
Ero I M: Jericho Ero looked at him as he pulled away. He was still so gentle to her, so careful and considerate. She had wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes for a moment. "Please don't pull away." She murmured, opening her eyes to look at Jericho. She had a blush on her cheeks, but her eyes sparkled with her happiness. "I love you, I know I keep saying it, but I do. I love that you love me." She said as she pulled him back closer to her.

Jericho: Mentions: Ero Jericho nodded and leaned back to her, his lips meeting hers and continued the kissing. "Sorry... I just don't want to do anything you don't want to do." He whispered to her, bringing her closer to him before his hands began to rub her back once again. After a minute of this, Jericho deepened his kisses and he looked at her with love in his eyes. "Do you want to sleep with me?" He asked her, his hands rubbing in a small circle on her back. "I wouldn't mind if you did."

Ero I M: Jericho Ero loved as he rubbed her back. It comforted her, made her relax and feel special and loved. She looked at him as he looked back at her. SHe could see the love in his eyes, the feeling making her feel warm and fuzzy inside, a feeling she didn't feel very often, but was so excited to start feeling it more often with Jericho, because he actually loved her. "I... I do." She murmured, eyes glistening with her overwhelming happiness. "If you want, only if you want to." She looked at him, gently kissing him and keeping herself close to him. How did she ever get so lucky?

Jericho: Mentions: Ero "Okay then." Jericho said, before continuing with the affeciton. He shifted his body again and continued to rub her back, but while one hand was rubbing, the other hand hooked her shirt and slowly lifted it. "Maybe... this isn't such a bad thing after all." He murmured, his lips heading down to her neck once again before tipping over. Jericho looked up at her. "Do you want to do this Ero?"

Ero I M: Jericho Ero had never felt happier than in that moment. Everything was finally flipped, she didn't have to give affection anymore, she was being given affection and he was loving her. When he paused for a second and asked her that question a blush spread across her face. "I do Jericho, I really do." ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ero layed against Jericho underneath the covers. She was so happy, so overjoyed, but also very tired. She looked up at him, grin on her face once again. She had neglected to think of the possible consequences of their actions, and she was still neglecting to think about that now. Not very much of what Ero did was done with consideration of the consequences. "I've never been this happy." She told Jericho, snuggling even more against him and resting her head on his chest. Her eyes drifted open and closed for a moment before she pried them back open. "I can't believe you're my boyfriend... You're my first boyfriend y'know." She said sleepily, but still with a grin. She liked talking to him, she didn't want the moment to end, not now, not ever.

Cero | M: Ankoku The man followed him as they walked outside. He seemed a bit nervous before he asked, "If I join your gang...do I have to...hurt people? Or sell them?" Cero blinked before saying quietly, "We do not hurt people unless its in self defense. You will not have to do any of that, I can give you a gaurd or something, but its not dangerous at our base in Nevada. Not many rival gangs around so no gang wars anymore. And no, we don't sell people, they are humans like my gang." He frowned, he didn't like slavery it was digusting.
He looked over at Ankoku again before asking, "Why do you want to join my gang? It takes you away from your mentor if we need to go back to base for some reason." He was slightly curious about it but also concerned, he does not know what Nakao has planned for Ankoku and would rather not start a fight with the man.
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Jericho: Mentions: Ero "I can't believe you're my boyfriend... You're my first boyfriend y'know." She said sleepily, but still with a grin. Jericho grinned and nodded slightly, tired but overjoyed as he lied with Ero in the bed. His arms were wrapped around her and he stayed perfectly still. "I'm glad I'm your boyfriend Ero. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and you're really sweet and caring." Jericho said to her, humming a faint tune and running his hand through her hair once again, staying still and enjoying the moment, not wanting it to ever end. "If this is what life is going to be like from here on out, I don't need to win the lottery, because I already have everything I ever need with you."

Sky & Flame | M: Malaki, each other Sky flew down gently to the bottom where a flaming griffin paced. They both didn't like the pit but they would relax at the end of the tunnel, they normally did. Walking forward, she followed Flame down the tunnel. Drawings seemed to outline the wall, all in red but Sky knew better. A closer look would result in recognition of the blood staining the walls, fire searing it on. Flame walked, her powers slowly fading before coming to a complete halt, vanishing and leaving her feeling empty. Now stuck in her griffin form without fire, she extended a wing over to Sky who was also stuck in her form now.
Sky shook her head, she always hated this part of the tunnel. A hole seemed to well up inside her, where her powers had been. "Hang tight, we're almost through." She said back to Malaki hoping he wouldn't freak out. They finally got to a cave system where their powers came rushing back and both griffins sighed in relief. In front of them was a fountain, in an endless cycle from the pond underneath of it. Flame lit the torches that lined the sides, lighting up the cave and the horrors and beauties that warred inside. Sky let Malaki off her back before shifing into her human form, Flame following beside her. The silver fountain in the dark was now a dark red, the blood still stirring through it. Vipers slithered in a small pit to the side, roused but wary of the newcomers. On one side of the cave, a large tree grew, its leaves spreading out like an extending hand of nature.
On the other side of the clearing, a long rock statue stood, a snake battling another one. One was silver and one was copper brown. They were intertwined and fangs were open and ready. Sky shuddered before following Flame to a long rock, all of it silver colored. Flame sat down to one side before looking over to Sky to make sure she was alright. Sky sat down on the rock, running a hand along it with her eyes closed. Flame explained to Malaki quietly, "This is the place where her sister died. A fight between her and our best friend Amber. Amber survived only because of her extended power to hibernate when near death. Sky's sister didn't make it out of here. We buried her right under the stone."
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Malaki: Mentions: Sky and Flame Malaki wasn't high on the idea of diving into the pit, but before he realized it Sky was letting him off so she oculd shift back into her human form. I guess it wasn't as deep as I thought it was. He looked back and tried to get a better look at the drawings on the side, but the two cobra statues demanded his attention. He whistled at the two, seemingly in battle, but one look at Sky made him realize that it wasn't just for decoration. "This is the place where her sister died. A fight between her and our best friend Amber. Amber survived only because of her extended power to hibernate when near death. Sky's sister didn't make it out of here. We buried her right under the stone." Flame explained to Malaki quietly. Malaki looked at her with a slight amount of shock on his face, before it quickly turned to sadness for Sky. "I... I see." He looked up at the statue one more time before seeing that Sky had sat down, so he sat down beside her. "I... I'm really sorry for your sister Sky. I know it doesn't mean much, but I offer my condolences for you. I can't imagine how hard it must have been then and now." He wanted to wrap an arm around her and comfort her, but he kept his distance and gave her a bit of room.

Ankoku and Nakao Mentions: Cero Ko sighs in relief hearing the man's words and it brought his mind to ease. He doesn't have to worry about such stuff. Not anymore. Hearing his final words, Ko shook his head and removes Nakao's katana from his left hip. "Nakao gave me weapon. Sign that I'm no longer apprentice. He's retired now, so he has no need of me." Attaching the katana back to his hip, a small smile appearing on his face. "Live my own life. Away from a cage. Nakao helped accomplish that." He starts to chuckle, a small glint in his eyes, "Nakao doesn't like admitting it, but I surpassed in the master of katana." Bouncing a little in his step to go over to a tree, then removes his katana from his hip. With his sheathe to his blood still on, he slices the tree and cuts it in half. "I don't even need to unsheathe my sword." Attaching his weapon to his hip, giving the newly formed tree stump a couple of pats. "Sorry, tree. You did well." He whisperer before going back to Cero's side, and his curiosity grew when he sees Nakao in the distance. "Sensei!" He says, waving to the man and he could hear Nakao groan in annoyance. Nakao gets off from the grass, walking over to the two other men. The two talk in Japanese for a bit, then Nakao's eyes shift to Cero. "Give us some privacy, Ko." Ko does so, going over to the tree stump to sit down. Nakao clicks the roof of his tongue before talking, "Cero. Ko used to be a merchandise." He says flatly, placing both hands on his hips, "An orphan baby raised in the black market to act as livestock. Same as I. I never told him that I was part of a gang to make sure he doesn't, you know, snap. I don't want him to go down the path of murderous rampage. Keep him safe for me. He was an expensive motherfucker." Grinning at his final words.