
Ankoku Mentions: Cero Ko stares at the dagger that Cero was holding out, then shakily takes it from the man's hand. He was confused to why he was giving it to him, let alone, this blade seems valuable to Cero. He traces his fingers along the edge of the blade, and he nods his head. 'What kind of training do I need to do?" He settles his eyes on the older man's face, curious to what he has in store for him.

Flame | M: Malaki, Ava, Nyx(ind) Flame looked over at Malaki annoyed but her mind churned as he said something about memories. Hmm. . .she only knew of two that could wipe those. Nyx and Cero. She hadn't seen Nyx in a while but the woman was no doubt near her husband. Maybe. She looked like she really wanted to kill this other woman that other day. Cero, she saw him around but had no idea where he was now. She tested a few strands, finding him still at the mansion. Good, if worse came to worse, then they would have to ask him.
Before Flame could ponder anymore about this, Ava landed. Malaki must have said something while Flame was caught in her thoughts as Ava looked even more angry now. The dragon lunged forward, shoving her back a couple feet. She rolled with it, rolling to her feet but keeping her wings tucked. Ava's horns grew oddly enough, and soon they were quite long. Maybe a bit too long for her liking. The dragon now snorted, glaring at both of them. Flame sighed, she wasn't much on fighting. But that didn't mean she couldn't. It was definitely good that Sky wasn't here.
Flame shook her head, turning her healing on automatically but kept it to herself this time. She slowed it down slightly so it would only heal if she was injured. She stretched her wings before tucking them back in, rising to her full height before growling at Ava. "There is no need to fight. Don't start something that can calmed by words. Violence is unnecessary." Flame said and then she paused. Sheesh, she was starting to sound like Shadow. Ack.
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Cero | M: Ankoku "What kind of training do I need to do?" Ankoku asked, taking the dagger hesitantly. Cero watched him for a moment before responding, "You already know how to fight the Japanese way, I'm going to teach you how to defend the American way. I know you don't like violence and so, I will teach you how to protect yourself without having to take one's life." Cero blinked at the man before starting to walk again, waiting for Ankoku to follow before continuing, "You also must learn the names in the gang and find your own. You will choose your name when you feel that its right. Learn who does what and all will be good. They will become like brothers to you, and will always have your back. That's what my gang is." He paused before saying quietly, "Family." The one word spun through his mind as it always did, his eyes slidig over to Ankoku with a softened look before he looked away. "Do you have any questions for me?" He asked, his lips twitching into a slight half-smile.
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Kage I M: Eclipse and Open Kage groaned as she woke up. Gosh Ibex had taken a toll on her and she wasn't even there for that long. She felt Eclipse's arms around her as he was napping too and she sighed. She pried his arms from around her and looked down at her child while he slept. He had been traumatized by Ibex, which made her want to punch something. She decided to let him sleep and she got up, brushing her hair and changing her clothes. Where the hell was Night? He was there when she had fallen asleep, now where was he? She gently woke up Eclipse and got him to follow her through the halls as she looked for Night.

Ava || Mentions: Flame, Malaki The other dragon stood tall, taller than Ava. Flame had growled at Ava, not seeming to like Ava's act of violence. "There is no need to fight. Don't start something that can calmed by words. Violence is unnecessary." "'Calmed by words'? You really think thats an option now?" Her eyes shot to Malaki, than back to Flame, "You'll need more than words to supress me." Taking one large swipe, Ava grabbed ahold of Malaki, her talons wrapped around him, ensuring he had no escape. Opening her wings, her wings pulled her upwards, now she stood on her hind legs. "You can tell Skye that I enjoyed eating her little friend," licking her lips, Ava fell back off of the ledge, letting the wind current catch her fall. She twirled around, now her stomach facing the treetops. The creature held Malaki tightly and closely, growling maliciously at him, "You have too many pathetic friends."

Night | M: Kage & Eclipse Night wandered through the hallways before finally making it back to the room. Slipping inside, he looked in the room to find only Eclipse. Poor kid, he looked exhausted still. Slipping quietly out of the room, Night sighed before looking around. Kage must have just left him as the door hadn't been closed completely. Night walked out before heading towards the greenhouse again. He would be able to feel everyone's powers there. Halfway there, he felt Kage's powers and started that way.
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Flame | M: Malaki, Ava "Calmed by words'? You really think thats an option now? You'll need more than words to supress me. You can tell Sky that I enjoyed eating her little friend." Ava growled, grabbing Malaki and falling off the ledge. Flame narrowed her eyes annoyed before muttering to herself, "I was hoping not to use it, but you gave me no choice." She rolled off the ledge into the windstreams before diving down to gain speed. She was behind Ava but she could feel her. Hmm. . .this would be slightly difficult. She didn't want the other dragon falling out of the sky but she wanted her to slow down. Flame mentally dove into the energy threads before pulling on Ava's energy thread, draining her steadily but not hard enough to be noticed. Now, she just had about a minute or two before the dragon would start noticing she was tiring down fast.
Distraction time and stalling time. She turned on one of her newer powers, casting camouflage on herself. Now it looked like she wasn't back here but only upon closer inspection could see that there was a shimmer in the air. This wouldn't do much except annoy the dragon when she couldn't see who was attacking. Flame drew a hissing breath before shooting a fireball at the dragon, the fire hitting her scales and disappearing. The only thing that would do was throw her off balance. That was the purpose since she had fireproof scales. Flame drew another breath before doing it again, aiming for one of the wings this time. She flapped, using the energy she was getting Ava to strengthen herself as she slowly gained on the dragon.
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Dakota || Mentions: Goddess, Rapier Nodding, Dakota had already started cooking. She didn't have a clear idea of what they would have prefpreferred, so she began making Breakfast.. but, at Dinnertime. Holy damn, what time was it? 8:30PM? Damn, best get back to Nyx soon- "Maybe Rapier could go with you. I don't want him here with me." Heh? Glancing down, she saw that Rapier was still holding onto her hand, and frowned slightly. Crouching down, she gently pulled her hand from his little hands, placing her hands on his shoulders, "How about you go and comfort your mum, yeh?" She whispered, smiling. She turned the small child around gently, and urged him to move towards his mother. Hopefully he coudl comfort her while Dakota cooked. Time didn't seem to exist in Dakotas head, as she finished a full two plates of dinner within minutes. "Here we go!" Grabbing two forks, placing them onto the plates, and holding the plates in each hand, the woman walked over to the bed. Eggs, pancakes, broccoli, mushrooms, and some potatoes. Where did she get these ingredients? The world may never know. "Oh damn, how stupid of me~" twirling around, Dakota speed walked over to the counter, and rummaged through a small storage unit, twirling around. Holding to bottles of water up, with a big smile on her face, "Beverages!" Placing the bottles of water on the bed, Dakota wiped her hands, grabbed a chair, and sat on the chair besides the bed, facing Goddess. "About what you said earlier. Don't let me hear it again."

Ava || Mentions: Flame, Malaki Wings holding her steady, Ava's lip twitched, her eyes enraged. "Maybe I should just leave you to god forsaken Ibex. Maybe then your stupid memories would be washed away," she hissed, clenching her jaw painfully. All of this was a mess. She should have never told Malaki a damn thing. Should have killed him on the spot! Wretched man, deserves to be swallowed alive. Ok. Something felt off. Not even a minute ago, Ava felt fine. Now- she felt, as if something was being slowly stripped away. Then out of the blue, a fireball was launced. It was too much of a surprise for Ava to dodge it, she was shoved to the side a few feet. Another fireball was visible, going towards her wings this time. She barely dodged it, flames desperately attempted to grab onto her membranes, scathing the outter edge. "Damn you," she growled menacingly. Flame. Flame was around here, her aura was heavily disguised but Ava could smell the faintest of smells. "Don't be a coward, and show yourself," she hissed, stopping her flow of movement, now flying idle in one spot. She began to twirl into a circle, fire shooting out from her firery jaws, only to have a wave of fire pulsate from her body. However, using the pulsating fire drained her energy unexpectedly, which was far from normal. Something was draining her energy, whether it was Flame or not, this was not a good thing.

Goddess I M: Dakota and Rapier
Goddess felt Rapier hop up on the bed and she watched him crawl over to her. He gently hugged her and pulled away to look at her. Goddess sighed, feeling horrible again because she had left the child alone and he was so sweet. He was so good, she didn't know how he had turned out so sweet. He mirrored her emotions and he started to tear up. She wiped away his tears and tried to calm herself. She sat up and propped herself up with some pillows to comfort her back and she pulled her child close to her side. The boy rested against her side, slowly looking less sad than before. "It's okay baby, sorry for making you cry." She murmured to him, kissing him on the side of his head. He nodded, smiling weakly up at her. When Dakota brought them over some food she smiled weakly, taking the food greatfully. She got a little happier, feeling comforted that Dakota was there and sitting down near her instead of leaving. "Thank you Dakota." She murmured, taking the fork and picking at some of the food. "I wont say it again..." She gave her a small weak smile, taking a few mouthfuls of food before a few more. She had been starving and it was apperent by how much she seemed to eat. "Thank you ma'am." Rapier said, now smiling as he was feeling the small bit of happiness his mother was feeling. She paused for a moment. "I'm glad you're staying... I am." Goddess said, eyes softening as her smile actually turned into a genuine and semi-big one. The first smile she had in awhile, a real smile too. "Do you have anyone? L-like... Like Lev and Nyx.... anyone like that?"