
Kelly giggled as she watched Luke count out. She hovered on top of a branch, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. She turned around and started steadily flapping, looking for a place to hide.

Aspen after Aspen had gotten into the cage a few minutes later the cage started to shake as the jeep started to move. After a little while the jeep stopped and the human got her out of the cage. Aspen looked around and saw a small wood building with trees around it. The human brought her into the house and there she gave Aspen food water and a warm bed. After about 30 minutes Aspen fell asleep and that's when the human started the sergery to help aspens infected leg. The human did what she had to do then put a bandage on aspens leg that would fall off when her leg was healed.

Unknown A male wolf ran through the trees, chasing a rabbit. He loved the trill of the chase and when his wings were out to his sides in direct lines, it felt as though he was flying even though he already could. The male ran through the trees, coming across a road. A machine bolted by with a wolf in the back. The wolf lost the rabbit but spotted some new prey; a sleeping fox. The wolf crawled on his stomach watching the fox sleep. He then pounced and before the fox knew what was happening, he was long gone. The male, filled with pride, carried the fox back across the road and into the forest once more. He started eating the fox when he saw a figure fly in the trees. The lone male slunk into the shadows to be unseen. He watched as the wolf-looking creature flew by. It seemed to be playing a game but the male ignored it and kept eating his prey.

Kelly flew around until she spotted a small crevice in a rock, just big enough for her to slide into. She abruptly dove into the crevice, scratching her wings and muzzle in the process.

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke counted to his last few numbers. 97...98...99...100!! Luke opened his eyes and smelled the air, the first scent he caught was Kelly's. Luke flew toward a tree that she seemed to be hiding in. "Time to search on foot." Luke told himself. Luke smelled the air and it led him past several trees. She must've been flying pretty fast. Luke thought. He followed Kelly's scent, it getting stronger every second. He then caught another scent of an unfamiliar wolf. Luke's ears stood up. He growled a bit and carried on.

(I was so confused when midnight did an unknown wolf post then I looked in the sign up sheet thing and saw Dustin and oh shoot forgot her name but ya lol XD)

Abyss abyss was relieved when they landed for a break. She loved the feeling of flying but she got sick of it after a while. When she was put down she bolted to her mom and snuggled into her mom's soft fur. Soon she fell asleep as she cuddled up to her mom. (goodnight everyone!)

Edited at March 6, 2022 11:07 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Taiyō opening their eyes from the sore resting they where currently in. Getting up let out a brisk howl that seemed to have a cold baring to the tone. Picked themselves up and looked around the soft Moore land. Rocket He rested by the stream that seemed plentiful of fish and had a cold flow. He nudged rocks in with his nose out of boredom. [ Free interaction with either Taiyō or rocket but if you're gonna interact with Taiyō please read their page so their no confusion with them : ) ] Edited at March 6, 2022 11:12 PM by Morning Pace

Unknown/ the other unknown wolf knows her XD the unknown wolf stalked a bug, she knew she wasn't sposed to be out but she was bored so she went out anyways. She then pounced at the bug, it flew away but she didn't mind she watched as it flew into the night sky. She then heard some rocks moving so she went to investigate. She saw a male wolf at the side of a stream. (rocket) She watched as the wolf moved rocks around with is nose, why she thought to herself as she watched him. She then decided to scare him so she stalked him and at the right moment she jumped out of the bushes and said boo as she landed right Infront of the male wolf. (goodnight everyone I'll be on tomorrow!) Edited at March 7, 2022 12:13 AM by TheHappyHowlers