
Ero I M: Jericho Ero loved his flattery. But on top of that, he was humming some sort of tune and that relaxed her. The humming made her feel special and happy, it was something she had never experienced and it meant more to her than he could know. "You're too nice to me... I like it. And you're the most handsome and sweet guy I've ever met, even with my previous history... I'm excited to live the rest of my life with you." She paused, looking tiredly up at him. "Can you hum again? I love it when you hum and stroke my hair. It makes me feel special, you make me feel special."

Zaphara Mentions: Jackson When he grabbed her hand, she raises both brows under her mask. Hearing his words, she tilts her head, and starts taking her mask off. Shaking her head to fluff out her hair, a grin on her face, "Getting cheesy on me, Jackson. What happened to stone-face guardboy?" Obviously teasing the man, and slowly pulls her hand out from his - clenching the hand he held tightly. She starts to think, trying to find a solution, and she looks down at the ground. She inhales sharply, exhaling with the same amount of momentum. "She made it pretty clear that I'm not her mother no longer, Jacky." Crossing her arms, a sad look in her eyes. "If that makes her happy, then so be it. My daughters' happiness is everything to me, even if it involves me staying out of her life so she can have such a thing." Walking over to the container that has Sephtis's head inside, grabbing it and thins her lips. "As I said before, I can't settle down while those who are ready to harm my family is still out there and alive. I just...can't."

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "Can you hum again? I love it when you hum and stroke my hair. It makes me feel special, you make me feel special." Ero said. "Okay my sweet. I'm glad that you feel so special with me being your boyfriend, because I feel really special with you being my girlfriend." He said, giving her another passionate kiss before continuing to hum the tune and stroke her hair. She's just the best. I love her, and I don't care if she has her problems or if her father has a problem with it. She is mine, and I am hers.

Jackson I M: Zaphara Jackson sighed too, but didn't let her just leave. He watched her walk over to her case and grab it. He knew Dia hadn't meant anything by it, she was just a child. She had been left with Glory alone without even him. "Listen Zaphara, you should at least try to have a relationship with her. She's so attached to Glory because she was left with her for years while... while Ibex had me before they captured all of us. Glory was all she had. Just give her another chance." He murmured, gently resting his hand against the side of her arm to get her to stay and listen to him for a moment. "She deserves to have a good relationship with you Zaphara, now is a better time to start than ever. Come on, at least let me go in there with you." Ero I M: Jericho Ero loved the kiss he gave her. She loved him so much, so so much. When he continued on humming and stroking her hair her eyes started to droop. She laid her head on his chest again, slowly falling asleep against him. He was hers, he wanted to be hers too and had even made her feel special and wanted.
"I don't want this moment to end..." She said, but it was obvious she was falling asleep as she said it. She shifted slightly to make herself more comfortable as she rested on him. "I love you... I love how you take care of me." She made a happy humming noise before quieting down and listening to his humming and his combing his fingers though her hair.

Cero | M: Ankoku, Nakao Cero listened and watched to Ankoku, smiling at his enthusiasm as he cut down the tree with the sheathed weapon. Must be one of his other powers, the ability to do that giving him an advantage if he ever had to defend himself. They found Nakao a moment later and the two men conversed in Japanese before Nakao sent Aknoku away for a moment. "Cero. Ko used to be a merchandise. An orphan baby raised in the black market to act as livestock. Same as I. I never told him that I was part of a gang to make sure he doesn't, you know, snap. I don't want him to go down the path of murderous rampage. Keep him safe for me. He was an expensive motherfucker." Nakao grinned at the last words, Cero offering only a small smile before looking over at Ankoku. He crossed his arms before saying, "If this is what he wants, I will protect him. Keep him out of trouble." He looked back at Nakao, inclining his head in respect. Interesting backstory but no difference, he would protect the man like he did for his friends.
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Sky & Flame | M: Malaki "I... I'm really sorry for your sister Sky. I know it doesn't mean much, but I offer my condolences for you. I can't imagine how hard it must have been then and now." Malaki said, seeming to want to comfort her but not sure how. "It means a lot to me though..." She said quietly, her sadness quickly building up into something stronger. Anger. Her body was a death cold now and she was shivering, trying to keep that form down. Flame seemed to sense something because she suddenly pulled Malaki back with a simple, "Here we go again." Flame threw up a energy forcefield around herself and Malaki, and in the nick of time. Sky's anger exploded out, her silver hair glowing before scales appeared over her skin. Her hair glowed before she disappeared in a hurricane of fire. Fire spread through the cave, touching and recoiling from Flame's forcefield before freezing. Sky had no control anymore nor did she care. Every year, one time. She needed help.
Flame backed up to beside Malaki before sighing, "She does this every year. Maybe if she found someone that could actually calm her down, this wouldn't be a problem." Flame said as fire turned to ice efficiently. Inside the ice crystals, they could still see the fire burning. Sky reappeared, now a 6 foot long bird, all lit up on fire. Her phoenix form. Anger form. Sky screeched, the screech seeming to echo through the tunnels before ice crept along the walls, the flames dancing along the edges. The circled the statues before they died down, almost as quickly as they came as Sky shifted back into her human form. Down here, meters below the surface, there wasn't much damage a phoenix could do. Sky curled up in a corner, her hair still glowing as Flame released the forcefield and sat down. She pulled Malaki to sit beside her before saying, "I wouldn't get too close to her right now. The vipers might get you." This would make too much sense though, considering the viper pit was on the other side of the cave. But Flame assumed that he knew of Sky's other power so didn't bother explaining it.
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Phantom I M: Kestral
Phantom sighed, sitting down at the table and pulling his daugher up on his lap. The child was still sniffling and crying still, but she was starting to quiet down as she was back against her father. She turned around and pulled closer to her father. He sighed, rubbing his daughter's back before turning her back around to sit facing the table instead of himself. The girl looked up at him, looking sad.
"Look, eat your food. It's mac and cheese." Phantom said and the girl nodded, picking up a fork and starting to eat the food herself. He nodded, patting her head and taking a bite from his bowl. The girl smiled at him finally, seeming happy with her mac and cheese. "Good." He told her, patting her head again.

Malaki: Mentions: Flame and Sky All Malaki could do was watch Sky as she melted down and let her anger out about her sister's death. From simply watching the anger flow from her he knew that there was a lot still rooted inside of her... so many things about that one day where she lost her sister that she still grieved so heavily; almost as if she lost her sister just the day before. "Hot damn" was all Malaki could say, not trying to be funny or make light of the situation, but he simply didn't know how to react to Sky being so wired from something in her past. A couple of years ago he might have lashed out like that if someone mocked his parents, and even though they obviously wouldn't know the situation, he still wanted to lay them out and make sure that they didn't badmouth his parents again. Malaki always wanted to be stoic and be a rock for others to lean on in emotional times, however he knew that all rocks had some little crack, some weakpoint where, if exploited, it would make the whole thing crumble to pieces, and he knew that was what was happening right now. "And I thought you freaked out really badly at times." Benny told him, and Malaki simply sighed and didn't give him a response. "I wouldn't get too close to her right now. The vipers might get you." Flame said to him, but this statement seriously confused him. The pit of vipers were on the other side of the cave, and there weren't any snakes on the way to Sky, so what exactly was there to be worried about from them? Obviously Sky was in a volatile state, but other than that, there wasn't any clear and present danger to either of them. Malaki slowly stood up and took one more look at the pit before slowly walking his way towards Sky, making sure that he didn't startle her. "Sky... I... I don't even know what to say to try to help you but... I don't think this is it. I know that you're angry and you want her back and you didn't want any of this to happen in the first place, but what good does setting stone on fire and ice going to do? Your sister might not be living anymore, but she's still living on, inside of your memories Sky." Malaki slowly walked his way closer until he was only ten feet away from her. "I know that sounds incredibly cheesy, but I was like this when I lost my parents, at the hands of Ibex no less. I was angry and I would lash out at anyone who would badmouth them at any time, but eventually I had to find peace within myself. Every time I lashed out of pure anger, I was opening a wound and not letting it heal, and it didn't heal until I found a way to find peace with my past. I may not know the specifics, but what I do know is that there needs to be a time to grieve, but also a time to bid your farewells and continue onwards." Malaki knew he was on extremely dangerous territory with how emotionally unstable Sky was at the moment, but he was going to try. This cycle wasn't healthy for her, and he hoped that he would be able to break it. Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I love you... I love how you take care of me." Ero said to him, and Jericho simply nodded as he continued to hum his tune and stroke her hair. His eyes were growing heavily, and even though he desparately wanted to stay awake and continue to cuddle with Ero, he slid a bit in the bed so he could go to sleep. "I love you too Ero." He said, giving her a long kiss before his eyes fluttered some more, and eventually they shut closed, with Jericho falling fast asleep, with Ero in his arms.

Sky | M: Malaki "Sky... I... I don't even know what to say to try to help you but... I don't think this is it. I know that you're angry and you want her back and you didn't want any of this to happen in the first place, but what good does setting stone on fire and ice going to do? Your sister might not be living anymore, but she's still living on, inside of your memories Sky." Malaki said coming up beside her. She tilted her head up at him, her eyes a deep silver. "I know that sounds incredibly cheesy, but I was like this when I lost my parents, at the hands of Ibex no less. I was angry and I would lash out at anyone who would badmouth them at any time, but eventually I had to find peace within myself. Every time I lashed out of pure anger, I was opening a wound and not letting it heal, and it didn't heal until I found a way to find peace with my past. I may not know the specifics, but what I do know is that there needs to be a time to grieve, but also a time to bid your farewells and continue onwards."
Malaki explained to her and she held her head in her hands. He was about ten feet from her, which was a bit too close for her liking. Not because she was angry but for his safety. Her hair glowed before fading and a moment later, a strand reared up hissing. Several came to follow, creating silver vipers hissing at Malaki. The snakes now connected to her head hissed, swaying their heads as if to strike if he dared come any closer. Her medusa power had turned on with the anger surge. "How can I move on when my power is incomplete? Two sides create a whole. Two vipers create a controlled power." Sky said, speaking in riddles before sighing. "She was teaching me to control this power, this anger. When she died, I lost the connection to control it." Sky said, her snakes still swaying but also dipping down now, as if pulled down by her sadness.
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky Malaki jumped backwards out of instinct when Sky's hair turned into silver vipers, the snakes' eyes trained on him and hissing, almost as if they were daring him to get close to her. "How can I move on when my power is incomplete? Two sides create a whole. Two vipers create a controlled power." Sky said, speaking in riddles before sighing. "She was teaching me to control this power, this anger. When she died, I lost the connection to control it." Malaki had to think about it for a second, but he looked back at the statues and it clicked in his head. Those two statues aren't two cobras about to fight one another, they're Sky and her sister. Now it makes sense. He looked at the statues before looking at the pit before finally his eyes returned to Sky. "Okay... first of all, I think that is a cool power to be able to have snakes grow from your hair; kinda reminds me of Medusa. And second, I now understand the statues and your plight... I think. If you have this power, you shouldn't hide it. Use it and train with it so you can figure out how to control it. It's like driving a car: the more you practice with it, the more you are in control, even in situations that aren't exactly ideal." Malaki stopped to think about a followup, but nothing came to mind. "Okay, maybe that was a poor analogy, but you said that your sister was teaching you on how to control that power; wouldn't she want you to keep using it and build off of what she's taught to you before she passed away?"