
Ero I M: Jericho
Ero thought about that, feeling his hands cradling her neck. She smiled up at him, putting her hands on his forearms. She didn't have an answer, she didn't ever learn much about the world to know how to explore it or pick places in it. She was a bit too obsessed to even consider that. "I would want to go wherever you want to go! And then we can be happy there together." She said, her eyes mirroring the emotion in his own. "I don't know a lot of places, but I bet you do!" She said with a very warm happy grin. She could feel her heart glow with the thought of being with him on a vacation, or any other setting. Just being with him. Edited at January 7, 2022 08:51 PM by Dragonhorse

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho chuckled and was about to lean in for another round of kisses, but he stopped himself and merely gave her another hug. "Come on, let's get moving. Besides, there might be some other pieces of clothes that could be a better match for you and I... not that you don't look absolutely stunning in my shirt, but I think I might be biased in my opinion." He opened the door and held it open for her to walk through ahead of him. (I think it's time to reintroduce the thorn in their side Dragon. I'll let you handle the start of the couple once again being torn apart)

Ero I M: Jericho and Ibex
Ero smiled at him, but shook her head when he mentioned finding new clothing for her. Maybe some pants, but she loved Jericho's shirt and would never give it up for anything but another shirt of Jericho's. She enjoyed his embrace, not minding one bit that it wasn't kisses. She just loved his touch and comfort, no matter what it was. She giggled as he said she looked stunning in his shirt, that's the only part of that she really acknoledged. "I like your shirt, I don't think Imma ever wear anything else. It smells like you too, then it's like a never ending hug sorta. But not a hug hug, because you can't replace those." She told him as she walked out the door and kept her eyes on him for awhile. Yet, when she finally took her eyes off him and looked down the hallway, her eyes widened and she backed up against Jericho. It took her a few moments to process it, but once she did she let out a scream, which sadly alerted the team to turn right towards them. She clutched onto Jericho, starting to shake badly as her fear, shock and panic gripped her. She wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes and hiding her face against him as she was terrified and was relying on him for her comfort. She couldn't think straight, not after the time last time they had been grabbed. She just didn't want to let go of him, she wouldn't. She wouldn't let them take her away from her beloved again, not again.

Flame | M: Ava, Malaki, Ibex(ind) "Don't be a coward, and show yourself," Ava hissed, stopping to a hover in front of her. The dragon hissed out fire before stopping, she had sensed it. Flame released her camouflage as she reached only a couple meters away, shooting a fireball straight at the dragon's face. "The only coward here is the one who's scared of a tiny thing getting out to everyone." Flame growled, now close enough to bit the other dragon if wanted. Instead, she turned her scales on fire hissing. She hovered in mid air giving Ava an even look before saying quietly but not weakly, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Put Malaki down or else." As she said this, she pulled hard on Ava's energy, draining it so that the dragon could no longer use her fire but could stay in the air. She hissed again before feeling something off around her. She pulled back, swinging her head around before focusing back towards the mansion. Something was not right. Mutants yet no, to the south of the mansion. Powers yet the same. She growled before swiveling her head back to Ava, "Drop him." The words came out sharp, too sharp. It showed immediately that something was wrong and it had nothing to do with Ava. Flame refocused on the mansion before glaring over at Ava, her eyes flashing dangerously.
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Jericho: Mentions: Ero, Ibex Jericho's feeling of absolute bliss was shattered when Ero let out a bloodcurdling scream, and as she clung to him, his eyes wandered to the end of the hallway and his heart dropped to his shoes. Not again... no... NOT AGAIN!! The soldiers raised their guns and Jericho raised his arm instictively to block it, but instead of having several darts implant into his arm or body, instead a collection of thunk sounds rang out. Jericho opened his eyes and strangely enough, he now had a shield in his arms. It wasn't very big, but it was effective enough to stop the darts. Never knew I could do that, but now we need to leave. Without saying a word, Jericho picked up Ero and began taking off, not sure where he was going, but he needed to put more distance between him and the soldiers... at least enough distance to think of a plan. "Ero!" Jericho said to her, taking a quick left to avoid some more darts. "Ero I know this is scary, but this time we have a chance to fight back against them. I need you to be strong and use your powers to ward off any darts that might hit me and throw them back at the soldiers!" He took another right and continued onward, wondering if it was worth it to get outside to either rip apart any of the vehicles they came in for armor or to just hide in some of the brush. Edited at January 8, 2022 08:30 AM by Shadow Hearts

Ero I M: Jericho and Ibex
Ero was terrified. Her heart was trying to beat its way out of her chest as Jericho carried her through the halls and dodged the bullets. She heard what he said and nodded, moving her head from being burried against his chest, to peeking barely over his shoulder. She made the darts turn around, but it just plonked against their armors. She saw that they were passing a few doors and she grabbed one with her telekinesis and slammed it into one of the guards, causing them to crash through a window. "Jericho I'm scared... they're going to tear us apart... I-I can't survive that... I can't..." she mumbled in his ear, eyes starting to hey watery and her vison started to blur from the tears. That meant she couldn't see the darts as well, making it more dangerous. She started to shake in Jericho's arms, she wanted to be home, or in a bed safe and sound with Jericho, not about to be torn away. And she meant it about not making it if she went back. Her obsession would jsut gets worse and worse to the point she tried to kill her self getting out. "Please don't let them take us." She whispered, hugging him tighter.

Ava || Mentions: Flame, Malaki, Ibex Flame revealed herself, along with a fire ball that exploded in Ava's face. She sneezed, snorted, and glared. "The only coward here is the one who's scared of a tiny thing getting out to everyone." How dare she? Her grip on Malaki tightened by a sliver. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Put Malaki down or else." "I always prefer the hard way," Ava taunted, licking her lips and swaying her tail. However, her mood changed as Flame demanded that Ava dropped Malaki. Her smile disappeared quite quickly, and her heartbeat had slowed, her small ears twitching back and forth. She glanced down at Malaki, then down at the ground below them. Narrowing her eyes to get a better look, she noticed what had shined in the faint moonlight. It couldn't be anyone else. Ibex. They always had to ruin her fun. Always. Snorting once more, and shaking her head with displeasure, "Fine." Staring down at Malaki with a cold stare, "This isn't over," she hissed. Releasing her tight grip on him, she flattened her palm, her talons guarding the surface around Malaki to make sure he didn't trip and fall. She reached out, handing the man over to Flame, "We will continue this another ti-" blood shot through her wrist, a large, cannon-sized like ball shot through her scales. She lost control over her hand for a moment, and watched as Malaki fell. Throwing her head back, an agonizing roar echoed throughout the area. She tucked her wings back, and began plummeting down towards the ground. Ava reached out to grab ahold of Malaki, but missed, and watched as he fell into a pool of water. It probably wasn't pleasent, but at least he wasn't dead. He would die by her hands, and her hands only. Landing roughly on the ground, Ava attempted to expel fire, however, her energy was too drained. Fine. Brute force then. She quickly sent a death glare up at Flame then back to the soldiers surrounding her. It was about time she had a decent meal. Her dragon form could only regenerate energy after long periods of rest or feasting. This was the funnest and quickest way. "Fools," she cackled demonically. She swiped her talons, swung her tail, stomped on whatever she could. Finding a fine soldier, he aimed a smaller rifle at her now, tranqs. Laughing, Ava opened her jaws, and bit down on the mans arms, and flung him into the air, her jaws snapping closed around him. His screams didn't last long.

Nyx || Mentions: Levushka, Dakota (ind.) As she began to talk to Levushka, she heard a loud, demonix like roar in the distance. Thats odd- Nyx looked around, pulling away from Lev for a moment. "Did you hear that?" She asked, but she was silenced as a tranq flew right by her head, shot right into the tree behind her. She knew it was Ibex at that moment, however- Dakota. No, no, no! Quickly, Nyx reached out, and embraced Levushka, her eyes glowing brightly. Then, they were gone. Teleportation certainly comes in handy. Nyx had teleported herself and Levushka inside of the mansion in one of the halls, "We need to find Dakota. Now." She grabbed his hand, and began running down the halls, her mind in a panic. She'd have never been away from Dakota when Ibex attacked, and for the first time, Nyx was horrofied for Dakota. Please be ok. Please be ok. Please, please.

Dakota || Mentions: Goddess, Rapier, Ibex "It is... but sometimes it's worth it. Why do you stay with them? Isn't it kind of... kind of um..." Dakota looked at Goddess, shrugging quietly. "Well inconvience them because they're a couple and are gonna have a baby together? Sorry... I don't know a lot..." "Its fine," she mumbled. Yes, it was probably odd in alot of peoples eyes that Nyx and Dakota were together at all times, even when she had a husband and an unborn child. They've weren't raised in a proper manner, and for that, the two vowed to always look after eachother until death. Even as adults, they refused to back out of their promise, even though it may be weird. "We... we made a promise to eachother," she stared down at her fingers, fiddling with them, "to always be there for one another until our last breath," she mumbled, wiping a few trickling tears. Dakota chuckled, "We have been becoming more independent, and I make sure to give them their own privacy, space and time. It's not that we are clingly, we have just, always been together ever since the beginning." Standing up, Dakoat brushed herself off, and smiled wearily, "I should probably get a change of clothes. Been in these too long," she scoffed at herself, examining her dirtied, torn clothes. "I'll be right ba-" she began but was interuppted by a sudden sound of rushing footbeats. Without hesitation, Dakota threw her hand up, silver metal blades shooting out from her palms, slamming into the door, borrowing them some time. "Get in the bedroom. Lock the door. Hide in the closet. Now."

Goddess I M: Dakota, Rapier and Ibex
Goddess nodded, smiling when Dakota explained her and her sisters pact. She thought that was cool, she had always wanted a sister, someone who was always there sounded amazing. Ripper was perfect, but he still left a lot and she didn't like being alone. Someone else would've been perfect to help her, she just needed someone else. "I think that sounds nice and she's lucky to have you." Goddess murmured, giving the woman a small smile. When she stood up and mentioned changing her clothes, Goddess looked down at her own clothes. She was wearing what she always was, but she didn't mind it at all. She sat up a little bit more when Dakota walked out the door, starting to get nervous. She glanced at Rapier, who looked back at her. They had both finished all their food, Goddess actually feeling full for once in a long time. She moved to get out of bed after Dakota, even taking a step outside the bedroom door behind her. But when footsteps were heard and Dakota used her powers, Goddess retreated back inside before Dakots even said anything. When Dakota told her to lock the door she hesitated. What about Dakota? She was going to be left out there with Ibex. Goddess didn't want her to be taken while she tried to protect her. But the person who shut and locked the door wasn't Goddess, it was Rapier. Then he pulled his stunned mother over towards the closet, while she internally battled herself over leaving her friend. "Dakota, please come in here. We can all hide, we'll be safe." Goddess suddenly said, pulling away from Rapier's grasp and unlocking the door to open it and look at Dakota.