
Blue blue laughed as Skadi tagged him. He then ran after her. When she flew up into the air he fell onto luke. He quickly tagged luke and flew into the sky. He then landed a few feet away from luke and waited. Sky sky laughed blue fell onto luke. Sadly thought this was the frist time in skys life that she had this much fun. She landed on a branch above blue and looked down at him. When blue saw her he rolled his eyes, at that she laughed as she lifted her head to see where luke was at. (also Skadi is so pretty!) Edited at March 5, 2022 05:52 PM by TheHappyHowlers



(i have to get off but ill be on later!)

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke fell to the ground after Blue fell on him. Luke laughed and flew up. He looked at Sky, seeing that she hadn't been tagged in a while. He flew to her and tried to stop. He instead barreled into the tree and laughed. "Whoops!" he said. He stood on a branch and tagged Sky's wing. He then flew down to the ground, panting for a moment. Luke then flew back up to a tree branch, close to Skadi. (Is it just me or does anyone else feel like something dramatic is going to happen soon)

Kelly|F|3|Lead Huntress|Wings/Change colors w/emotions Kelly flapped awkwardly to the wolves. "I- Uh, hi can I play?" She mumbled, her glorious wings catching gold and shimmering all the colors of the rainbow as the beat in a steady pattern to keep her upright. (Midnight; I know right.) Edited at March 5, 2022 09:03 PM by Wolfex

Luke|M|4|Wings/Feathers|Warrior Luke looked over at Kelly. "Of Course, you can join! Right now.." Luke looked around for Sky. He then pointed to her. "Sky's it!" He said, flying to another tree to avoid getting tagged. He laughed and looked at Kelly's wings. How do her wings do that? Luke wondered. Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna wandered toward where Kelly was. There were four wolves playing a game of tag. Luna listened to Kelly ask and Luna asked, "May I join too?" Although she was the Alpha, she couldn't just join a game randomly. She looked at her brother up in the tree running from Sky. Luna heard that they could join and flew a few branches above Luke. She laughed and said, "This will be fun." Luke nodded and Luna watched Sky. (So I finally made them and here's Luna) (Here's Luke) (Here's Maple) (Maple is probably my favorite and I had to put her in beta position so you could see her back markings) (Howlers, if you want, you could do Sky's pups so we know what they look like) Edited at March 5, 2022 09:56 PM by The Midnight Wolves

There all pretty midnight! I'll also do her pups tomorrow! Sky sky laughed as Luke tagged her. She saw that Luna and Kelly had joined the fun. She flew down and tagged Kelly then flew back up into the air as she laughed. She then heard a bang and a sharp pain in her wing. She tryed to stay in the air but her eyes became heavy. Before she knew it she was falling out of the sky at a rapid pace. She soon hit the ground and that took the breath out of her. She saw all the wolves cround around her but then it went pitch black. Blue blue saw as sky hit the ground. He rushed over to her as tears began to form. Before long he heard a heavy duty thing start up.(a bulldozer) He then heard tree cracking and before long a big yellow thing cam through the trees with humans right behind it. The humans began to shoot at them. He quickly grabbed sky and took off. He didn't know where he was going but he was determined to save sky but he then remembered Aspen. He stopped and looked at luna, he knew she was alpha and he was giving her his trust as he waited for instructions. (Did you guys call for drama? Well here it is lol, hope you don't mine) Edited at March 5, 2022 10:10 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Kelly grinned, feeling happier. She looked at Luke's eyes. She tilted her head. How are they so green? She laughed as he darted towards another tree, out of reach of sky. Kelly realized she was it and tried to dart away, but was a second to late, Sky's paws grazed her side. "Your it!" She called, laughingly. Kelly flipped around, looking for Luke, oblivious to the scene below her.

Luna|F|4|Understands Birds/Wings|Alpha Luna barked at the giants and humans realizing that they were not going to turn back. She looked at the other wolves. "Blue, get Sky. Kelly and Skadi, go tell the others to get out of here, then go, scout, the way Skadi! Luke, get Aspen. I'll go get Emily and Abyss. Luna raced toward Emily and let her climb on her back. She then took Abyss and held her carefully in her mouth. She barked to the wolves, signaling them to follow Skadi. Wolves were running and flying, all fleeing into the forest. Saoirse|F|3|Wings/Feathers|Scout Saoirse awoke, flying out of her tree. She then felt something whiz past her. She flew right behind Luna, wondering if they'd be fine. Saoirse didn't seem panicked, she was just very confused. (yes, drama! >:) Edited at March 5, 2022 10:23 PM by The Midnight Wolves