
this is one of skys daughters, her name is Selina im playing her! i also put her in adult so she could have the wings.She just has wings btw. This is her as a pup just to show you This is sky other child, im not sure if its a girl or boy yet also if anyone want to play this one plase pm me! Also this one dosent have a power they just colorful.This is adult And this is pup

(they are really pretty, Howlers!)

(thanks! do you want to play the other one?)

Kelly jumped, teeth bared, at who was talking. She realized it was Luke, and her wings dropped back down to her sides, changing colors still, but slower and with more pretty colors, like gold, lavender and Aqua. Luke slipped down from the tree and padded over to the river she was at. "I'm ok- I mean I'm feeling better..." She started, suddenly interested in a Brooke swimming by,"I'm just scared- The loud stick reminded me of my mothers death, and the blood so much of it.." She shivered, her wings dark green,"Plus Maples outburst scared me and Aspen's wound..."

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke looked at Kelly and sighed. "My parents were both killed by that stick. Luna and I were captured by the humans who took away our parents. I don't understand why they killed our parents, saved us, put us in an enclosure, tested us, and now they want to kill us. Why? Humans are terrible beings and I understood why Maple hates them that much. They had killed her parents too and she somehow doesn't mind loud shots or thunder. Luna and I are deathly afraid of it. Since I've talked about myself, mind telling me about your past? It's alright if you don't want to." Luke said, listening for any footsteps in case humans had found them.

Kelly nodded, her wide eyed looking by right into his. "I never knew my mom. She was killed by hunters. After that I was sent to a zoo, then I was sent to the wild. But it wasn't really the wild because prey was never scarce and their were no other foxes or badgers or eagles, I was a loner, no other wolves in sight." Kelly sighed, her wings shimmering gold and purple,"then I got sent here, I was the first wolf here, caught from the "wild" by illegal poachers and sold to the lab. I thought I was going to die there. But I hope I never go back.." Kelly's voice caught. "I love this pack. And the wolves in it," She finished shyly, looking down.

Sky after a while sky flew up to luna. hey can me and blue go off a little ways sky asked luna as she flew by her. She would look back at blue every so often and look back at luna as she waited for her anser. Blue blue watched as sky flew to luna. He was curious but stayed where he was. he would look away when she would look at him.

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna looked at Sky. Abyss was in her mouth so she couldn't talk. Luna just nodded. She tried to say "be back soon" but it came out as "ee ack soon". Luna hoped that Sky understood and let them fly off. I wonder what they are doing. Luna wondered. (Howlers, I may play the pup but I have four characters. Should I change it so everyone could have 6 characters if they'd like? PS. I'll do Luke in a bit)

(Yes you should change it so I can play sky's little pup and it not be over! Plus you can make a wolf boy for kelly and Kelly can make a wolf boy for maple! If you guys want to ofc but ya you should! I'll make sky's and blues post in a little also I won't be on from 5 to like 7 I think

Oh wait I have to go now but I'll be on around 7 or 8 I'll make sky's and blues post then