
Malaki: Mentions: Ava, Flame and Sky Malaki's life slowed to a crawl and events of his past life flashed before his eyes. Most depressingly, a majority of those events were when he was locked away in Ibex, so that wasn't anything that raised his spirits, but the cold embrace of the water met him as he crashed into the lake, and instantly he knew what to do. Righting himself and swimming to the surface, Malaki watched as a hapless soldier was flung into the air before disappearing into Ava's gullet, and it was obvious to him that she would have done that to him if she wanted too. Benny was telling him to just get out of there, but once again Malaki ignored the voice in his head and he climbed up and out of the water and made his way towards where the soldiers were. He looked at Ava for a second before biting his tongue. Should he go out there and fight? Ava would probably kill him like all of the other soldiers, and plus the soldiers appeared to be using tranq darts instead of live rounds, so it wasn't like he would be able to do any real damage. To pile onto that, none of his powers were really effective here, save for his Primal Fear, but even then the soldiers were wearing some funky looking headgear, so it was entirely possible that his one ace in the hole was rendered worthless. Sighing, Malaki attempted to make his way to mansion away from the fighting to help out anyone inside, but he was stopped cold by a small group of soldiers. Malaki did his best to fight them off, but it was pointless since they were wearing full body armor, and soon enough he was knocked unconscious by a well placed boot. Jericho: Mentions: Ero and Ibex Jericho I'm scared... they're going to tear us apart... I-I can't survive that... I can't..." she mumbled in his ear, and he knew that being seperated once again could be potentially the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to her mental state. Jericho wasn't about to lose the love of his life once again, but it wasn't looking good for either of them. One more turn and it was a dead end with a room connected to the hallway, so Jericho rushed inside. It was a master bedroom, with a bathroom and a closet attached to it. In an instant Jericho lunged into the bathroom carrying Ero before placing her inside of a closet. "There are plenty of things here for you to use your powers to throw back at them... and no matter what happens, I cherished the time I spent with you. Stay here, okay? I'll give you the all clear after I deal with them." Jericho gave her one last passionate kiss before closing the door and getting to work, ripping apart all of the metal that he could find inside of the bathroom. And not a minute too soon, as Ibex had kicked down the door to the bedroom and swarmed in, but they were met by a fully armored Jericho with two long swords. The armor wasn't heavy, but it gave him enough coverage to force the soldiers to have to get close and aim at particular points, which Jericho wasn't going to allow. He went to town, landing lefts and rights right and left throughout the room, sending a few of the soldiers falling to the ground unconsious. But the numbers game caught up to him: one of the soldiers was able to get a perfect shot and caught Jericho between two pieces of his armor, and even though Jericho was able to crush the offender's skull, he was out within twenty seconds, leaving Ero alone for the soldiers to tranq.

Glory || Mentions: Jackson, Dia, Aztec, Shi (all ind.), Ibex Walking down the halls silently, her hands tucked into pockets, the lonely woman strode down the long hallway. She had finally grabbed ahold of her children's trail, now she just needed to find them. However, there was a sickening feeling inside her. Stopping dead in her tracks, Glory laughed quietly, tears falling down her cheeks, dripping off of her chin, landing onto the wooden floor. Behind her, she heard multiple footsteps, and by the sound of it, it was Ibex. Too many for her to take down by herself. But, she needed her kids to have a bright future, they needed to thrive. Turning around slowly, Glory lifted her head to face a group of 7 soldiers, rifles armed with tranquilizers. They were quiet, confused by Glory's silence, she shrugged, and sighed quietly, "You're here to take us to Ibex, right?" "If you come with us, we will be gentle." "Heh, doubt it." "We could put a bag over your head. And you wouldn't have to be hur-" the Soldier was silenced, as a stream of fire burned through him. He coughed loudly, falling to his knees, falling to the side with such, grace. Smirking, and taking a deep breath in, Glory looked up at the others. "If I am to die. I'm not dying in the facility." With that, the remaining soldiers had switched out their tranqs for live ammunition. Chuckling, Glory had shifted into her lycan form, however, this was probably the first time she felt free, and nothing could stand in her way. Was this the feeling know she was being sent to her death? Guns were firing rapidily as the large black beast bounded towards the soldiers, dodging every bullet with such skill. As Glory reached the soldiers, she took them out one by one, tearing the skin around their throats, arms, stomachs, chests.~ Panting, Glory had shifted back into a human, placing her hand over her stomach, wincing as blood poured out from her deep wound. Walking over to the wall with a limp, the woman slid down, her back against the wall. She had sat down, one knee propped upwards, while her other leg was lying flat. Her hand was tight against her wound as she breathed in and out slowly, tears dripping off of her bloodied face. She had suffered many wounds, the one that did it for her, was the bullet wound to her stomach, possibly her lungs as it slowly became hard to breathe. "Cleared the way for you guys," Glory hoarsely spoke, smiling, ignoring the fact that rivers of tears were pouring down her cheeks. "Shi. Jackson... Dia. Aztec." She tilted her head up to the ceiling, and held a hand up, letting fire burn through the ceiling, just until she could see teh starry sky. "Thats better." "Heh.. guess I'm not rusty anymore, thanks to you Shi." Even though she was alone, she wasn't. "Jackson, take care of the kids for me, alright?" She whispered as she looked up to the starry sky, "Don't worry about me guys... I died knowing you guys loved me. And, I hope you all know, I loved you, even now. I love you." Glory smiled brightly, closing her deep blue eyes once more. "Don't worry about me guys," she whispered, "Survive. Survive and thrive, I cleared the way partly. You can do the rest without me," she whispered one last time, a beautiful smile on her bloodied face. The hand on her wound slowly fell downwards, her knee leaned to the side, and finally, her head slowly fell to the side just as two last tears trickles down her cheeks, down her chin, and onto her chest.

Jackson I M: Zaphara, Glory and Ibex Jackson sighed, looking over at Zaphara. He didn't know if he was making a difference in how she saw herself. He yearned to, he owed it to her. Yet, when he was thinking of what to say when she was going to retort, he heard a noise. It wasn't any old noise, it was gunshots. That scared him to the core, and he found it up from beside Zaphara. He gave her one last glance before he spoke in pure shock. "The kids. Glory!" He rushed out after that, rushing towards the noise as fast as he could run. He was terrified, terrified for his family. He couldn't lose them, not now, definitely not by Ibex. His heart pounded in his chest, he almost couldn't breathe as he was terrified what he would find. He wanted it to just be a bad dream, or somebody else to be hurt, no matter how wrong that sounded. He couldn't survive with knowing someone in his family had gotten hurt and he wasn't there. He was supposed to protect them and keep them safe, what if he hadn't done that?when he arrived at the bloody massacre, his heart sank. It took him a few minutes to survey everything, to get past the shock that Ibex had invaded their safe haven. Bloody bodies were everywhere and he had to search every one, with more and mroe fear that laying close to them would be Glory, or any of the kids. When he saw her everything inside him died. The small piece of hope he had held onto was gone, gone forever. He rushed over, tears now starting to pour down his cheeks. Glory. It was Glory. She was dying, or dead, he didn't even know. He fell to his knees next to her, eyes glassy. He gently slid an arm around her lower back and under her head, ignoring the blood that quickly coated his arms. He pulled her body close to him, he looked down at her, watching his tears drip onto her face. "Please come back to me... I need you... please." He whispered to her, kissing her forehead and pulling away to look down at her. "No... God please no... I can't lose you, please come back to me. I love you... I need you..." he mumbled brokenly, holding her closer to his body and starting to cry against the nape of her neck. He needed her, he needed her to come back to him. She couldn't be gone, she couldn't. His body shook with sobs, holding his beloved in his arms tightly and wishing against all hope that she'd come back to him, he needed her. Edited at January 8, 2022 07:10 PM by Dragonhorse

Shi | M: Glory, Ibex, Jackson & kids(ind) Shi was practicing with her newly found form when she heard commotion outside. She slipped out to find nothing, at first. Turning a corner, she found a large scale of bullets pounded into the walls and bodies on the floor. Ibex soldiers. Her heart jumped in her chest. Glory. Jackson. The kids. Amber. Shi bolted forward, turning a couple corners before hearing the sobs. Following them, she came to a halt as she saw Jackson crying over Glory. Glory.
Shi walked forward, almost in a trance, kneeling beside her friend. She closed her eyes, no. No, not again. She already lost one good friend, another? Why, why was life so cruel? A scuffle came to her right and she looked up to see a new squad of soldiers coming their way. Her eyes flashed. This was all Ibex's fault. They were the reason Glory was dead. She was standing without realizing it, moving in front of her friend. She looked down at Glory once more, whispering to her friend for the last time, "You were a great friend to me, whether or not you know it, you were the one that unfroze my heart when my sister died."
With that, she turned her attention back to the Ibex soldiers that were advancing. Her eyes turned cold before she lifted her hand. One by one, the soldiers fell, screams in their throats as she froze their hearts. She walked forward, her ice growing around her as shapes formed out of it. Wolves, to be exact. All like Glory had been. The ice wolves ran forward, silently howling as they attacked any soldier that they saw. Shi turned the corner, freezing a dart in midair as the soldiers scrambled to get live ammo. Her mind was set, her heart was frozen again. This time however, she kept one flame alive inside. Glory. This was for Glory. Shi kept walking down the halls, ice spreading behind her as she went outside. Shi walked down to the lake before her emotions caught up to her. Tears ran down her cheeks, an ice ball starting to form around her, protecting her from any attack and protecting the others from her. After a couple of moments, she sat down in the middle of her ice ball to cry where no one could see her.
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All My Characters Mentions: Everyone Levushka could hear everything going on, hear the cries of anguish and despair. How could Ibex be ready for an attack on this place? It's completely isolated. Unless Sephtis told-that man will pay for everything that he has done. He grabs Nyx to stop her, kissing her on the cheek, and summons Kiril. "I'll go search for Dakota. Kiril will take you somewhere safe," kissing her on the cheek. "The safety of you and the baby matters to me. I can't lose you both." He forces Nyx to ride Kiril, "Please...don't fight me this time." Without saying another word, he dashes off, then with Kiril scurrying off in a different way. All of this has gone to Hell. Nakao could feel his powers surging through his powers, and he starts grinning. He glares over to Blade, "Your mother is in danger. I suggest you go after her." He says in a soft yet unwelcoming tone, then he left the room to cause a little bit of chaos for the Ibex soldiers. Dread watches Nakao, snorting in displeasure. "Blade, go protect your mother. She's going to need you more." He rises from his seat and quickly left the room to fight off the remaining soilders that are still roaming around. Zaphara rushes out of the room, chasing after Jackson, but she came to a halt when she witness the scene of Glory's death. She sees a couple of more guards approaching, then creates two pistols and starts shooting at them. Keeping Jackson safe and Glory's body from getting damaged from any further. She walks over, placing a hand on Jackson's shoulder, and kneels beside him. "Help me drag her body to a more secluded place. Give you a bit more time to mourn in peace for a little bit." She dashes off into the mist of battle, trying to find the children and get them to safety. That's her main concern, everyone can handle themselves fine. Well, somewhat. Arlin quickly tucks Lily away inside a closet, making sure she was hidden well before shifting into his dragon form. He uses his ice breath to create a wall of ice, a small defensive maneuver to ensure his child would be safe. Blasting a fireball at a couple of more coming from the other side, using his tail to stab a couple of more. That's when it happened-his right arm being severed by an unseen force. Arlin collapses onto the ground, letting out a small roar of shock. Seeing her father hurt through the crack of the closet door, she rushes out and over towards him. "Daddy!" She called out, arms outstretched. The unseen figure shown themselves, hanging directly upside onto the ceiling. Ready to strike at Lily, seeing this, Arlin's dad instincts kicked in. He lunges at Lily, using his body to protect her. Coughing up blood as he felt something sliced his back. He stumbles, yet pull his daughter close to his body. He uses lighting breath to fill the room, but it didn't last too long. Meanwhile, Ko sees the mansion being attacked and he grew instantly nervous. He was unsure what to do-not enjoying the smell of blood, then he turns to face Cero. "What should we do?" He ask him, clenching both his swords with his fist. Fear filled the man, yet the feeling of bloodlust was slowly coming through. He wants to help, yet afraid to do so. Cerviel was stuck fighting familiar faces: Lilith and Alucard. Great. Two against one, now he's really done himself. He could feel their bloodlust filling each other up-making them hungry for more. No matter how many times he attack them, they always want more which terrifies him. Fighting he did indeed, ignoring how grave his wounds are. He collapses, yet none of them made the final blow. Instead, they dragged him off to an Ibex vehicle. Throwing him in the back without a care before stalking off to find Levushka. As for Zaphara, she gathered the children up and leads them to the garage. Helping them inside a car, "All of you stay. Please." She begged, clutching her right side as blood seeps through her fingers. "I'll take all of you to safety. I promise to protect all of you." She hisses in-between breathes, and she could hear running coming after her. She stops to see Arlin with Lily in hid arm, the man passing the girl over to Zaphara who places the girl in the back. "Keep her safe. I'll cover for you." Arlin was deathly pale, his eyes filled with exhaustion. Zaphara nods her head, then closes all the doors before climbing into the driver's seat. "All of you would he reunited with your parents soon. Nothing to be scared of." Wraith and Tavu were huddled up together, both of them terrified of what's going on. Lily was keeping to herself, her arms wrapped around her. Nakao stops when he sees Ota slashing at a couple of solders, anger in his eyes as he starts killing them. It grew awkward between them, yet the battle was their main priority. The father and son started to fight together, watching each others backs much to their disliking. However, what they don't realize is that this battle is what made them start to bond with each other. With soldiers now dead, Nakao turns to face Ota. "Where's your kids and your woman?" "With Zaphara and Elea...I don't know." He grumbles, yet his eyes was filled with sadness.

Jackson I M: Zaphara and Glory Jackson felt Zaphara's hand on his shoulder and he pulled his head away from Glory and looked at her. He had Glory's blood on his face, all over his hands and arms too, but that wasn't the thing that was impactful. Tears were streaming down his face still and he could barely take a steady breath in. She was gone, he couldn't believe it, he was in shock still. He did as Zaphara instructed, his mind was too focused on Glory to do anything else. He collapsed not far from where he had been before, still holding Glory's limp form in his arms. He was in a more sheltered area, but he didn't take the time to bother seeing where he was. "Please baby, please.... please come back to me... I love you, I love you..." he shakily whispered to Glory, shifting his arms around so he could run a hand through her hair as he looked at her face. "This wasn't supposed to happen... not you... anyone but you." He kissed her lips, feeling how they'd become cold already. "No... no..." He put both arms around her shoulders and pulled her against him, hand still laced in her hair. He burried his face against her shoulder and neck, starting to sob badly again. His love was gone, his beloved darling was gone. They hadn't had enough time together, he hadn't been able to do any of the things he had planned, drempt of doing with her. He wanted to marry her, to raise the kids with her, to live a normal and happy life and make her smile every single day. He wanted to wake up every morning beside her, kiss her every day. Now that was gone, everything was gone. His heart was broken, a big hole, the part that had died the moment he saw her dead. He couldn't let her go, if he let her go he'd never get to hold her again, see her again. See her smile or laugh. Or even get angry or upset, he loved it all, everything about her. He held her tighter, not caring how tight he was holding her anymore. He wouldn't ever let her go, he couldn't let her go, not now, not ever. If he did he would break, fracture into a million pieces.

Lucille I M: Ibex and Karasu and Nakao (ind) Lucille had lost track of her child, and now Ibex had shown up. She was working on fighting through one group of two, they looked like the group had split up, but she wasn't doing well for some reason. She had started to used her chaos magic, to maybe confuse their minds and kill them, but she couldn't do it on both of them. She simply made a side dodge and killed one of them, but she had lost focus on the one other guard. She heard the gun fired a split second before she felt the pain. She quickly killed him, but she had taken on two bad bullet hole wounds. She clamped her hand over one that had punctured her side and was now causing her intense pain on the inside. The other bullet had taken out one of her wings, her left one now laying limp and dragging blood. "Nakao! Nakao!" She called out, yelling after making a sad, puppy like noise."Karasu!"

Dakota || Mentions: Goddess, Rapier, Ibex, Glory (ind.) Gunshots riddled in the air, and not long, cries of grief and suffering echoed within the air. They-... they killed someone?.. Who- who was it? Dakota was stunned for a moment, hoping to god it wasn't Nyx or Levushka.. "Dakota, please come in here. We can all hide, we'll be safe." Turning her head, back, she walked over to Goddess, and wrapped her arms around the woman, resting her head on her shoulders. "I can't take any chances, especially with that kid of yours. I'll be fine.. I promise," she pulled away with a smile, but it was wiped off of her face as the door knob began to rattle. "Hurry, now." Urging Goddess towards the closet with Rapier, Dakota looked back to see the blades within the front doors begin to wriglle their way out. "Get in, lock it, get in a corner, sit down, and stay quiet no matter what you hear, alright? You are in no condition to fight, not now at least. So please, please." Walking out of the bedroom, she closed the door, and held her hand up, lining the outter line of the door with Blades embedded into the wood. As she turned around, the front door had burst wide open, and without hesitation, Dakota began tossing blades at the men, knocking 3 down, 4 to go. She wouldn't dare let them get to Goddess. Or Rapier. They didn't deserve this, none of it. At some point, they began to surround her, 2 Soldiers had live ammunition, while the other 2 had tranqs. Both were a death sentence. However, she couldn't tell whom was holding what, as only she could tell apart from the smells in the air. "Bastards," Dakota growled, as she lunged at one of them, they all shot. Two bullets went straight through her legs, as two tranqs were triggered into her shoulder. She tackled someone, stabbing them in the lungs, and moments later she snapped their neck. Stumbling backwards, Dakota swung her hand, a series of blades emerging from the palm of her hand into a Soldiers forehead. 2 left. But.. she simply didn't have the energy to take them down, and she was loosing conscious fast. Didn't help when one of the Soldiers walked up to her and squared her in the the head, her unconscious body falling to the side. Taken by Ibex~

Nyx || Mentions: Levushka, Kiril, Dakota (ind.) "I'll go search for Dakota. Kiril will take you somewhere safe," what? "But- Dakota!-" "The safety of you and the baby matters to me. I can't lose you both. Please...don't fight me this time." Grabbing onto Kiril's mane for support, Nyx looked up to Levushka, "Bring my sister back to me!" She pleaded as Kiril dashed off, tears streaming down her cheeks.
They made it out of the mansion now, and Nyx dipped her head into the lion's mane, crying softly. "I can't loose them both, I can't, I can't." She placed her wobbling hand onto her stomach, gritting her teeth. The smell of death was in the air, it was reeking. She picked her head up, and glanced to the side to see another group entering teh building. Why was this happening? How did they find this place? What did we ever do to recieve this sort of.. life... we as in all teh experiments. We didn't want this.. "Kiril you have to take us back! There is more soldiers going into the building, please!" The woman begged, but knew it was useless, Kiril only listened to Levushka, and for good reason. Wiping her face, "If you sense that Levushka is in danger- you go and save him. You hear me? I don't care if you're only intention is to get me away from the battlefield.. just... make sure, he stays safe. Please Kiril.."

Ero I M: Ibex and Jericho Ero was shaking in her hiding spot. How could Jericho just leave her there? She needed him, she wanted him to hide with her. She was shaking slightly, shaking as she kept replaying their kiss in her mind, and then what he said. He sounded like he knew he wasn't going to come back. He needed to come back. She heard the shots and she covered her ears, hoping against all hope Jericho was going to come in there next, was going to scoop her up in his arms and carry her away and back to their room so they could cuddle again. That thought made her smile, especally rememebring how they had just been snuggling hours ago. She was broken out of her sweet thoughts by someone walking towards her hiding place. Jericho? No... no. She remembered Jericho had told her he was going to give her a signal. But if it wasn't Jericho... The door to the closet was slammed opened and a guard had their gun barrel pointed right at her. They hesitated on pulling on the trigger so they could sneer at her, a leathal mistake for them. She snapped their neck in a matter of seconds, the noise sounding like a sickening crack and pop mixed together. Armor meant nothing when she could just use her telekinesis to grab your neck and shoulders, then twist.
She rushed out of her hiding spot, entering the room. Only one guard left. She was about to kill him when suddenly her eyes drifted to Jericho. She screamed, a high pitched noise. She was over to him in a moment, barely able to breathe as she landed next to him and was laying against him, ignoring his armor. She suddenly felt his check move up and down slightly as he was breathing. He was alive, he wasn't dead. She pulled herself tighter to him, closing her eyes. She had forgotten about the guard, too focused on her beloved. Suddenly something stung her. She whimpered, knowing what was going to happen and determined not to let go of Jericho. "Jericho, please wake up and save me. I love you... I love you, please." She started to drift off, starting to cry as she was going to be torn away from Jericho. "I need you, I need you. I-I won't m-make it wi-without you... I don't want to live... not if it's without you..." She mumbled, each word getting more shaky and quiet as she slowly fell asleep from the dart. She was still clinging to Jericho, her arms around him. But once she was unconscious, she was pulled away from Jericho by the single guard and carried out of the mansion, into the transport van to be brought to Ibex, Erokeria's worst fear. Edited at January 9, 2022 08:37 AM by Dragonhorse