
Nyx & Dakota || Mentions: Levushka (ind.), Sephtis (ind.), Goddess (ind.) "We. Are. Fucking. Lost." "Now we aren't! We just need to take another left- or is it another right?" "Haven't we passed that boulder before Dakota." "No- I- I dont think so anyways.." "ERG!" Nyx rubbed her temples, obviously frustrated. Dakota was thinking to herself, trying to figure out where they were, "So- if the mansion was thatta' way.. then we should head that direction, and we should find a roa-" Dakota began, but was silenced by Nyx's hand. "I will lead the way," she muttered, and began walking East, grumbling curses below her breath. They were on their way to find a town or a city, anything to get them away from teh chaos. Was she upset that she was leaving Levushka behind? Yes, of course she was. AT the same time, she felt upset that Levushka would rather spend time with his friends, then his PREGNANT WIFE. God! Why could he never spend time with her? He acted like he wanted to, and he would give her kisses and snuggles, but he never stayed with her. He would always go to other places, and do other damn shit. Nyx may be a bit heartless, but its not like she doesnt like being loved! "Ugh!" She hissed, kicking a few rocks and sticks, she wrapped her arms over her chest, and slowly let her stomach hang out again. It had been awhile since anyone had seen her swollen stomach, if anyone paid attention that is. "This is all Sephtis' fault. The mansion, the fucking teleportation, teh drama, the chaos. The reason I can't snuggle my husband tonight. I swear to fucking god, when I get my hands on them, Ill wrap my finegrs so tight around his cowardly throat, and I'll squeeze, and squeeze, and sq-" Nyx began reaching her arms out as if she were planning to physically strangle someone in the moment. But, she was interuppted when she looked back to see Dakota looking at her. "Don't strangle anyone. Sephtis will surely pay for hsi troubles, and fortunately, maybe, just maybe, they'll kill him. And stop stressing yourself, you'll stress teh baby." After a few minutes of cursing eachother out, and a few shouts here and there, the Twins had set off once again, trudging through the forest. NO, they werent LOST. Yes they were. "Should we head-" "No. I don't feel like going back just to be ignored by my husband again," Nyx muttered, placing a hand on her stomach. Speaking of Levushka- Goddess. She acts weak, she acts puny and defeneless, but no. She is a damn fox, going after Nyx's husband! And they even had a relationship, AND A KID. Or did they- she couldn't keep track as to how many offspring people have had over the past few years. That woman though- god didn't Nyx want to rip her apart. And the way she kept beckoning for Levushka.. UGH. "Nyx. My dear, moody, lovable yet murderous darling sister. Can you stop thinking of killing people." How does Dakota know Nyx is thinking of killing people? Nyx's angered expression and a poor lifeless squirrel in her hand.

Goddess I M: Lev (Ind.), Nyx and Dakota Goddess had been healed by Lev and had spent a little bit of time in her room before she decided she needed a nice walk. She had tried to take regular walks to keep her healthier and happier, mostly for the baby's sake. She rubbed her stomach, looking down and picturing the baby inside. She wished Ripper was there, but he wasn't, so what could she do? Well, she was determined to keep being strong and healthy for their unborn child's sake. As she entered the grounds around the mansion, smiling as she walked through. Her appearances changed so she had her life form, deer horns appearing on her head as well as her clothing changing to be a beautiful pale green, long, almost sheer flowey night gown looking dress. She looked at all the trees around her, finally able to relax and unwind from Ibex. She didn't even want to see Blade right then, it was too much stress and fear being around him at that moment. The baby could benefit from her not being stressed out horribly. She started to hear some voices, some arguing voices. She couldn't recall how long she had been walking for, just that she had been walking and it had been for awhile. She decided to go over to them, she thought she heard soemthing about them being lost, or maybe they were lost and she could help them. "Hello? Are you guys lost?" She called out, appearance changing back to normal and her gown changing back to a pale brown/white color. She didn't realize it was Nyx and Dakota until she walked right upto then, then she got slightly nervous. "Oh... hello."

Jericho: Mentions: Ero, Kestrel and Phantom "Sounds good. I'll get things started." Jericho said, washing his hands before beginning his prep work for the meal. He wasn't the best cook, but he knew enough to make basic meals and to make sure that he didn't ruin them. He cooked the beef meatballs and heated up the sauce along with the noodles before draining the noodles and throwing it all together in one pot. It was easy for him since he loved spaghetti; maybe he and Ero had simple pallettes, which could be beneficial to him when it came to how much they spent on food generally speaking. After mixing everything together he searched the cupboards for two bowls and two forks before serving up two servings, one for him and one for his girlfriend Ero. "Bon appetit." He said jokingly as he gave her the bowl, and his eyes wandered back to Phantom and Kestrel. "Are... you waiting for anyone here? If you want to we can move." Jericho said to Phantom. Malaki: Mentions: Sky and Flame Malaki could hear the worry clear in Sky's voice when she talked about her viper power and he frowned for her. "I don't know what to do and it angers my power. I can feel it but I'm not sure how long I can contain it." She said to him, and Malaki's mind began to churn. How can she control her power? Is it somehow linked to her emotions? Maybe it's triggered by great stress or anger as a defensive mechanism in case things get very rough. He stayed silent for several seconds, picking the words to say to her. "I... I cna't be sure Sky. The vipers came when you were incredibly angry, so maybe it's linked to your emotions in some way... perhaps as a built-in defense in case a situation goes south." He looked over at Flame before looking up at the statues, hoping to find some kind of meaning that he was merely missing up until now.

Phantom I M: Jericho, Ero and Kestrel
Phantom had been watching Jericho out of the corner of his eye. He wasntbafraid, purely curious what he was making and how good of a cook he was. He liked to take note of small things. When Jericho addressed him, he felt the girl on his lap move again to cling tightly to him once again. He gently rubbed her back and answered Jericho.
"I am. I am waiting on Night and a few people he knows. You do not need to move. Once they get here I plan to move locations into somewhere that is better for Kestrel and the other child to interact." Hearing that, the girl got even more spooked and clung tighter to him. He looked down at her and a slight flash of worry and sadness crossed his emotionaless face. He felt bad for raising his child wrong and not the way Falcon would've wanted her to be raised. Ero I M: Jericho, Phantom and Kestrel
Ero grinned as Jericho have her the food. She took a bite and made a happy humming noise, contented with his cooking once again. But, he wasn't next to her like she had expected, he had wandered over to Phantom and his child. She wasn't upset whatsoever, she was just curious at why he was over there. She listened to Phantom's words and wondered why he wasn't waiting on the child's mother, did it have a mother? It better have or else that wouldn't be good.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero, Kestrel and Phantom Jericho nodded to what Phantom said and sat down beside Ero, a smile on his face and his free arm on her shoulders. "I'm glad you like my cooking so much Ero. You know how to make a guy feel special." He said to her, giving her a peck on the cheek before digging into his spaghetti. "If you're hungry for more there is some more in the pot. Don't be shy if you need some more." He said to her in between bites, before looking at Phantom from his seat. "Night? Funny you should mention that... I was locked up beside him in the facility before we all escaped. Never saw what he looked like but I think I'll be able to recognize his voice."

Phantom I M: Jericho, Ero and Kestrel
Phantom looked back over as Jericho mentioned Night. He nodded, thinking that this new guy would get along with Night, although Night was a pretty open and agreeable person. The opposite of his partner, Kage. He remembered her faintly. She liked to yell a lot and curse a lot as he recalled. "Yes. Night will be here soon." He paused, thinking for a moment. "He was a comrade, "friend" some might say, to my wife." He explained shortly, although when he said wife he realized his mistake, and it saddened him greatly. "Late wife. My late wife." He said, shifting Kestrel a little bit to be held in his arms versus sitting on his lap. He held her a little tighter against him, but not too tight as to smother the child.
Ero I M: Jericho, Phantom and Kestrel
Ero leaned against Jericho, enjoying his arm around her shoulders. She did quickly finish the food, she was still famished afterwards. She was going to get up to get some more, but when Phabtom started speaking, she waited. She didn't know how to feel about his words, he was grieving and she didn't understand that concept. She did realize that the girl didn't have a mother, but it wasn't for the same circumstances she had been in. She just kept quiet and poked at her empty bowl, eyes showing that she was thinking about the grieving concept, specifically connected to if anything happened to Jericho.

Nyx & Dakota || Mentions: Goddess After a few minutes of bickering, and a few curses, the twins calmed down, and stood still for a moment, trying to figure out a way to get out from the forest's grasp. "Hello? Are you guys lost?" A voice echoed, then the two twirled around to see that it was Goddess, and Nyx's fists clenched, her swollen, round stomach slowly sinking in, disappearing. As if she looked like she was never pregnant. "Oh... hello." Without a moments hesitation, Nyx reached out, and grabbed Goddess by the throat, pinning her against a tree, glaring at her, looking down upon the wretched woman. Her attitude was completely different from before, as to when she saved this woman's life and now. "What do you want? Looking for Levushka?" Oh, she could see him in this situation. He would most likely be pulling her off of this witch, and comfort this wretched being from the likes of herself. Nyx could also remember when Levushka said something a while back, as to how the devils and even angels would be pissed that their precious Goddess was harmed. She didn't care. She didn't. "Well, Im sorry to let you know, but he isn't here," she growled, her eyes brightening up slowly in hatred. Behind her, Dakota had her arms crossed over her chest, shaking her head at Goddess. She sighed quietly, and gently laid a hand on Nyx's shoulder, but Nyx rolled her shoulders, obviously not wanting Dakota to get in the middle of this. She nodded, and took a few steps back, and sat on a boulder, pulling her leg up, resting her chin on her knees. "Don't kill her. You know Levushka wouldn't forgive you." "Don't tell me what to do." "I didn't say you couldnt harm her, now did I?"

Goddess I M: Lev (Ind.), Nyx and Dakota Goddess wasn't expecting Nyx to suddenly grab her throat and slam her against a tree. Why did this just keep happening to her? What had she done to deserve all this? She grabbed onto Nyx's arm, trying to give herself some room to breathe as she was starting to be strangled. She didn't know what to do, so she just tried to squirm out of her grasp, eyes wide and showing her fear. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I wasn't looking for Lev... don't kill me please." She begged when she was able to gasp breathes. She was scared, not only for herself but for her unborn child too. She could be hurt, the baby could be hurt. Tears started to flow down her cheeks, eyes glistening with her fear and panic as well as the wetness. "Don't hurt me please... please..." she mumbled, trying to pry Nyx's fingers from her throat so she could breathe regularly once again. Why did this woman hate her so much? Oh, it was becuase she slept with Lev. She was sorry for that, it had only been one time, it had meant nothing once Ripper came back. Where was her Ripper? Where was their child? Where was the help she desperately needed?

Nyx || Mentions: Goddess The woman in her grasp struggled to breathe, she even placed her hands on Nyx's arms, trying to pry her arm and fingers away in order to breathe properly. How foolish of her. This woman obviously didn't have the strength to old a weapon, let alone pry away a skilled, experiments arm. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I wasn't looking for Lev... don't kill me please," Goddess begged. She truly wanted Nyx to free her of her clutches. Isn't this woman immortal? Isn't this woman basically, an actual.. Goddess? Yet she was begging for her life. How pitiful and stupid. "Don't hurt me please... please..." Rage blinded Nyx, and she could barely hold herself back from snapping this wretch's neck. Then she glanced down to the womans swollen stomach, and her heart almost skipped a beat. Ah yes.. Goddess was pregnant. "What are you more afraid of," she began, her tone was quiet, and different from before. She made her way to look Goddess in the eyes, a dangerous gleam in them, "losing your life or losing your unborn child?" Was she truly that blinded by rage that she could kill an unborn child? Of course. Was she truly blinded by rage that she would kill an unborn child? No. She isn't that evil. Nyx knew boundries between life and death, she threatens, but there are some things in this world that she could never do. Killing an unborn child for one. However, she would toy and threaten without hesitation. The grip around Goddess' throat was released by a mere few centimeters, just enough to regulate her breathing a bit better.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero, Phantom and Kestrel "I'm sorry to hear that you lost your wife Phantom. I offer my condolences to you and your child." Jericho said in a careful tone, giving Ero a worried look from the side before looking at Phantom again. "In any case, I hope that you and Night meet back up hopefully... sooner rather than later." He turned to Ero and noticed that her bowl was empty. She must have been famished. "Do you want another bowl Ero? There's plenty left if you are still hungry." He said to her, not wanting her to go hungry for his sake.