
Malaki: Mentions: Ava Malaki's breath escaped his lungs when Ava grabbed him once again, and now he began to panic. Finally... after all of the stone face antics and keeing Benny quiet, he was out. "Goddamnit Malaki! How stupid could you possibly be?! You lust leaked the reason why she wants you dead!! Now you're going to get us both killed and become a pallet cleanser! Why can't you just have some really crazy power like the rest of them and not be the biggest pushover that Ibex has created!?" Now he was properly panicking at this point, but he tried not to move too much to anger Ava even more and crush him.

Dakota || Mentions: Goddess, Rapier, Levushka (ind.) Happy that the two seemed to enjoy their dinner, Dakota leaned back, crossing her arms over one another, and placing them behind her head as she pushed her head back to relax. "Do you have anyone? L-like... Like Lev and Nyx.... anyone like that?" "No." Dakota responded, no hesitation, no moment to think. She wasn't lying though. She didn't have someone like Lev to Nyx, but then again, she didn't truly need someone like that. All she needed was her family, that was good enough for her. She had thought about wanting to fall in love with someone, but after watching the hassels and the pain from everyone else, Dakota simply didn't need that stress and pain in her life. She already had enough, no need to add more. "No, I don't," she repeated softly, resting her hands on the arm rest of the chair, pressing her hand against her cheek to support it. "I've thought about it, but I guess, I don't need anyone in that sort of way. I have my family, thats all I need truly. I've seen too much of the pain and sorrow relationships like those create after a tragic event.. I don't need that ontop of all of this." Shrugging, Dakota rubbed her forehead. As her hand pulled away from her forehead, a long needle appeared in her fingers, and she began weaving it in and out of her fingers silently.

Goddess I M: Dakota and Rapier
Goddess nodded, thinking it was a lot of pain to love someone, but it was worth it in some ways. She still wished Dakota could see that, but it was her choice in the end. Plus, her lover had blessed her with one beautiful child and one on the way. Blade... well Blade was a different story and a different case, so she didn't want to think about him. "It is... but sometimes it's worth it. Why do you stay with them? Isn't it kind of... kind of um..." She said, frowning slightly as she tried to think of the right and non-offensive words. "Well inconvience them because they're a couple and are gonna have a baby together? Sorry... I don't know a lot..." She mubled, suddenly seeming nervous about asking the question. She watched Dakota closely, seeming suddenly scared of the woman's possible reaction. Rapier got nervous too, watching Dakota carefully as he fed off of Goddess's energy. He scooted over to be closer to Dakota, which Goddess knew was because she was suddenly becoming too nervous for the child.

Ero I M: Jericho
Ero smiled up at Jericho, but suddenly slipped away from him and dashed down the hall. What was she doing? Well, she was determined to find another shirt for him so she could wear his. She needed his shirt, she wanted it badly at least, which was a need in her broken mind. She dissapeared in a few rooms, not realizing she hadn't been checking to make sure Jericho was behind her. She managed to find a few wardrobes and made an excited sqeal when she found a shirt for Jericho. She held it out in front of her happily, thinking it looked like it would fit her boyfriend.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho was surprised when Ero suddenly took off down the hall to look for some more clothes, but he kept up with her to make sure that she wouldn't begin to worry. A squeal caused him to quicken the pace for a second, but when he saw Ero with the new shirt, he had a warm smile on his face. He gave her a hug and looked at the shirt over her shoulder. "You have a great taste in clothing, sweetheart." He said to her, looking at the simple patterns on the green shirt. "I think it's going to fit as well. Great job."

Ero I M: Jericho
Ero looked at Jericho as he was beside her. She loved his hug of approval, she just loved his arms around her. She grinned even wider as he said she did a good job. Those were words she never heard and she loved and cherished them more than he could begin to fathom. "Take off your shirt! I want to wear it!" She said excitedly, kissing him quickly before trying to take off his shirt for him so he could have it and she could wear it. She looked up at him, eyes beaming with her love and joy to have him as her boyfriend.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho laughed when Ero tried to take off his shirt, as her fingers found a few ticklish spots, but he aquiesced to her demand and he took off the shirt quickly and gave it to her, getting a better look at the green shirt in better detail. Actually not a bad looking piece of clothing. I think this will work just fine. He closed the door to the room so it was just him and her and so that no one else would barge in and spook both of them. He laid the shirt against his chest to see if it would fit without actually putting it on, and as he did, he noticed that it was a tad big for him, but it should be just fine.

Ero I M: Jericho
Ero grinned widely as he laughed when she was trying to take off his shirt. When he pulled it off quickly and gave it to her she sqealed in delight, holding it close to her as a child would a blanket it'd lost. She looked down at it, then back at Jericho witch such a large grin. "I love you!" She exclaimed happily, letting out a happy giggle along with it. She quickly ditched her own shirt, sliding it over her head and it was replaced by Jericho's. She hugged her arms around herself, humming happily as her eyes sparkled. She wanted to take off her skirt too and just wear Jericho's shirt over her undergarmets, but she didn't think he would like that. She tossed her old shirt on the floor and bounded over to Jericho to wrap her arms around him. His shirt made her look small and went a little past her mid thigh, almost hiding her skirt completely anyway.

Ibex 7 Soldiers Per Group || Armed with Tranqs & Real Bullets || Goal: To capture 5 Experiments Ero, Ahyma, Malaki, Dakota, 1 Other (Being captured) ~ Surrounding the mansion, 5 groups of Soldiers have been scouting the Experiments ever since they had transported here. A command has been made. "We need 5 of them. Alive." The goal was simple.. tranq 5 freaks, bag em', transport them, boom. Paid. However, there were multiple problems right now. One, they had two bickering Dragons, which made the situation a lot worse.. as long as they didn't antagonize them, they'd be fine. They had two groups keeping up with the two dragons, so if worse case, they'd be alerted. Then, the actual experimentals themselves. After a few reports, some of the scouts have reportd that some of them have developed new and dangerous abilities, hopefully they could grab ahold of some of them, but who knows. 5 Experiments. Shouldn't be too hard. Its like, getting 5 rabid dogs and bringing them to the shelter. Easy as Pie. The hand signals were clear. Group Z and K. East. Group Q and H. West. Group 2. South. Group A. North. Group XX. Stick with me. Ah yes, the commander. Favored by many, spoiled rotten. She was quite favored by the Bossess... always getting the best equipment, always getting the best meals, everything she wanted they gave to her. They even gave her a camouflage armour! Everyone else has solid black, which is bleh. But. Whatever. Spoiled commander, I swear. Holding a white walkie-talkie, the commander kneeled in the bushes, holding an arm against a tree. She held onto a button, and began to talk into the walkie-talkie quietly, "5 Experiments only. All Alive. Keep them unharmed to the best of your abilities. Attack and kill if necessary. Now." On command, all the groups, began to engage. With new high-tech, they have new installations embedded into their uniforms. Invisibility. They are currently working on a, "Summoner" or something to that sort. While enabling the Invisibility on their uniforms, they knew they could still be sensed by teh freaks, however, this way, it'd be much harder. Hopefully. That was the goal anyways. Group Z and K had made their way into the east side of the building, entering now. Group Q and H are currently making their way to the west entrance of the building. Group 2, the remaining group from their last abduction mind you, stay idle in the south, awaiting for any fleeing experimentals to escape the building. Group A, just teh same, except, you know, Noth. The commander and her group.. they'd stay in watch. Group XX were not a normal group in the least. Like the experiments in the mansion, Group XX was made up of genetically engineered humans, their DNA spliced with animal, natural resource, and whatever thing those grummy scientists coudl get their hands on. However, they were all the same, speaking Experiment. They all had the same abilities. Teleportation, Telepathy, and Invisibility. Let the games begin. Edited at January 7, 2022 07:55 PM by Covidic Coffee

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho laughed when Ero wrapped her arms around him, completely oblivious of the danger hanging outside of the mansion. "I love you too Ero, although I think that the shirt is a bit big for you sweetheart." He said with a bit of humorous sarcasm, holding her with his arms and hands. "I'm curious: if you and I were to travel to somewhere... anywhere in the world, where would you like to go? If everything falls into place, a vacation for you and me may not be out of the realm of impossibility." He now had his hands gently around the back of her neck, looking into her eyes with love and passion.