
(I'll be on tomorrow as well! G'night)


Kelly held her breath as Luke came into view. He was searching for her scent, and while he paused to sniff a tree, Kelly slipped out of the crevice and slowly flew father into the woods.

Skadi Lead Scout f 4 Raven wings mimic Skadi had politely declined to play the game with them. The last time she was playing a game the humans attacked. She blamed herself for not paying enough attention. She knew there was nothing she could of done as she was training wolves. It still weighed heavy on her. "I'm gonna run another perimeter check before I go to bed. Gesturing at the tree she had made a comfy leaf bed under it. The full moon casting light on the spot. "Ill probably be here when you get back" she said to Luke before they ran off to play. She stood stretching. Her wings taking her into the air to scout.

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke slowly sniffed around. He then caught a strong scent of Kelly. He saw a rock and smelled inside. "She was here not too long ago." he told himself. He sniffed the air, catching Kelly's scent once more. He was on her tail but still couldn't see her yet. Unknown After the wolf-creature flew by, another one followed. It seemed to be following the first one. The male stood once the two went by. The fox was all eaten. He then caught a trail. A rabbit was not too far and it seemed to be underground. The male followed the scent and soon found it to be very close. He dug above the burrow, caving it in. Then, the rabbit bolted out. The male gave it his all and a wild chase. He finally caught up to it, pouncing and holding its neck. Once dead, he found a scent trail and started to follow it to his friend.

Unknown She stumbled upon a camp? She pumped her violet wings up to the topmost branch of a redwood. Her attention was immediately actracted to a bluish she-wolf that was patrolling the area. Wait- She has wings!? I thought we were the only ones to be expirmented on.... Kelly|F|3|Lead Hunter Kelly circled around spotting a wolf dragging back a fox. She followed him, but stayed out of sight.

Unknown The male held the rabbit in his mouth, following a scent trail. He followed the trail back to a small cave. She left again?! The male thought. He then caught her scent once more. He followed the scent to a river, she seemed to be scaring another wolf (Rocket). The male watched from behind a bush, waiting for the she-wolf (Fawn) to come back to this side of the river.

Wolfex (Is Skadi the wolf your watching. The bluish wolf) Edited at March 7, 2022 09:27 AM by Ravensrun


Unknown After she scared the male wolf(rocket) she ran off back to the bushes where she was at. When she jumped into the bush she fell on her friend(dustin). She quickily got up and said, heh, heh, heh, how did you find me, i thought you were hunting she said as she looked at the ground because she knew she was sposed to stay in the spot dustin told her. (my wolf kiara died this morning....:(((((( Edited at March 7, 2022 09:44 AM by TheHappyHowlers