
Goddess I M: Lev (Ind.), Nyx and Dakota Goddess whimpered, looking into Nyx's terrifying eyes with a terrified look in her own. She was scared, she was scared the woman was going to kill her. "What are you more afraid of, loosing your life or loosing your unborn child?" Nyx asked her, seeming more merciless and scary as could be. She tried to fight out of her grasp even harder, but gave up and whimpered. "Don't kill the baby... please! Please..." She begged, only after she loosened her grip on her neck. She was panting and gasping for breath as well. "Ju-just kill me... please... save the baby..." She was now sobbing, barely able to take in breathes as her sobs overwhelmed her and her small frame shook. She just wanted to be left alone. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about sl-sleeping with Lev... I-It was a mistake... I don't want him... pl-please..." She cried out, shaking badly on top of the shaking from her sobs. Edited at December 27, 2021 02:00 AM by Dragonhorse

Ero I M: Jericho, Phantom and Kestrel
Ero watched as Phantom didn't reply. He just looked sad and depressed, so did his kid. She looked at Jericho in return, her expression looking a little sad as well now. She hugged him, burying her face against him as she comforted herself. "Not now... Maybe later, I just want you to hold me." She murmured, holding him tighter. She didn't like loss or abandonment, which is what she felt like death was. "You won't leave me... right? You won't die?"

Jericho: Mentions: Ero, Phantom and Kestrel Jericho held Ero gently as she hugged him, clearly saddened by where the conversation turned. "I promise I will never leave you Ero. I would have to be six feet in the ground and dead before I would ever willingly abandon you." He whispered to her, before eyeing Phantom and his child. Knowing that it would only bring up some awkward questions, he separated from her for a moment to offer a hand. "Why don't we retire to our room to talk some things over and leave Kestrel and Phantom be? They have their own business to attend to." He smiled at her as he put a lid on the spaghetti for later on if she was still hungry, but his main focus at the moment was making her happy.

Sky | M: Malaki "I... I cna't be sure Sky. The vipers came when you were incredibly angry, so maybe it's linked to your emotions in some way... perhaps as a built-in defense in case a situation goes south." Malaki said, looking back at the statues. She looked with him, trying to figure it out before saying dejectedly, "Maybe its just not the right time. Maybe one day..." She looked back up to see no one near the statues. Malaki was still beside her and Flame--Flame?! Sky looked around, but the woman was nowhere to be seen. "Great, now we lost her too. She's acting weird today," Sky muttered, scanning the cave again. "Should I practice with my form or no? Maybe with you around I could actually control it...mostly because I wouldn't hurt you." Sky asked, looking over at Malaki. She honestly had no idea what to do and she couldn't pester Flame with questions because she wasn't there.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky and Flame "Should I practice with my form or no? Maybe with you around I could actually control it...mostly because I wouldn't hurt you." Sky asked, looking over at Malaki. Malaki looked at where Flame just was before looking around and deeming that she went off somewhere for whatever reason was floating in her head at the time. "I mean... if you are able to tap that ability without having to resort to anger or some other extreme circumstance, then I don't see why you shouldn't practice with that ability. It could be useful one of these days." He got up from Sky and took a few steps back. "Just being careful... nothing against you obviously." He said to her, a slight red toning his cheeks.

Sky | M: Malaki "I mean... if you are able to tap that ability without having to resort to anger or some other extreme circumstance, then I don't see why you shouldn't practice with that ability. It could be useful one of these days." Malaki said and she nodded. She smiled at him as he took a few steps back, "Just being careful... nothing against you obviously." She closed her eyes, diving down into her power before pulling slightly on her phoenix power. It resisted for a couple moments before releasing itself. She shifted, letting out a screech as a fireball surrounded her and reached out. The flames licked at Malaki but passed over him harmlessly. The flaming torpedo of a bird screeched at Malaki, landing in front of him dangerously close. She now had no control of the power but it seemed to be eyeing Malaki warily. Judging him. Sky was quite confused when suddenly she bowed respectfully to him, a saddle forming on her back. Her flaming eyes shifted back to her normal silvery grey color before she said in her own voice, "What just happened?"
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky Malaki couldn't help but flinch for a moment as the fire emanating from both the fireball and the phoenix made its way to him. He did calm down when the phoenix eyed him and appeared to be judging him, before a saddle formed on her back and she seemingly regained control over herself. "What just happened?" Sky said, and Malaki wasn't too sure himself about what just transpired. Obviously she had tranformed into a phoenix, but beyond that he didn't have any idea about how he should describe it. "Well... it was almost as if the phoenix within you was... judging me to see if I was worthy for something. Beyond that, not much I guess. But you do have that same saddle on your back."

Sky | M: Malaki "Well... it was almost as if the phoenix within you was... judging me to see if I was worthy for something. Beyond that, not much I guess. But you do have that same saddle on your back." Malaki said and she looked at him confused, "What saddle?" She looked back but didn't see a thing on her back. The saddle, due to the icefire, was only visible to Malaki. The saddle visible to him was silver lined with a trace of black. It blended slightly with her feathers but the fact that she couldn't see it made her twist around a few times before looking at him helplessly.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky "What saddle?" She looked back but didn't see a thing on her back. Malaki matched her look of confusion and was about to point to it on her back, but decided that there were more important details to worry about than her having a saddle. "Nevermind." He waved it off and moved on. "So... how do you feel right now? Do you feel different in any way?" He asked her, admiring the fiery form that she was now in. Hmm... nothing seems wrong. But, maybe I am missing something.

Ero I M: Jericho, Phantom and Kestrel
Ero jumped up after him, staying very close to him as he put the food away. That caused her to feel something, something like hatred towards her obsessive nature. She didn't want to be like that for him, he didn't deserve it. When he pulled away from doing the food she fought the urge to have him hold her again. She wanted him to hold her then and not wait, but he had told her to wait. She gripped his hand hard, obviously still a bit distraught at the talk of Phantom loosing his wife. It had taken a little bit for her to fully grasp the concept, and when she pictured loosing Jericho it was different than all the other other guys. She actually felt a slight amount of fear and pain at the thought of loosing him. "I want to go back to our room not." She murmured, looking up at him.