
Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I trust you... I don't trust myself..." Ero said, and Jericho was stunned still. "I trust you... I don't trust myself..." Those words reverberated in his mind and he had no idea what to say to that. Ero knew that her obsessive nature could be potentially problematic, and that statement made it clear in her mind that she was worried about that side of her. "Ero..." He pulled her close and gave her a hug, staying still as he talked to her. "I know that you have a complicated past and your obsessive side can be problematic at times, but I know that you have so much more to you than that one piece of you." He rubbed her back and held her softly. "The fact that you know that your obsessive side could cause problems and that you feel bad about it is more than enough for me to stay by your side through thick and thin."

Sky | M: Malaki "I guess I'm ready. Let's see if this works..." Malaki said before tugging on her reins. Taking a step back, she took off, flying up and out of the hole. She came to a glide before tilting her head back, "Let's avoid the jetstreams for now, they are a bit tricky to navigate." She said, gliding along and waiting for his next commands.
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Dakota || Mentions: Goddess "I don't fight back because... because when I would fight back at Ibex... They'd beat me... Every time I tried to be strong they just hurt me and broke me down... Now every time I have the opportunity to fight back... everything that happened there gets in my head and I get scared, I freeze up. Please, can you stay? You're nice and kind... I'm scared to be all alone... I don't want to be alone anymore." Nodding softly, and smiling slightly, Dakota placed her hands on the woman's shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Look at me." "From one tortured, beaten down badass to another badass, Ibex can't control you. They want you to think they can control you, munipulate you, hurt you when you disobey them. Let me tell you this, they can't. Grab the bull from the horns, and slam it into the ground. The past is in the past. We all, every single one of us, suffers from those wretched memories. All we can do is hope to forget, and fight back with all we got. I had a friend back in there, he-.. he gave up, and died because the memories took over. Dont let your memories decide your fate, the outcome is horrifying." She sighed quietly, and looked at the ground for a few moments, before looking back to Goddess. "You need to find pride in yourself and your actions. And once you do, no one can take that pride away. Take it from me and Nyx. Never. Give. Up." "And to answer your last question," Dakota patted the womans shoulders, smiling faintly, "I'm not that much better then my sister when it comes to situations like these. Yes, I seem to be kinder and more thoughtful, but the only reason I here right now is because my sister would have ripped your head off your shoulders by now." She knew how Goddess was feeling. The feeling to be around others, the feeling to be cared for and loved. The feeling of people surrounding you, willing to protect you to the very end. Dakota used to want that, but, she has Nyx now, and even Lev, thats all she needed now. Hopefully Goddess could find people like that for her. "You have a son here, and a few friends here, don't ya? How about this. I'll stay as long as I can, in the meantime, we'll search for your friends and family?"

Ero I M: Jericho
Ero smiled as he started to rub her back, holding her gently. She gently put her arms around him, resting her head back on his chest to hear his heart beat again. "I wish it was just easy to get rid of..." She murmured, letting out a little sniffle. "I like hearing your heart beat." She didn't move her head, she just laid there happily. "I'll try to do better... I want to do better for you. I wish I could see what you see in me." She hated herself honestly, especally as she saw her mom through herself and she hated her beyond measure. So she loved Jericho's love even more because it substiruted the lack of love she had for herself.

Malaki: Mentions: Sky and Flame "Let's avoid the jetstreams for now, they are a bit tricky to navigate." She said, gliding along and waiting for his next commands. Malaki nodded as they wove their way through the tunnel and back to the surface, before he adjusted the reigns to control her phoenix form to begin flying back to the mansion. "Okay... I think we are on our way back to the mansion. So..." Malaki looked around at the moving scenery before looking at Sky and his cheeks shaded red slightly. "I still can't believe that this whole thing is happening. Your phoenix form is connected to me somehow and you're helping me get over my fear of heights." Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho continued the hug and stayed quiet, knowing that kissing and affection wasn't going to cut it alone for something like this. "As long as you try to do better, that's all I care about my love." He continued with the hug and snuggled with her, letting the silence and his hug comfort her more than any kissing would do. He broke from the hug and looked into her eyes. "Maybe you don't see the beauty I have in my arms right now, but you are a priceless gem in my eyes."

Sky | M: Malaki "Okay... I think we are on our way back to the mansion. So..."I still can't believe that this whole thing is happening. Your phoenix form is connected to me somehow and you're helping me get over my fear of heights." Malaki said and she smiled. "I believe that my phoenix form accepted you because I trust you. I wouldn't want anyone else riding me," Sky said, her fire turning a slight blue, showing that she was blushing. It was a bit different in this form but she didn't notice.
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Ava || Mentions: Malaki (ind.), Sky (ind.) After scowering the mansion for god knows how long, Ava made her way outside, quite frustrated. Malaki obviously was nowhere within the perimeter of the mansion, nor was that Sky girl. They probably went somewhere, no, they did go somewhere, obviously. She wasn't in the mood for chasing, Ava would wait here quietly and patiently for his return. Then, she would rid his mind of their conversation back at the old, crippling Ibex foundation. "I swear to god, if he exposed my past to everyone-" her fist went flying into the closest tree, everything was silent for a moment. Then an echoing snap boomed out from the tree, the bark had spilt in half, and the tree began falling over. "I'll kill them." If only she could mask herself from other eyes, her dragon form could blend in with surroundings quite well, however it wasn't perfect. It was obvious that Ava and her powers were based off of destruction-like abilities, fire. She wondered how the scientists were able to splice her DNA with Fire molecules. The two were comepletely different, but then again, Ava knew jack shit about science and wasn't about to learn any of it any time soon. Huh. Seems Ibex even ruined simple methods for life. Boom. Two auras, the wind carried their scent all the way to her, and just in her luck. It was them. But Sky's aura- seemed different, changed.. no, altered in some way possibly? It seemed stronger then before, something was released. But what? No, no. Sky doesnt matter. Malaki does. She'll have to be quick to get him when they come into view.. Edited at January 4, 2022 09:58 AM by Covidic Coffee

Goddess I M: Dakota Goddess looked at the woman. She shook her head, trying to fight back tears. She had no one, no friends. She had her son, she did need to find him. But then there was Blade... she was terrified of Blade. She set her hands on her stomach, worried beyond measure for her unborn child surviving with her current situation and without Ripper.
"I don't have any friends here... Lev was the only one... he's not a friend though... " She mumbled nervously. "I guess we can go find Rapier... I should've stayed with him." She murmured, looking at the mansion. She looked at Dakota and then at the mansion. She sighed and slowly started towards the mansion. She tripped over herself again, but righted herself and continued into the mansion. She glanced behind her with a worried look to make sure Dakota was following her. The moment she stepped in the mansion a boy came running upto her. She embraced the around 8 year old boy, the boy hugging his mother tight. "Rapier, I'm sorry I left you alone..." She murmured, the child pulling away from her hug. The boy just smiled. "It's okay mommy." He said sweetly, which made Goddess feel a little better. She looked back at Dakota, but her face still showed worry and not very much happiness. The boy waved at Dakota, but he seemed to mirror Goddess' anxiety and his smile slipped away. He looked similar to her, but he looked more like Ripper than herself, which wasn't similar to Blade. "I found him... I-I don't know what to do next..." She murmured, gently placing a hand on her son's head. She looked around nervously, watching for Blade when she was worried. She was afraid he would hurt her again.

Malaki: Mentions: Sky "I believe that my phoenix form accepted you because I trust you. I wouldn't want anyone else riding me." Sky said to him, and even though he knew the intent of the sentence, he couldn't help but blush at the unintentional second meaning. "I'm glad to hear that you trust me Sky." He looked around before he bit his tongue, his mind still thinking about telling her his feelings, but he was scared that she wouldn't be welcoming of his feelings. "Uh... So Sky..." He looked down at his hands. "I've been thinking about us flying all over the place after all of this is over. It... sounds really good, but eventually we may need to stay somewhere in case we get burned out by constant travel. Do you have a place you want to stay at?"

Zaphara and Sephtis Mentions: Jackson She starts getting a tad bit comfortable, the same feeling she gets when someone she doesn't like is around. Her eyes scan the room, only to feel unsettled as no one else was around. Zaphara was on edge, her hair on the back of her neck was rising, and her heart was racing. "Sephtis." Her eyes dart over to the container, storming over with the baby in her arms. Quickly, she opens it-she grew pale. Shock even. Sephtis's head was gone. How can this be? She swore she sliced the man's head! She did it herself! She did everything herself! She turns to Jackson, fear in her eyes, and she gulps. Nervously. "Jacky," her words shaky, "his head. It's gone." How could it be gone? Just, how!?! He had no power. She felt nothing from the man when she killed him. Sephtis was human. A normal-unpowered human. Her fingers rake through her hair, something she used to do as a kid when she was anxious about something. Sephtis claps his hands, the woman hearing it, and she could feel cold sweat running down her forehead. She looks around to find him. It was only Jackson and the baby. Wait, the baby. Her eyes move down towards the child, who was looking back up with those familiar cosmos eyes. The same feeling of dread that Sephtis radiated. "The baby. Don't tell me the baby-" "-is hosting darling ole' me?" Hearing Sephtis's voice coming from the baby made her queasy, putting the baby into the container quickly, and shuts the lid without a care in the world. She stands up, backing up and standing beside Jackson. Her body shook in fear, and she could hear Sephtis's muffled laughter coming from the package. "Your reaction muses me, Zaphara. I live off of your fears." Indeed, Sephtis was a crazy bastard. "You think a container like this can hold me?" The voice was coming from the bed, the woman whipping around to see the baby sitting down on the bed. "I may be dead, but I do live on within my spawn. I knew you were coming to kill me. So, I came up with a plan and created the little child with my blood and someone else's. Who the mother of the child is a secret." He starts laughing again, the baby tilting their head to the side-staring at Zaphara with a peculiar look. "Could it be you, Goddess, Ava, Shi, Sky, Amber? It could be Nyx, Dakota, Flame, Ero, Elea, and Kage, as well? So many possibilities. Well, I'm not going to tell you. That would spoil the fun." Zaphara wraps her arms tight around her body, shivering in fear at the thought of it all-the thought that Sephtis was alive spiritually. Without another word, the baby falls through a space tear portal. Never to be seen again. Zaphara was afraid. Deathly afraid at hearing the news. "I wish I was dead again. Don't have to keep going through this." She goes over to sit on the edge of the bed, her foot tapping against the floor. Edited at January 4, 2022 12:39 PM by Cereal