
Echo || M || JPack Member|| Lynxtuft, Malakai, Rowan
Echo was walking around when he overheard Lynxtuft and his son Rowan's conversation so he decided to check how the were doing after he looked for his mate. He thought were could she be I haven't seen her all day. He decided that she was probably still asleep and decided not to wake her up and went to Rowan and asked "Is everything ok?" He was super concerned about Lynxtuft in case she was super scared because Malakai can be really tough but always had a good personality that's why I liked him.

Moth | Heir | Mentions: Clem (ind), everything else happening Moth was even more astounded by Rowan's actions. Any sensible wolf wouldn't add to the problem. Lynxtuft deserved her punishment, and Rowan was making things worse. Moth brushed the whole situation off and went to find her mother since she hadn't seen her yet this morning. She trotted up to the alpha's rock, looking around for her mother. (short post again, sorry) Edited at January 12, 2024 09:58 AM by _Moonshadow_

Arrow | F | Pack Member | M: Echo, Rowan When Arrow saw her mate talking to her son, she trotted over to them and whispered to Echo, "Don't try to talk or help him. He's on Omega duties now." She Gave a worried glance at Rowan, and quietly said, "Im sorry......"

Lynxtuft/F/Omega/M:Malakai, Fang, Rowan Tears came to her eyes as her pup bounced into her paws. She felt bad enough that Rowan had sacrificed himself for her, but now Fang trying to cuddle with her... She gently pushed Fang off, saying "Go to your Father, dear. Mother is busy." She stood up and smiled at him, then walked to the Alpha's den. Placing her paw on the edge of the moss, she began to roll it up and carry it out. While she worked, she wondered why Rowan would ever be that kind to her. "Why does he care?" She murmured. "Why would he do anything for me?

Kalevala | F | Pack Member | M: Moth indirectly Vala entered the camp and watched the cluster of chain events go off one after the other. She sat there annoyed with everyone. She just got back and there's all this tension and drama already. She huffed angrily. She whisker her tail around her paws just eager to just leave and go on a patrol. She heaves a breath knowing the other punishments because Kalevala had experienced them herself. Malakai doesn't take lightly to disobedience and Kalevala used to do it to Malakai as a juvenile. She shook her head in disapproving the juveniles to keep their trap shut. Her eyes filted to Moth. The heir of Malakai. The snobby daughter of the alphas that tried so hard to impress Malakai. Kalevala never really cared for Moth, but she liked her determination and fire in her. But she never understood why Moth disapproves her weird relationshipwith Malakai. Kalevala wanted Moth to take it she did not want this weird relationship with Malakai. But it kept her protected and well respected from the pack it's whatever. But she was tired of it being taken out on her.

Rowan || M || Juvenile || Echo, Arrow Rowan turned seeing his father enter the den, "I'm fine!" He snapped, he was tensed up and still bristling. "Malakai doesn't deserve his rank, he could be helping everyone. He could be giving them their own choices! He's cruel and merciless. I'm fed up with him, Lynxtuft didn't deserve that she has no one! It's not always her fault." His ears fell as he calmed down, he felt better knowing he could away count on his father to listen. He had paused seeing his mother whisper in his father's ear, suddenly tears started swelling at his eyes. "Just go away I'm in trouble and you not supposed to be talking to me." He muttered before turning his back on them. Edited at January 12, 2024 10:07 AM by Lost Rune

Echo| M | Pack Member | M: Arrow, Malakai Echo smelt her before he heard her. "Hi. How have you been I haven't seen you all day." He was super happy to see her and he overfilled with joy. "I know everyone in the whole camp could probably here there conversation. I mean it was good he stood up to him but Malakai has been through a lot today since his kids aren't really talking to him." He whispered to his mate.

Lynxtuft/F/Omega/M:Rowan, the pack, Shashlik, Malakai Lynxtuft quickly finished the Alpha's den, and although she knew she shouldn't, she went to the elders den. "Rowan," she whispered, looking around. "Rowan, it's Lynxtuft. I have to talk to you. Meet me at the stream at Sunhigh." She looked at him hopefully. Maybe, just maybe, she could tell him everything. She needed someone to tell, but... No one liked her. No one listened. Except for two wolves. Rowan and Shashlik. Edited at January 12, 2024 10:15 AM by rustlefernriver

Arrow | F | Pack Member | M: Echo "What happened? I heard Malakia yell at Rowan but....." She shook her head. What is going on with the pack? We used to be so close. "I asked to go hunting and almost got demoted like him....." She gazed at her mate, seeing her blue eyes reflect in his

Rowan || M || Juvenile || Lynxtuft Rowan turned his head seeing Lynx, "Okay." He muttered, "Look I'm sorry he treats you like that, it's not fair." He muttered staring at his paws, he felt so bad for her. "I had to stand up for you or no one else would. He thinks he so mighty and powerful! But he's no different than anyone of us, he's just 10x more stuck up." Snarling he continued to ramble on why he felt bad for her.