equals leaving them vulnerable. Leonas notices this, using whatever powers remain and revert them back to their original forms. Turning back into children that Sephtis corrupted. Taking away most of their powers in the process. With his mention completed, staring down at the unconcious children before leaving through a portal to the other side of the country. Seeing this from the sky, Arlin was shocked and quickly dives down back in front of the garage. Wanting to tell the group what he just saw. Stumbling back inside, his eyes focused on the group. "Leonas is alive!" He says, his mind filled with so many emotions and thoughts. Edited at January 9, 2022 11:40 PM by Cereal

Lucille I M: Ibex, Karasu (ind.) and Nakao (ind) Lucille limped on, but it was clear her strength was fading. Blood stained her hand and dripped over her fingers from her side, and a trail of blood followed her left wing that was bleeding. She was terrified for Karasu, she needed to know he was safe. "K-karasu?" She called out weakly, staggering a few steps and hitting the wall. She didn't slide down it though, she just left some blood on it. And needed to find her baby, her husband. Her vision stated to blur more, getting bad off and on. She finally saw him, he had found her. It was Nakao, he was there. She stumbled over there to him and hugged him, leaning heavily on him. She got some blood on him too, she was still bleeding. But she wasn't in danger of dying, she just needed some slight medical attention and she's be okay. The bullet in her side had missed her arteries or anything else, so she wasn't going to die from that. She was just losing a good amount of blood and was in pain, that's what was making her woozy. Ahmya I M: Ibex, Dread, Amai, Karasu, Ota, Dread, Newborn Ahmya had been taking care of her baby. Big shocker, she knew that. Maybe being a mom wasn't half bad, maybe she could part time parent with Dread. She was't gonna have the kid all the time, that's for damn sure. She hummed to the child, but heard a commotion in another room and she loved in to investigate. She saw her twin, setting his limp wife down. Dread had a tiny newborn clutch's in his arms and she looked at Elea again. The woman had her child, the child was now in Dresd's arms. Elea looked unconscious, unresponsive. She sighed, shifting her own abbey in one arm and going over to Ota. She placed her free hand on his shoulder. "You alright bastard?" She asked her brother, adding a small amount of rambunctious, but not too much as she knew he might be upset about his wife and the newborn. "You gonna hold your kid? If not, I'll kick your ass."
Edited at January 10, 2022 08:15 AM by Dragonhorse

~ Time Skip ~ It has been three weeks since the last confrontation between the experiments and Ibex. Ever since the last confrontations between the two, the experiments were forced to flee, and made their way into the state of Missouri, finding themselves a recently abandonded farmhouse. It is stocked with good food supplies, and proper plumbing. They are in current search for resources. Planning to hit Ibex with all their might, retrieve their friends, and hopefully, put an end to Ibex's evil schemes. However that last part is unlikely. ~~ Amber. Malaki. Dakota. Ero. These four victims have not been made contact to the outside world. They are currently being held in yet another Ibex facility, hidden somehwere. Yet to be found. ~~ State of Missouri 10:12AM 60°F Small winds, cloudy

Leonas/Sephtis Mentions: Eachother Leonas climbs out of the shower then goes over to the container of the sink where his clothes are. He was oddly quiet, his eyes held no emotion, and he wasn't speaking. Slipping on his new pair of clothes, adjusting the hoodie as he squeezed rather tight against his body. "Don't you feel bad about what you did, Leonas?" That familiar voice creeps inside his head, causing the other man to frown. Did he feel bad? He wasn't too sure, but one thing's for certain, he wasn't going to give the inner voice an answer. "You're quite rude, are you not?" Leonas stares at himself in the reflection, noticing a tinge of blue forming in his eyes. His hair of blonde slowly changing into a brownish color. He doesn't want to amuse the man inside his head, especially after the shit he had caused. Buttoning his pants, tilting his head slightly to the left when he hears the man groan. He kept doing it, clearly wanting to annoy the Hell of Leonas. "No." The only word Leonas has spoken then makes his way out of the bathroom. As soon as he left, the smell of blood hits his nose, causing Leonas to grumble. He hurries out of the house, shoving his hands deep into his pockets-his fingers tracing a wallet that certainly wasn't his. "Why did you let the experiment go? Even after what they did to such an innocent family?" A question Leonas cannot answer. Why did he let the experiment go after they murdered a family? He wasn't quite sure, yet he's not bothered about it as much. "Don't you see what's going on? Without me being around, without there being anyone to put them in their place, they run around like rabid dogs and killing innocents." Leonas raises both brows, curious about what the man has to say. He was making sure to keep his emotions to a minimum. Sephtis went on and on about there being a hierarchy, about how experiments will start going wild without someone putting them in their place. Can it be someone else's turn to have Sephtis trapped in their heads? The man's gone senile-its worse than before. Leonas sighs, pulling out the wallet and opening it to see what's inside. "Got his ID, at least." Ignoring the banter Sephtis has got going on inside his head, Leonas thoroughly checks through the wallet. Leonas perks his head up when he hears a man scream in the distance. With Sephtis going quiet after he heard it too, then starts to laugh. "You created something to go after him. Didn't you, Leonas?" The man was silent while shoving the wallet back into his pocket. He stares at the location where he heard the scream and the sound of something approaching him made Leonas come to a stop. Emerging from the shadows was a creature around his height, and on its hands was the man's blood. He stares at his creation, "He was weak. That's why he preyed on those that are weaker than him." Leonas's eyes went dark, swirling with major disappointment. "What a pathetic man." That was all he said before dismissing the creature, then kept on walking away from the house. Sephtis hums in approval inside the man's head, before fading away deep into his mind. Leonas's original appearance returned once Sephtis went into a deep slumber. Now he could see why Sephtis was a cruel bastard.

Nyx || Mentions: Open 3. God. Forsaken. Weeks. Between every thought, between every breath, her fists flung hard, penetrating the punching bag with such force and deterimination. Gritting her teeth dangerously, Nyx pulled her arms back far, using all her might and force, her fist went flying into the bag of sand, nearly knocking it down off of its hinges. Ever since their last encounter with Ibex, Nyx hadn't seen her sister for 3 Weeks. They never spent more than two days apart. After mourning her sisters absence for a week, that past two weeks she has spent prepping herself for the worse. In the meanwhile, her stomach had grown, and it was becoming more aching and painful to hide her pregnancy. She had the ability to flatten her stomach, and hide the fact she was pregnant, as she could also do with her wings, however, her stomach had a living child inside of it. Which sometimes made issues worse. She had also been getting sick lately, at random points in time. She refuses to eat, knowing she will only throw it back up hours later. She's basically immune to the pain of starvation after living in Ibex for years, its not a new thing. But this pain? That her sister was in Ibex, by herself? That pain was unbearable. And the only thing she could result to, was violence. They had fleed the mansion, and taken refuge at an abdonded farmhouse. It was abanonded, but recently, so it was still in good coniditon and still had food and good plumbing. She had a feeling the original owners of the premise were killed on a evening walk, as she did find traces of human blood not far from the house. Animal attack it seemed. She had found this punching bag in the attic when they first discovered the place, and she instantly claimed it as hers. She'll break anyones bones who dare to touch it or her. Tear streaks were quite visible on her face, her eyes distressed, her muscles and hands tense and shaking. Nyx had broke down a few times in just the last few hours, even though it was barely noon. She gets up as early as possible, and comes down to the cellar to release her anger and rage onto this poor sack of sand. Ever since her sisters disappearance, she has kept to herself, besides Levushka. Even then, she doesn't bother to seek social activies as of late. It only reminded her more and more of her sister, and it burned and coiled her blood. After kicking and thrashing at the bag of sand, Nyx held her hand against it to steady it out, panting heavily. Picking up her phone, *note, she most certainly did steal this. Totally not from a corpse,* she stared at the time. 10: 12AM. She'd been out here punching this bag for 4 hours now. Damn. Wiping her forehead, Nyx tucked the phone into her short pockets, and took out her hair, scooping it back up into a simple ponytail. She was currently wearing black shorts, and a black crop top, revealing bruises all over her. She was surprised but at the same time she wasn't that her bruises hadn't healed. She was in a state of depression and manic when she heard her sister had been taken off to Ibex, and had hurt herself in those state. God. She didn't want to talk to anyone right now. But, she'd obviously see a few people on her way to the living room. Nyx sighed heavily, calming herself down and steadying her breathing. When she was ready, the woman stood up, rolled her shoulders, and began walking up the steps up onto the first floor of the house. There was a total of three levels. Upstairs, downstairs, and the cellar. Oh, and teh attic. So, four. Swiping her hand across the kitchen table, swiping up an apple, she bit into it as she walked down the hallway, into the living room. Nyx plopped onto the couch, not caring if anyone was sitting down. She probably shoved anyone off of the couch if anyone was there to begin with. She bit into the apple again, eating bits of the apple whole. Also grabbing a pillow, and holding it over her stomach, the woman swung her legs over onto the couch cushions, taking over the entire couch, covering her chest and stomach with a pillow, and feasting on an apple without a care in the world. To say it short, she was a ticking bomb.